HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Lockdown Burstermax

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kaarl, May 22, 2013.

  1. Kaarl

    LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL Hopefully this will be what pushes SOE to finally fix AA, this thing is insane when one burster is using it I cant wait till tonight when we have a squad of them sitting outside a warpgate. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.
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  2. PhilDun

    If this is true - if the devs didn't tone down Lockdown for Bursters like they said they would - then it's time to make the switch to TR.
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  3. sindz

    Its beyond the most ******** thing i have ever seen. limited angel my ***. How this made it past test server...
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  4. TomaHawk

    Lockdown BursterMAX? What is this?
  5. HMR85

    No worries. My C4 is looking for some clumped up targets. Please deploy next to each other.

    The Enemy.
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  6. Morpholine

    So, they decided to cement airspace domination as a TR-only faction trait?
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  7. PS2Freak

    yeah, i stop using esf... gg soe.

    now everybody should just switch to tr... new fotm. and old fotm
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  8. HMR85

    So what was the adjustments they made to the TR bursters to cut down on the ROF when deployed? limited the angle? I was under the impression it was getting a fix before release.
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  9. Kaarl

    it seems like it is on the low end of the 35% to 50% projectile speed and fire speed bonus. Im guessing its a 35% increase, where the mercy might be the 50%.

    edit. It doesnt matter, its still LOL% increase
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  10. IamDH

    i highly doubt they actually did that, im still patching atm
  11. PS2Freak

    they did that just tested
  12. Radec594

    They did change it, it was on the Test Server.
    Lockdown gave dynamic increase to ROF, depending on the weapon; the Buster felt like a 15-20% increase, not the full 40% other guns get.
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  13. ChaosX5

    GOOD! Too many ******* pilots that just shred through infantry. NOW you need to get out of your ***** *** planes and come fight like men!
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  14. Dvine

    This is ******* unbeliveable!!

    How did it made past internal testing?
  15. Ganelon

    So, lockdown is OP but ZOE isn't? I perceive faction bias.
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  16. Roarboar

    Come at me with your c4,it does almost as much damage as a dumbfire rocket.
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  17. NoctD

    The ZOE is even better - the TR MAX puts out Bursters faster, but the ZOE needs less rounds since they do more damage. You lose a bit of DPS, but you have a lot more sustainability vs. TR's bullet hose mode.

    Both of these, are just downright bad to air.

    And the balancing SOE did? Some weapons benefit less from lockdown/ZOE than others, so I'm guessing Bursters are gaining the low end of the lockdown/ZOE buffs.
  18. TeknoBug

    For months we've been telling devs to not allow MAX abilities to affect bursters, of course the inevitable happens and the devs let that slip by.
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  19. rickampf

    Loll... im just going to fully cert my anchored max mode... the Reaver and Scythe pilots will have a baaaaddd time fighting against the almighty Terrans.
    Now... time for some airfarm.
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  20. Stormlight666

    If you're whining about a group of lockdown bursters stopping air from coming out a warpgate, you're a sad sad player. BECAUSE YOU CAN GET A PHOENIX (if you're NC) or a LANCER (if you're VS) or GET A TANK and shoot the IMMOBILE TARGETS!

    Adapt as players or suffer us mocking your pitiful whining.
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