GU13 Scout and Prox radar changes

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Plague Rat, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. bogroll

    What about the Wraith Cloaking Device on the Flash? Anybody know if this'll be affected by the radar changes too?
  2. Wayfar

    That is actually a good question. Don't know the answer, but if they keep things in line with everything else that would mean the cloak shouldn't keep you from showing up on the minimap either.
  3. BDCameron1

    Well i think the scout radar is BS!!! i use my infiltrator for what it was made for. going behind the lines to prep enemy bases for the oncoming attack. back there, there is no danger for the vehicle to be worried about. so just slap on your scout radar with no worriers and go kill the pest. THANKS SONY for screwing me again.
  4. Whiskey Victor

    I wouldn't worry too much. The only significant scout radar that people ran regularly was the flash radar. Now that doesn't work unless you are sitting on it with a big SHOOT ME sign painted on your chest/head.
  5. Aimeryan

    Except these "dummy flashes" can be put in spawn rooms, behind generator-shields, anywhere there is a lot of infantry and a hard to spot/hit area. All it requires is an "alt" account.
  6. Scudmungus

    If somebody wants to run the game on a spare lappy or in the background of their beastly machine*, level up a Flash Radar, pull it and park it, retrieve, re-park/position then..

    ..that seems alot of effort!

    All those blips on the radar, one of them is us. Seems a lot of energy for little benefit.

    I personally wouldn't have the time but I can see someone doing it, though not many.

    Perhaps in an extended zerg fest.

    ..but I really don't like zerg fests, so not really worried.

    Of course, the reality might be different!

    *He says, puttering along on his wooden machine..
  7. Aimeryan

    There is some initial effort involved (although this might be relatively small if you are just using the vehicle pad outside your spawn room), but once done it is effortless.

    I agree for small quick skirmishes this will be unlikely to be set up, although people driving around on flashes or other vehicles might still be present. I feel it is more likely to be done when on the defence because of the ease of access to pulling one, however, sadly this happens to be the situation in which our infiltrating ability is completely destroyed.
  8. Jkar

    Don't underestimate what people will go through to get an edge on you and information on enemy movements is a big edge in PS2. I still remember the old days of MMOs where people were playing several characters on several PCs side by side and they had to pay a subscription for every one of them unlike PS2.
  9. GlyphZero

    definitely just lolrolled onto some infils this morning as my tr heavy with starter shield and NW2 on my radar flash, no reason not to clear the lines behind you in a zerg. i haven't tried certing radar on a mossie yet but if sniping were a thing air could get in and out faster than a flash esp when you're in a big well organized group that can give a location hint for you to pop some tags.
  10. illgot

    Spawn max radar flash with main. Use second account and hop on flash. Swap seats with main. Use main to hunt down all enemies while keeping the second acive.
  11. Inu

    It's not really worth while to alt a flash, it's more worthwhile to log on to the opposite faction. Seriously.
  12. Inu

    They have to be moving. A smart Infi. is going to learn to not move, and use their environment as best they can.
  13. Syphers

    Maybe this change wouldnt't suck that much if they didn't introduce the Lattice in the first place. Bon chance infiltrating anything when it's all about zerg fights now, an handful of people will obviously sit in their vehicles. Whoever come up with these ideas doesn't think enough.
  14. Get2dachoppa

    Well I logged out, probably done for the night. Air dropped into an Amp Station, assumed a sniper perch just before realizing the VS had given up the attack. Within about 20 seconds I started taking extremely accurate fire despite being in a tight space. The final hit that killed me I was cloaked and shifting positions, so obviously that didn't help me. Defenders clearly pulled radar. There's not much point trying to lone wolf snipe unless there is a major attack going on. Small scale, tactical surprise attacks are pointless anymore with all the damn radar in this game and zero counters for it.