GU13 Scout and Prox radar changes

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Plague Rat, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Rohxer

    I get what you're saying, but I was killed many (way, way, way, way, way too many) times last night by vehicles while running between buildings while cloaked. If they were running thermals I'd have been completely 100% invisible. And these were all high BR players (with extremely high vehicle K/D ratios), so they clearly had the funds to purchase thermals and seemingly knew what they were doing. Maybe this was an off night, but I've been running into more vehicles that see me stealthed lately, which means no thermals. Proximity radar changes just make it worse.
  2. [HH]Mered4

    A piloted ESF with RADAR is NOT a terror to deal with.

    Really. Call up your friend the burster max, or grab an AA launcher for a cheap 250 certs, and shoot the sucker down.
    By virtue of their attachment, they need to stay close to the ground so they can kill infantry and vehicles. In addition, they dont have flares, fire suppression, or auto repair.

    All of which protect you in one way or another from lock ons, flak, and small arms fire. Running with scout radar leaves you immensely more vulnerable to an enemy with any brains. And QRY. Always QRY. :D

    Someone running Scout Radar is probably spec'ced into lolpods and the A2G weapon for his ESF, so he can go completely A2G.
    1v1 or 1v5, he better be able to kill you with impunity. What he cannot defend against are A2A loadouts, or even someone like me who runs Rotary+lolpod combo. Its just not gonna happen,

    If you cant kill a highly specialized vehicle, you are doing it wrong.

    Also, I can count on one hand the number of Scout Radars I have seen outside of VR in the past six months.

    I like these prox radar buffs; maybe they will stop the C4 nerf ;) and maybe make folks in tanks and other places learn to get some brains and situational awareness. :p
  3. DFDelta

    I'm running Scout Radar ESF with a fully certed Saron (thermals+mag size) and a2a missiles (or fully certed Airhammer when playing NC) when playing on low pop continents (small scale battles, as mentioned above), also nano repair is a defense slot and can be combined with radar.
    A single MAX is not hard to kill with the basic nose gun if its not hiding inside the spawn. A single guy with a launcher is no problem for a ESF that runs radar. The one missile will not kill it and the guy will be found and dead before he has reloaded.

    I can usually kill anyone with impunity except for tanks with g2a secondaries, Skyguards (you can't outTTK these things if you only have the nosegun), ESF (both because I'm not a good pilot and also because I don't have a rotary and they usually do) or massed pulls of g2a capable infantry. In which case I've already won because if they are so concentrated on me my guys will just run over them.

    I stand by my point:
    ESF scout radar in small scale combat was and is a pain to deal with, and this update will make it even better.
    ESF scout radar in large scale combat will almost entirely disappear.

    Also I stand by my earlier point that tanks proximity radar changes actually made it worse. (as in, new radar is inferior to the old one)
    • Up x 2
  4. Rohxer

    My radar ESF is a terror in small engagements. (who flies an ESF through a large engagement anyway?) That guy who pulls his AA launcher will die before he takes me out. It's frankly hilarious to see the lock-on alert as I'm turning towards a heavy with a big tube on his shoulder and then air hammer him before the missile leaves the tube. Burster maxes are definitely trickier, but then he's stuck in a max for the foreseeable future which isn't as useful in a smaller battle.

    I run radar, air hammer, + A2A missiles most of the time (occasionally ABs). Air hammer is more than sufficient for taking care of ground threats that I pulled the plane for in the first place, and if I spot the incoming enemy ESF before they see me, the A2A missiles are a handy deterrent. If they have flares it usually scares them off. If they don't they usually turn and run, where I just follow and finish them off. If I'm spotted first though, then, yeah I've got a much greater chance of losing my plane, but that's the way most engagements in this game go. But as I don't lolpod hover, since the A2G cannon kills much faster (and quieter), it's harder to sneak up on me with a loud plane.

    Yes, but It'll cost some resources or at least time though.

    1 per month? They _are_ rare, but not that rare. :p I see a couple a night besides me in just my own faction. I'm sure other factions are similar.

    Hey I like people who lack situational awareness!
    • Up x 1
  5. Wayfar

    Validation! Those are basically the changes I had suggested before (along with others I'm sure). Glad for the changes personally... SAVE for the fact that you still don't have away to know if those systems are detecting you. The darts have a tone to let you know to stay still. These kind of detection aren't as easy to pinpoint sadly.
  6. ColdCheezePizza

    Infils better start saving up for those implants because the scout radars are coming for you :eek:
  7. Wayfar

    The issue is, that if they see you they don't need to hit you. You have lower health and with some weapons, if shot quickly enough can take you out with a few shots of splash damage.

    You play PS2. You should know the devs don't want an inf even looking at anything with tires, treads, or hoverjets.
  8. ColdCheezePizza

    hahahahahaha damn that cracked me up.

    Not sure why I think this is so funny, prob reminded me of something that happened last night. The zerg had just capped a tech plant and there was a stationary red dot somewhere around the support beams and a mob of at least 30-40 people were frantically searching every where for it, players where switching to LA and checking every nook and cranny to find this guy and it went on for at least 5 mins, I got up to wizz and there were still a few tanks shooting random shells at the beams hoping to get lucky and hit a cloaked infil even though it was pretty obvious it was a glitch or something lol
  9. GraphicJ

    As a sniper/infiltrator I wouldn't worry as much. There are so many lock ons in the game that many pilots are weary of using the Scout Radar dish over the very needed flares. Besides, the best time to use the Scout Radar on ESF is in a giant zerg. I wouldn't be sniping in between the enemy zerg id i were you.
  10. Hoki

    Well then this is just a buff for ESF scout radar then, cause the only thing it didn't do was detect stealth.

    I think they probably just forgot to add that bullet point that it doesn't detect stationary. It doesn't make sense to just remove all downsides from scout radar. Revealing EVERYTHING to EVERYONE within 200 meters even cloaked stationary infiltrators does not make sense.

    •Scout Radar now detects cloaked infiltrators, like the recon tool

    The recon tool only detects cloaked MOVING infiltrators.
  11. Rohxer

    Yeah, it could be poor wording. Guess we'll find out tonight!
  12. Get2dachoppa

    You could be right that they weren't clear in their wording, but lets assume scout radar will not detect a cloaked, motionless Infiltrator. So what? In less than 12 seconds, you'll appear back on the radar again. This might save you from being detected if a scout Flash is driving by your location, at least. This could make the Stalker cloak more enticing as you can stay cloaked and motionless indefinitely and therefore stay off radar, but it totally screws the Hunter cloak in CQC.
  13. Redscyte

    This is a huge blow to Infiltrators. I usually am the one that says Infiltrators are fine on the premise that a lot of players are "immature." The infil to me is a stealth based high risk/high reward. A lot of people like to pop stealth run into a HA and QQ because they lost. I'm a very patient Infil that takes his time and is patient with objectives and my prey.

    Now with that said this nerf to the Scout Radar is huge. It has to be occupied for it work?!?!? OK, I didn't cry when stealth in/out is louder than foot steps, i didn't cry when foot steps can still be heard in stealth, i didn't cry when radar darts can be heard and seen so easily. The answer to counter these flaws was Scout radar. Hack, Pull, Park. Now i can do my nasty while still maintaining that sense of unknown terror behind enemy lines.

    With this nerf I'm subjected to a more audible and visual risk. Using darts, something i can run out of. Actually getting eyes on, something that can and will interfere with my objective (ie. hacking turrets, etc.) Which entails that the enemy now knows there someone here which defeats the main purpose of Infiltrators.

    Honestly, If you didn't want people just pulling and leaving it there make certain add-on (ie. radar, armor, etc) increase the resource cost of the vehicle so it reflects its value. I know i treat everything I pull like I have no resources left so i take the time to park vehicles and guard them with my life. But i understand others just pull and say "w/e if it dies ill pull another."

    My thought are simple you just kind indirectly nerfed and broke a huge part of infiltrator play style.

    ***INC FLAW - Say I want to pull park into a corner and sit in the backseat. Will the Flash still recognize the backseat passenger and therefore count the vehicle as "OCCUPIED?"
  14. Hoki

    Recon tool only detects moving enemies. Thats the tradeoff for detected cloaked infs.

    Previously it was the ONLY thing that could detect cloaked infs, and only while the inf was moving. That was the advantage of recon tool.
  15. Get2dachoppa

    Maybe I'm confused. Are you making the point the new scout radar is basically performing the same job as the Infiltrator's recon tool now? My understanding, based on their update wording, is that it's actually better than our recon tool as it will also pick up non-moving, uncloaked enemies.
  16. Rohxer

    At this point I don't believe anything in the update post. :p I'll just have to spend my first hour or so online testing the changes to see how it actually works.
  17. Hoki

    Well prox radar basically got changed to match the recon tool exactly.

    I would assume that scout radar will just be a wider area prox radar that everyone can see. Unless they're intending to just remove all downsides other than needing to be in the vehicle.

    The fact that they said "like the recon tool" makes me think it will work exactly like the recon tool, cause otherwise they should have just said "it now detects cloaked infs" and it wouldn't be necessary to compare it to the recon tool.
  18. Aimeryan

    They said detects cloaked infiltrators like the recon tool, not only detects cloaked infiltrators while moving like the recon tool. I am pretty sure from what I have read that is basically, scout radar does everything - but needs an occupant.
  19. TheTwerp

    As some one who actually runs a Scout Radar Mossie I'm really happy with these changes. :)

    It's kind of annoying knowing there is an infil somewhere and not being able to see him...although grabbing thermal for the banshee kind of makes this change redundant. Still like someone earlier said the fact that I can't have flares or fire suppression makes it hard for me to stay close to big fights picking snipers off, so I don't think people should worry to much. ;)
  20. Hoki

    Yeah you're pretty much a unicorn.