GU06 Info and Feature Preview

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Kedyn

    Screw the stupid "meta game". You know what the "meta game" is going to do? It's going to encourage the same crap that we have now - people playing a "meta game" and forsaking good fights to complete some stupid objective which will probably give a questionably small reward.

    What the game needs is the lattice system to direct players into meaningful battles.
  2. Eclipson

    Sounds pretty awesome. A cool way to get people fighting in places other than the crown :D And ribbons sound cool as well. Can't wait for the update :)
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  3. Bucketnate

    there are 2 game updates a month, with smaller updates on between. They're working on it
  4. PraxisMajor

    That's when the real metagame begins... or something.

    Either way, once we get a good number of BR100 players the general urge to farm should reduce (I hope) and there will be more focus on getting stuff done. By then we should have more to do too (again, I hope).
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  5. Bucketnate

    what does this even mean?
  6. Esuil

    Please at least one word about redeploy crashes - will be fixed, not in work, fixed in new builds, never will be fixed - something, we dont have official word about it, not a single one, but bug there a lot of time and so boring.
  7. Lazaruz

    FYI, massive forum signature and multiple consecutive posts don't go well together.
  8. geistreiches

    sounds great
  9. geistreiches

    i want the alert system also at peak times, sounds fun!
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  10. FigM

    This stuff isn't bad, it just seems like very low priority stuff. There are much more important things SOE could be doing
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  11. Ranik

    Silly micro goals != Meta game. They are adding as many stop gaps as they can to keep people playing when the real issue has barely been addressed. We still have who knows how long till the lattice system / other continents come into play. It'll probably be too late by then.

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  12. Cl1mh4224rd

    Bug fixes are included in every update.

    I might agree with that if the reward wasn't split amongst all three empires. Also, you'd already be getting a +20% XP bonus while participating. That will add up.

    Battle flow improvements are the Roadmap for April, so expect it in roughly 2-4 weeks.

    Unless I'm misunderstanding, these are just daily achievements that you can accumulate. I'm not sure displaying something that will take 5-10 minutes to acquire is all that worthy of display.

    You're the only one doing this. Honestly, I think you're the one that needs to stop.
  13. The Fizz

    nice. Im excited about the alert system. Cant wait to see how it will encourage participation.
  14. DreadPirate

    Nice, although I hope that the alert system isn't a replacement for a player-driven mission system.
  15. Zaik

    was hoping to see something about what is going to happen to shotguns and scattermaxes, nice to see the regional empire priority system is beginning to be implemented though.

    i think it's a bit optimistic to say that busy servers don't need the alert system, however the continental conquest alert probably wouldn't work very well at primetime. Perhaps later on once other alerts come in?

    keep in mind that all fighting on indar during that time would also recieve a +20% exp bonus. depending on the duration of the alert and population on when it started, that could provide more exp then whatever the end reward is.
  16. Cl1mh4224rd

    I see exactly the opposite happening right now: people will farm The Crown or a Bio Lab and completely ignore the loss of every other territory. The problem isn't that people forsake good fights; it's they they define a good fight as farming.

    April - Battle Flow Improvements.
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  17. FlippyWarbear

    Hmm, to believe or not to believe... This kind of update comes out in to our attention during april 1st. ;-/
  18. Jeralamo

    i cant wait for the whole road map to be complete!! little my little we're getting there:D
    also check twitter its not a joke post
  19. vulkkan

    Ribbons? TO THE BIOFARM!
  20. Puppy

    People purposely not playing for goals they should be to get a personal service ribbon is a worry of mine.