Growing tired of tanks getting trashed by invisible AT MANA Turrets

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Goden, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. Jex =TE=

    Yes this was kind of my point. It seems that in PS2, the infantry are now becoming little cotton balls that are all soft and squishy and need to be cared for. SOE have successfully managed to create the


    Yes that's right. The game has gotten so pathetic that a MBT now has trouble killing infantry whilst the infantry have no trouble killing it. The MBT should be feared - do the Taliban laugh when a Challenger 2 or M2A1 shows up and then rocket it in 2 hits?

    The problem with all vehicles and their "OP'Ness" is that SOE made the mistake of letting everyone spawn them when they should have limited their numbers. That way when they showed up, people on the ground would have a healthy respect for them. Right now, they are an irritation to the infantry fight that must never be interfered with. **** me if someone wasn't saying only yesterday that 10 seconds was too long to wait for spawn and 200m was too far to run.

    PS2 has become the whining game of the century for infantry - don't dare upset their little run and gun, run-kill-die game. Make sure you strip out everything that gets in the way of that.
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  2. Shoza Nakh

    You like to be spawncamped by 20-30 tanks and 5-10 ESF? It's like any small base combat looks from infantry player now. Only towers and biolabs give you some place to fight without endless HE shells spam.

    Than I spawn my HE lighting it's disgustingly easy to farm infantry without any chance for retaliation. I just keep some distance and shoot anything that try to show outside cover. ESFs is only big threat to tanks right now. AV turrets and Lancers is only infantry options to counter tanks since lock-on and unguided launcher rockets very easy to avoid.
  3. Rebornvanu

    Welcome to Infantryside 2! Where the tanks only are driving targets and for transportation.

    I think the AV-turret combined with the new rocket lunchers have killed every approach of a tank vs tank fight. Regarding to the original mention of the thread, are you sure that AV-turrets killed you? I tried the Lancer and know how annoying the Pheonix is. This booth could kill you from miles away and you don't really realize what is going on. I also have rendering problems with the Pheonix rockets.
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  4. Wildclaw

    400m, same as every lock-on launcher

    Striker ground lock-on range is 400m.
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  5. GSZenith

    Cos sales!
  6. DrTeeth

    The Annihilator, Striker, and all of the AA rockets can lock on at 500m and chase far further than that. I think 500m would be fair given that the AV turret user is much more vulnerable. But either way, the important thing is to put a reasonable range on it, as right now it's just too powerful.
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  7. Hosp

    same problem pilots were crying about for non-rendering AA tracers and MAXs. Not meant to belittle the ones doing hte crying however. It's a valid issue that needs addressing. Reducing the max range should be more than adequate.
  8. Wildclaw

    The 500m only applies to air targets. The Annihilator and Striker has 400m lock-on range vs ground targets.
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  9. Shinrah

    Alas, last time someone said "A2A ESF´s should be the main counter to A2G ESF´s" the wrath of the board was unleashed upon the poor soul, yet you use an even worse argument for countering one weapon with the exact same is far away from balance achieved.
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  10. nick779

    surprise surprise, the TR are mainly complaining
  11. Winfield

    Ok, I'll add my NC whine to the bunch so you can feel better about yourself.

    Although I don't think the problem itself lies with the AV turret, I think the rendering issues in this game need to be sorted ASAP.
    Only after that can we start thinking about making tanks more durable/useful and make them cost lots of resources to prevent constant spam.

    If it weren't for my outfit(Which is pure infantry) I would be tanking 24/7, however as it is tanking is extremely tedious and unrewarding considering time spent. I've had enough of non rendering missiles(of any kind) and ESFs that oneshot me to the rear even though I pop my fully certed Vanguard shield.
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    Maybe I should clarify a little bit. I have no problem with the AV turrets damage output potential. I DO understand frustration with rendering. I do think that the rendering should be fixed and allow any target the opportunity to see, and thus attempt to dodge any incoming missile. I also think that the turret could be lowered a bit to allow for snipers to more easily kill the turret operators.

    My problem is with your specific solution. I do not believe that a nerf is what is called for. IMO there is always a more inventive, and dynamic fix, to almost any issues, than a straight up nerf (damage, range, or anything else). The AV turret could certainly use a few tweaks, but nerfs (imo) are the lazy way out, and will ALWAYS lead to a less dynamic, and thus less entertaining game.

    Over all, I dont have an issue with the AV turret. Even if ther thing is hitting me time and time again from a distance so far that I can barely see it. My issue is the lack of ability to see it, and the lack of a real means of counter defenses.
    Zorro had suggested a heavy nerf of the AV turret in exchange for a 2-man built AT gun that kicked ****. I was all for this. I dont care how complicated, or difficult something is to use, but right now, taking away the only real mobile AV gun in the game is not on the list for me.

    Are those real numbers, or guessed? I guessed, but 20s seems AWFUL low to me. If an AT turret is sniping tanks from 1000m away, and your force is countering them at 5-600m away (you added the variable of multiple enemies) then I certainly dont see the problem now. The travel time for those rockets to get 1000m is long enough to make them fairly ineffective against enemy armor at that range, especially considering the potential to engage enemies at a much closer distance. even so we are talking about a direct, head on, engagement with a AV turret designed to engage armor from a very long distance (hence the guidance option). I would HOPE that the tank lost, if he never shot back. Thats kind of the point. how else would you have it? Wouldnt you rather give the tank a real ability to shoot back? (like added zoom, better stability, and better range adjustments on the optics)

    so is your assumption that there is A) no cover from which i can hide, and repair, and B) perfect aiming on the part of the offending engi. This example only really works to your advantage on the north part of indar, in VERY specific areas where there is literally nothing in a big, wide open, flat desert. Anywhere else in any map and the engagement distance is not only much smaller, but will include MANY obstacles and terrain features that HEAVILY favor the tank. Try thinking of this objectively instead of simply trying to win an argument. the AV turret rarely outclasses tanks due to range, and is almost ALWAYS due to great placement by the engi, or simply because theres a ton of them and the tanks are heavily distracted by other tanks and forward infantry.

    maybe. Would you rather SOE fixed rendering issues and bring all other weapons up the the AV turrets place, instead of knocking the AV turret down to the simplistic place that most other weapons are now perched? Wouldnt you rather SOE continue to BUILD this game rather than continue to tear it down to appease those unwilling to adapt?

    BTW i would like an apology from you for unjustly accusing me of something, which is clearly not true, in order to gain some fiat form of an edge in a silly internet debate. Unless you can prove otherwise (all my stats are on the website) I am NOT defending a beloved weapon of mine, and am simply defending a weapon which i believe to be balanced enough not to complain about.
  14. mooman1080

    The size of the turret it self is so frustratingly large that looking up at it from below makes it literally impossible to land a head shot on the operator, there is nothing more frustrating that not being able to kill an immobile target.

    LOL. I get that, though people dont seem to have a problem with killing me:mad:

    Like I told another poster, I would not be opposed to making the launcher itself a little smaller to allow easier rifle kills with it. IMO the biggest weakness of the AV turret should stem from its lack of armor, making it a total glass cannon capable of being killed by just about anything.
  16. HellasVagabond

    You have obviously not played on Esamir otherwise you'd know that most area has nothing for you to cover behind especially if the AV turret is on an elevated position.
    And yes i'd like SOE to NERF anything that's way too powerful and has almost ZERO counter at the moment at least. Even if they fix the rendering issues that will not change much. Sure you will be able to see where the missile comes from but by the time the first missile hits you the MANA turret will have already launched a 2nd missile which will probably hit you again especially if you have nowhere to take cover. How the hell that's balanced i really don't really know. Just the cost of a MBT + certifications spend + weapons bought is enough to justify a nerf to the Mana turret.
    As for the apology yeah right :)
  17. ent|ty

    I never use tanks, because they're just death traps.

    Since there is never any real tank vs tank wars, and too many meddlers anyways from air to lock-on rocket noobsausages, there is absolutely not point other than a taxi when my ATV is no timer.
  18. rumblepit

    most of the time armor is used to spawn camp different locations . if armor where used in intended manners you mite not see so many AV options, but since 90% of the people who use armor only look to camp infantry i cant say i feel the least bit sorry for any of you.

    most armor drivers are a waste of resources and never seem to engage what they should when they should.thus being useless .....
  19. X3Killjaeden

    Aiming Tank guns with shell drop and no guidance is much harder and requires practice and skill. Lining up 1 pixel is ... easy if you have set down sensitivity. The turrets do render, but they are so small that you can't see them without 6x or bigger scope on Maghill - Crown distance. I use a Warden with 6x scope to detect other AV turrets and then snipe them with my own. Just place it a few pix below the dorrito, no skill involved.

    I often spawn a flash and then go somewhere to deploy my turret for tank hunting, instead of using my AP Vanguard. Much easier, much better, almost no cooldown or ressources, no giant blue shoot-me shoe-box. Flash has radar so i cant get sneaked up on either
  20. GSZenith

    "aiming av turret at inf is hard!"
    (sorry for &/%/&%/ quality sony vegas 12 forever...)

    fudge you sony vegas and your tons of crashes bugs, can't wait until i've learned adobe, srsly everything breaks in vegas, each update brings new bugs and more crashes, hmph this sounds familiar

    will make 800-900m veh sniping tomrrow if i can find any before lolpodders have killed them all.

    edit: if you want music play your own can't stand vegas crashes, still uploading 1080 should come soonish. (1080 is up)

    not using any dpi controller just in game mouse at 22 veh i think or 21.

    for lolz.