Happy infantry = happy tanking/happy bombing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tuco, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. JackD

    I acutally don´t get it, i had some awesome infantry battles that got me hooked on this game. Dozens of infantry soldiers running to the night to the next base, no noise except soldiers running up the hill and after the crowed arrives at the top, sees the enemy base and the players the sky starts to get brgt by all the bullets and rockets flying in every direction.

    There a a lot of Bases which call for infantry, yes the design could be better sometimes, but it is realy not that bad also you can just spawn a Sunderer drive to the next small base, depoy it that often will start an infantry battle.
  2. Tuco

    The first Liberator that shows up, dead sundy.
  3. JackD

    Well, if the Sundys doesn´t want to use his Guns, than he doesn´t deserve better.
  4. Tuco

    Yeah shoot that Liberator 700 meters away, yeah yeah yeah. You know how many times a prowler driver kicked me out of a vehicle cause I was shooting at a plane more than 200 meters away? peckers
  5. Turiel =RL=

    Do not mix up two different subjects. Sunderers get farmed because they are visible and Liberators with composite armor and afterburners cannot be destroyed, even by 5 Bursters.

    1. The concept of spawning in PS2 is obviously flawed, because it leads to exzessive spawn-camping.

    2. Liberators are broken and need to be fixed. Liberators currently represent the equivalent to the Flight-BFR from PS1 = some undestructable killmachine that would always escape when in danger. I remember these days when I would spawn my Eagle and play all night with it except for the rare occasions when I landed on mines.

    3. PS1 offers effective solutions to both problems.
  6. ElTango

    I would like to see something similar to a sky-guard given to sunderers. Having two heavy AA turrets would be a great deterrent to bombing runs.
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  7. Turiel =RL=

    This is there the problem of merging different vehicles becomes obvious. The Sunderer can already do way too much. It is a bus, an AMS, a Lodestar (ammo supply), it can spawn MAX units (tower), it has firepower (AI-weapons) and now you want it to be a Skyguard also.

    I recommend attaching a big cannon (Flail) and allow it to fly around like a Galaxy. If I think about it a bit longer, it should be able to spawn vehicles also.
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  8. JackD

    From 700 Meters all a Lib can kill are bad players. From this distance you cant see infantry. if he uses the Dalton you can just repair the Sunderer if he uses the Zephyr you can just drive away.

    I don´t see it, first of all we are talking about Liberators here with at least 2000 certs investet, so natuaraly that should make them better. Nobody complains how a Shredder Lib kicks his ***. All it needs to destroy a Lib is one ESF. Which needs half the crew and is way cheaper, so there is a pretty reasobale counter for the Lib.

    Second, Libs in a hight of 600 meters or above are a joke not a threat. You can only hit stationary targets. The Zephyr is useless against those Targets, the Dalton is designed for it but it is pretty easy for a sunderer to survive a attack from that altitude, the driver can just repair it or drive away, that is how easy it is.

    The Lib is most deadly while slow moving in about 300-350 Meters. If a lib does that it is very vulnerable, you can shoot it with the default main canon of a tank. The only reason the Lib is such a big threat now, is that most people just don´t give a **** about AA and just hope that someone else will destroy it.
  9. Dingus148

    The problem being:
    a) players on the ground have other things to worry about, besides air threats. They have threats from the ground to worry about as well. AA is so useless against other threats that you have to cripple your ground effort in order to protect yourself from the air.
    b) you should never have to go air if you don't want to. Pilots should be part of the game, but not everyone wants to jump in an ESF and go lib hunting. Not everyone has air power on standby. The ground should always be a threat to air, instead of a nuisance. I'll grant that MAXs need a nerf or they need to be drawn in at longer distances. But G2A missile launchers and Skyguards need some love.

    I sound like a broken record right now lol. I hope people stop taking this us vs. them mentality and try to find a working solution before this game dies on the vine. No ground means the game will end up of nothing but ESFs dogfighting over empty continents, with all the libs having nothing to shoot at.
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  10. Turiel =RL=

    This video shows the gameplay that can evolve around a cloaked AMS in PS1. It's not only more advanced, it is also quite funny. Btw, in the end he kills the NC AA-MAX with a Striker. That is a TR weapon-system similar to the Annihilator.

    Note: You can "hack" a vehicle in that game and switch it to your own empire.
  11. Turiel =RL=

    Yes, that is true. There is only one catch to it. This becomes obvious if we consider the perfect strategy for everyone. If you can become invincible for 2000 certs, everyone should do it. If you see nothing but Liberators in the air, you should go for a hard-counter, but there is no effective hard-counter to it. Since Liberators cannot be countered because they always escape, we will end up with nothing but Liberators. Unfortunately there will be no ground troops left to be killed and that's why people get bored and quit this game.

    While this may sound funny, or even ridiculous, but it is exactly what happend in PS1 with the Aftershock Expansion when indestructible BFRs (similar to the walker in BF2142) got introduced.
  12. Deathcapt

    I would give the AMS a cert which replaces it's defensive slot which projects a infantry only shield around it when deployed. It proved a 10m radius bubble that stops all weapons (friendly and enemy), but infantry can pass through it unharmed.

    maybe it projects the shield to 1 side, and doesn't protect itself, but protects infantry spawning there.
  13. JackD

    a) Yes, thats right but you can´t just ignore the threat and call for a nerv. medium sized bases do have AA Turrets, if you don´t man those it´s your fault.

    b) That is right to, but also you don´t have to go to air if you don´t want to. The Server population is big enough that there are always pilots. As a Lib Pilot i need friendly EFS Pilots in the air too or iam easy prey.
    And the ground is a real thread. Good Liberator Pilots normally don´t venture into enemy terretory, normaly that is certain death, espacially if there is a large scale battle on the ground. Most Liberator Pilots fly aren´t even 5 Minutes in the air.

    No, that is just nor right, ESF are a pretty good counter for Liberators. And they don´t manage to escape all the time. Iam a pretty decend Pilot. If get hit from the ground i get away 90 % of the time thats right, but well iam an aircraft you can´t follow me with a tank. But if iam followed by an ESF and he wants the kill its a 50/50 but only when i have a good tail gunner, if not iam dead most of the time is no friendly ESF comes and helps.
  14. Turiel =RL=

    ESF get taken down by other ESF, they equal each other out. Of course we can draw a scenario where everything works against Liberators and in this case you can get rid of them, but usually it doesn't happen. Liberators are dominating, because nothing else is working - this is a fact.
  15. Dingus148

    I don't want a nerf for the air, quite the opposite. I'd like to see a buff to AA to either a) make it effective against ground to a degree, so it isn't completely situational or b) make it hit harder but make it harder to use, so that good pilots can still dodge it, but bad pilots can no longer flit away and repair until the end of time. B is my preference, because good pilots should never be punished...they're good pilots for a reason. As is, AA is broken and they haven't done anything to fix its scalability. It's still scalable, its just now it's only usable in large quantities (and taking advantage of infantry draw distance). I think this is fair for neither the ground troops nor the pilots, and I think it's a cop out that this is what they call "working as intended"