GU08 Today, 02/05/2013 R.I.P. ESFs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mazdam, May 2, 2013.

  1. Mazdam

    R.I.P. ESFs

    AA maxs are OP, the only disadvantage they have is that they arent mobile fast enough, so they camp in a spot and defend em, now in Harrasers that disadvantage disappears... GJ SOE

    After patch, u also need 2 fully rocketpod mags to kill a tank, even from rear and at low altitude.. WOW... buffing the non skilled tank drivers so hard..


    /walking out to get ready his MBT, 5k certs ready for my already certed MBT. The era of the Fotm MBT and harraser is about to begin
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  2. Taiji

    Love it :)

    Please, QQ more.
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  3. Oreo202

    No. You really don't know what you're talking about. Harassers are extremely vulnerable to all kinds of fire.

    I would expect liberators to get a buff next patch, but even if they don't we can still have tank battles again!
  4. dippy

    bet harrasers are easier to kill in an esf then a max is and two rocketpod mags takes way more skill to kill a tank then one, least the tank drivers have time to react now. personally like the changes.
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  5. Taiji

    Maybe I wasn't doing it right, but I thought only the Prowler had no time to react.

    The NC can pop a shield and the VS can rotate in place while moving, or use their boost.

    And this while both can 1 shot an ESF... lol
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  6. PhilDun

    Agreed. The buff to rear tank armor was way too much. I don't see why we're catering to players who don't pay attention. Even before this patch, any decent tank driver could turn quickly enough to stop the tanks from hitting his rear armor / save himself.
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    Good. ESF are NOT meant to be the Ground attack force of the sky. The Lib for an inherant buff (the fact that the dalton/shredder maintained its damage against tanks) and is slowly riding back up to being the ground attack craft that its supposed to be.

    AA maxes should be nerfed though. No reason why a completely diverse, cheap, mobile, and SMALL target should be the strongest version of AA there is.
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  8. Jagdwyre

    Meh, I'm still waiting for them to add better and more enjoyable joystick support to aircraft. Until then I haven't really bothered flying in any major capacity anyways.
  9. dippy

    most common way to die in a van prowler mag is from a esf out of nowhere bumming. no matter how good you are as a tank driver, an average esf pilot would still be able to drop you. the top pilots and the average pilots will like thease changes because its more of a challenge. i personally will not struggle having to make multiple runs on a ground target to take it out
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  10. SenEvason

    It's nice to see the MBTs getting a buff. Those things are so easily destroyed it's pitiful. Hopefully we'll see an increase in Libs to try and combat them, and then ESFs can go after the Libs. Also, since they can take more damage, but the AP rounds will still have the same TTK, players will have to make a better choice when rolling out their vehicles. I'll have to wait a couple days to see how people handle it.
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  11. Rebelgb

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  12. Mazdam

    They also buffed the skyguard

    Buffed MAX flak armor from 25% to 50%.. so if u have a chance to kill em, now u dont.

    More and more buffs for AA, and more and more nerfs to air...

    WHy use rocket pods now? infantry needs a full rocket pods mag to be killed, and now maxes are a lot more resistant, + tanks REAR got too resistant now...

    So.. why use rocketpods? nerfed to the ground.

    THIS IS ****** STUPID, why to pull an esf now? to fight other esfs? LOL, just LOL.
  13. mooman1080

    Now now, calm down, even as a pilot my self I'm ok with being unable to insta gib tanks. AA maxes on the otherhand, well we'll just have to see how bad it is.
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  14. Purg

    Which does little to stop an ESF killing it in the rear.
  15. xXSmokeXx

    Actually... yeah. Because that's what FIGHTERS are for. Not tank busting. If it were up to me, I'd remove A2G rocket pods from ESFs entirely and slap them onto liberators. Then maybe we'd see more liberators bombing the crap out of ground targets and less single-seater ESFs doing the same with better efficiency than a frikkin' gunship that takes three people to be fully effective.

    Your primary job as an ESF pilot is not, or better said, should not be farming ground targets, but maintaining air cover for the heavy hitters, which means liberators. You're also supposed to shoot down enemy liberators and galaxies.

    Removing the ability for ESFs to efficiently target and destroy ground armor is a step in the right direction. But more has to be done. ESF should have a hard time killing ground targets, period. Then the ground AA could actually be reduced in effectiveness, so that ESFs can dogfight better. The only reason AA is so strong right now is because otherwise ground forces would be utterly dominated by ESF cert farming hordes.
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  16. GSZenith

    time to buy more sc for AA guns to all my harrasers :D
  17. Slandebande

    So let's get this straight, because you can't kill an mbt in only a few sec anymore, now they are useless?? As far as I know, you can still abuse the elevation issues with the tanks if they are not positioned right (on elevation/cliffs), and if they are, change angle to accomplish the same feat... Again, you are mostly just being "cheated" out of the free kills on new/sloppy MBT-drivers, and the pilots out there who are actually able to kill a tank not tunnel-visioning and standing completely still, will still be able to do it, it will just take slightly longer...

    And your last sentence also makes me think that you believe that ESF's should be the king of PS2, as they should be able to kill ANYTHING on the ground, preferably within a few sec while also being kings of the skies at the same time... Might I ask what you believe to be the Liberators role in PS2 then?
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  18. Gurra

    Notice how most threads on the forums today are just people who love their lolpods a bit to much whining and writing like *Oh gameupdate 8 DEATH OF ESF BECUSE I CAN KILL EVERYTHING WITH MY LOLPODS!!!!. yeah right :rolleyes:
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  19. NoctD

    You forget the huge flak and kinetic armor buffs for MAXes. They will be nigh impossible to take out from the air now given their OP noob tube Bursters.
  20. Scientiarum

    I am sorry but you never could kill an MBT in a few seconds with rocket pods. Especially not a vanguard with shields. Ranger DID need a buff and perhaps a slight buff to skyguard but that was it,. I think a slight nerf was needed for the MAX burster.

    On the bright side ESF Air to ground main cannons DID receive a slight buff.