Happy New Year & Update 02 Info!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Navoletti

  2. Sn4tcH20

    Two questions:

    1. When we transfer servers, do all the purchases done with that character transfer as well?

    2. Is there any possibility that we can change our characters name?
  3. sustainedfire

    Long to never I would guess.

    If anything, we will get snow mobiles first- which are flash bodys mounted to skis and a tread. Then sunderers with treads. Then Buggies. Then there is the proposed flying Capital Ships. And more continents.

    Hope your patient, its going to be a while before naval battle ever comes into the picture.
  4. sustainedfire

    Oh, and does anyone really want naval battles? Im hard pressed to imagine a swimming mechanic that is fun.
  5. Evil Monkey

    When this patch comes out, can you please give us proper patch notes. Like the ones Starcraft do.

    I recognize SoEs right to change in-game items but I resent the total lack of transparency

    EDIT: "We changed stuff" is not good enough.
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  6. PharmD

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  7. sestun

    If your being farmed by HE tanks get out a AP tank and kill them all. Same with the air. Put your sniper rife away and get a weapon for the job in your face.
  8. FrAzE

    I understand there are always chances of discovering buggs in a game post launch. but here's an idea - How about we launch a game when it can be called a finished product ??
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  9. Angelos Sanguinum

    We need described changes now actually, not +2 weeks struggle with OP [IMG] .
  10. ReubenSandwich

    I have a couple of things I strongly feel should be included in the patch.

    1. Rotate the faction warp gates every 1-2 months. I'd like to push out from somewhere new just to give the feel that things are different.
    2. I would actually like to see a total population number when I look at the maps under the respective percentages. Why? I don't want my platoon to move to another continent for a fight and then suddenly see the faction percentage jump 15%.

    There are detailed overall/faction changes I'd like to see, but that is a different story.
  11. TheScapegoat

    So it will be interesting to see how yesterday's AA fix, will hold up with xp for vehicle damage rolls out in the next major patch.
  12. NxPawelPL

    Hi, I have two problems with the game, namely;

    #1 - sometimes when I turn on the game, graphics "flashing" it means come and gone and so ten times per second, but after restarting game the bug disappears,

    #2 - the other problem is that when I press "M", map loads for a long time, and runs very slowly as if to hang, I hope that not only I have such problems and they will be fixed in the upcoming patch.

    My PC: i5 3570K, 8GB RAM, GeForce GTX 660Ti 3GB,

    Greetings :)

    Ps. I'm very sorry for my poor English
  13. Phantom99

    Yay! for Tunnels and smg's, and everything else! :p
  14. Hatamoto

    Tunnels and SMG:s, two of the most asked for things during beta ... that and low end gpu optimization .. cant wait for this patch!
  15. Oain Niao

    Please have some patience. they will get all things done in time, They cant do everything in one patch.
  16. LeFitz

    Last update buffed anti-air capabilities of several stuff. Does it mean you will be slowly implementing items from the patch list ahead of time?
  17. Chicken Wings

    May I just say that that link deserves its own front page thread somewhere.
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  18. Arcanum

    From what they said there's probably at least one more update coming before the big update at the 30th. Hope they announce a loose timeframe in advance this time.
  19. Chevy

    Seriously...This is a damn joke!

    I appreciate all your work, BUT people spend money into this game, from which your salary gets paid and those players can expect an optimized game which delivers good FPS on a PC which hits the requirements - at least after 4 months!

    Before implementing new Weapons or Tunnels, you should put all your menpower into the optimization issue!!!

    You say this takes more time? Thats a damn joke - You just need to focus your people on that problem.

    I spend like 100 € for PS2 (gear, boosts etc.) and I play on minimum settings with a resolution of 1024x and a renderdistance of 500 metres.

    I was patient in the beginning...But now this game is like - dunno - 4 - 5 months old?! I played a lot of MMO´s and if there has been any big performance problems, those got fixed in the first 2 months.

    And you guys put new weapons in the game to sell more stuff...


    I quit playing now and won´t pay a penny for this game anymore. Give me a call when you did your homework.
  20. Arcanum

    Looks like you should have spent those 100 € on computer hardware.
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