HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Lockdown Burstermax

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kaarl, May 22, 2013.

  1. Bearcat

    Lockdown is a huge disadvantage for survivability, so it looks like a good tradeoff to me. In PS1, locked-down Bursters were powerful too, and they were not game breaking. I'm sure they will be fine in PS2 as well.
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  2. Kociboss

    That's what we call tactical superiority.
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  3. sindz

    What are you even talking about? People have continuously complained about lockdown paired with bursters. But guess what, no matter how many threads that have been made about this topic, we can't change ****, only SOE can.

    But again, telling a TR player that an ability they got is OP and actually having the TR player admit its op, is right around the same as the moon turning purple.

    Its over, son. Admit it.
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  4. ChaosX5

    Only to get to destinations quicker. I like them... but infantry combat is always my favorite
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  5. Goretzu

    To be fair they often just ignore the Test Server.

    The big problem with Lockdown (and possibly ZOE) is that they may well be unbalanceable in PS2, certainly they are going to have to be pretty weak to be so.

    The TTK is just too short in PS2 compared to PS1, and there were instances in PS1 where Lockdown was OP on MAXs.
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  6. Excellentz

    Hahahaha I think people are going to be switching to Racer 3 for their reaver. Good luck hovering anywhere
  7. Bolticus

    Well, you should try to get into dogfighting. Quite exciting. You'll also get a glimpse at the insane power of bursters. WHEN you try to go after ground targets. It's not very hard to dodge burster MAXes, but you can't stop moving, which means you can't take aim.
  8. oherror

    well what ever happens i'll be lapping up the tears of downed ESF pilots. I will lockdown/ZOE burster them to death for much fun. Its going to be great. Though i do think the ZOE is going to own ESF way better then the lock down since your mobile.
  9. Kronic

    Lockdown should just increase projectile velocity and maybe a 5-10% TTK increase. ATM they're just OP as hell.
  10. Myka

    Cannot believe they allowed Lockdown to affect Bursters. TR already control the skies with the ******* Striker, this is just going to cement their air dominance.

    ******* unbelievable.
  11. Goretzu

    1. TTK is much, much, much, much shorter in PS2 already, this effectively magnifies any DPS increasing ability and reduces the viablity of tactics to be used against it.

    2. There's many more chokepoints and position to use Lockdown in PS2 that negate much if not all of the mobility drawback.

    3. As things stand 2 of the 3 factions are getting significantly buffed and one is getting a shield. :confused:
  12. Ash87

    You are well and truly adorable if you really think Lockdown is the harbinger of chaos and destruction.

    I know this is a foreign concept to you and people like you, but not everything needs to be nerfed. It is much simpler to say: "This is slightly difficult, lets have it nerfed rather than learn to adapt." I have no clue what I am to be admitting, as Lockdown only increases ROF and does nothing to damage. The person still has to hit the target, the target still has time to get away, C4 still works, guns still work, tanks still work, and now it's not like the max can punch you, because it's rooted into the ground.

    there has been an anchor mode available to TR for a LONG time and the TR hate it. HATE it. This will be no different.

    Oh, and I know it's so difficult for you, being ignored by the big mean company that didn't listen to your ideas. Here: :eek:

    See? I'm scandalized.
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  13. Themanwithaplan

    not if you're TR, that's the point, did you even bother reading?
  14. S1eB

    Is there any point in trying to use and ESF anymore?

    Godamn 30% buff in flac armour last patch and now this?

    I'm so sick and tired of MAXs both on the ground and in the air.
  15. MorganM

    I totally thought that so I bought some SC and got another burster, heavily certed into my MAX, and it's so rare that this actually happens. Pilots get wise REAL quick. What happens more often is you spend 90% of your time standing around waiting for targets that never or rarely come.
  16. loleator

    So NC maxes are allowed to rip through infantry even better than before (which is a lot to say), VS maxes are allowed to better against everything, even with upgraded damage bursters, but nobody will complain since they are pink.
    However the TR max is not allowed to be good against enemy aircraft (you wont be using this against maxes as they can charge past you and you're a bullseye for rockets and C4's, or against tanks, since you're an easy target to get a tank round between your eyes).

    This on top of they having cool toys to replace the standart dumbfire while we get an useless against skilled people lock on.

    Why? Why did I choose to be TR on the first place and not NC or VS when I was level 0 and just liked the color?
  17. MorganM

    Sounds super easy right?

    A lot of times bursters are up in a tower on the landing pads or other elevated areas. You can't hit them with those things you suggest.
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  18. sindz

    What a complete random load of text.

    So you are saying increased ROF isn't a huge benefit when looking at Bursters? ROF minimize the targets window of actually getting away, making it easier and _alot_ faster to kill targets. And in a game like PS2 where TTK is already incredible low, this is downright stupid. If you can't grasp this concept, then I might aswell go argue with my mailbox.

    And lastly, pair bursters with teh striker and you have the best AA faction in the game by far, no one even remotely comes close. See how it could be a tad OP? But you being TR, I guess you can't.
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  19. powerz

    Putting more pilots in the air is the fix for the current air problems.....no need to do crap like this by buffing and nerfing relentlessly with every single patch....just fix the god damn joystick controls and more pilots will be in the sky to counter the current wave of jet jockies......or SOE can spend their time making more $7 hats and watch the population plummet while core input issues like joystick support go un addressed and swept under the rug.
  20. DamageKing

    4TH faction represent.