[GOON] Biggest Swaggest Outfit IN THE WORLD

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Admiral Snuggles, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Admiral Snuggles

    Congratulations Planetside 2 players! The largest outfit in Planetside 2 is now recruiting public members.


    [GOON] (also known as “Higby’s Heroes”) wants more cool dudes, so we’re opening our doors to qualified applicants. If you’re on Mattherson, you’ve probably said to yourself, well I’ve seen these GOONs online before, they seem like there are a lot of them and they stick together and /yell funny things. Well that’s all true, but let me tell you a little more about our GOON.

    GOON is an NC (New Conglomerate) outfit on the Mattherson server. We have a lot of fun playing together. We have super serious guys, and we have real laid back guys, we have spec ops GOONs and even an air wing! It’s the outfit you want to join if you love freedom and hate the restrictions imposed by other large outfits who require you to do this or that. GOON leadership sets the objective and lets YOU determine the best way to accomplish it. We trust our own people.

    We are BIG, pushing easily 140-200 members on most nights sometimes pushing well over 200 members on some nights. We have over 1600 total outfit members, and we are still growing every day! That means you will never not have someone cool to play and have awesome great wicked sick nasty times with. Which is great, because playing alone sucks.

    We have various levels of coordination in GOON ranging from just “swarm” nights to squad-by-squad organized runs with air and armor support. We go from being the sledge hammer that breaks the front, to flanking from both sides and blocking the back door. How it ends up on any given night sort of bends with how the horde is feeling and may depend on a lot of things including who’s on and how many GOONs we’re rolling. Although there are often scheduled events for the more serious players.

    Whether it is the weight of the pendulum or the direction of the wind, we strike a fantastic balance between being serious and having fun. You’ve got those outfits that are too serious and you’ve got those outfits that refuse to take anything seriously. We’re right smack dab in the middle. You can crack a joke without someone yelling at you to clear comms, but we’re mostly averse to repetitive fart noises. 99% of nights you cannot help but have fun in this outfit.

    Let’s talk some more about fun! We have a lot of fun in Higby’s Heroes! If you don’t believe me, check out some of these awesome videos made by our very own GOONs! Thanks Crushboss!

    The recruitment process is easy. Just go to daggeractual.com/forums, make an account, and follow the instructions in the recruitment sub-forum (when prompted for the password use the phrase “recruitme”.) It’s that easy. Our general requirement is that you have a microphone, use the voice comm software Mumble, and not be an awful person. That’s it! I hope to see lots of you sign up soon. Here’s to a good time with you new recruits. #cheers

    If you have any questions please post them in the thread I’d be happy to help!
  2. Admiral Snuggles

    Feel free to report in GOONs!!
  3. Drythe

    Reporting in. [GOON] scores more chicks than any other outfit, proven by science.
  4. Drauthlin

    I think girls were on our Mumble once, or it was a TV with a girl either way girls.
    • Up x 1
  5. Visper

    Single White Females are encouraged to apply.
  6. kalveth

    Airgoons: boosting bathtubs, hot boxes, reaver mating, and space giraffe's
  7. HiloBoyS.j2

    i LoLd when i saw [GOON] and then in some random platoon I joined they were recruiting people for [BoB]. Its like Eve all over again watching from a 3rd party perspective. *gets popcorn*
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  8. DEMAG

    [GOON] 10BUX reporting. 2nd Platoon best platoon.

    <3 :p <3:p <3 SLAMJAMMER 4 LYFE! <3:p <3:p <3
  9. Wobberjockey

    oh god...BEES!
  10. Admiral Snuggles

    I can confirm that we have active women online almost every night.
  11. Xutech

    A positive, tangy experience.
  12. MagnumOpus

    Okay I'll explain this one last time I'm not a girl I have a glandular problem. If this outfit can't be more sensitive to my condition I'm afraid I will have to find a new home.
    • Up x 1
  13. Sogui

    The GOON air training manual:

    1) Is someone shooting at you? No? Keep flying deeper into enemy territory until you are being shot at
    2) Proceed to let your Reaver get shot
    3) Crash into the nearest object, 90% HP? 10%? Doesn't matter, crash that sona*****

    The GOON air advanced training manual:

    1) Regardless of your health or the tactical situation, do everything in your power to crash your Reaver into the nearest aircraft (preferably enemy but that's only optional).
    • Up x 4
  14. Admiral Snuggles

  15. DarthSidious

    I thought you were just a sound board..... Oh wait wrong person.

    Admiral Snuggles Drunk = best snuggles!
  16. Admiral Snuggles

    I have never had a drink in my life. That is a true fact. Soundboard is a good person, also. Drinking is bad for you don't do it.
  17. CrushBoss

    Choose you destiny.


    "as the flash of the camera passes you by; I will make you famous."

    [GOON] MagnumOpus Operation "Smoke Screen"

    [GOON] iWhiskey's Operation "MADM.A.X"

  18. Kaosity

    [AirGoon] are Best GOONs
  19. Doomclown

    Reporting in to the best outfit probably. Someday I hope to score a kill.
  20. Sully0811

    You have not failed GOKU you have only failed yourself.