Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by agentpuhpul, May 30, 2015.

  1. JojoTheSlayer

    This has to be a joke... VS weapons already have increased accuracy compared to other factions.
    NC has hard hitting but slow fire and TR has rapid fire with lower damage. Practically just a audible cosmetic difference.
    VS on the other hand has a semi TR like thing, but a with a free speed boost on top for the HA.

    I am not saying 0.75 should be taken out of the game for HAs.
    But I think the army effect of it being a default weapon on one factions HA is a unbalancing factor because its just a an extra free speed boost without any real cons.
  2. Keldred

    VS have less recoil and easier kick to compensate for this is true. However the COF bloom on the Orion makes it difficult to land followup shots ant target over 50 meters due to the spread of the bullets themselves. TR damage model for the T9-Carv or the MSW-R are almost exactly the same as the Orion. In fact i prefer the MSW-R to my Betelgeuse because of its increased accuracy. While NC get an almost perfect COF while standing still, and higher damage models, and slower rate of fire. I prefer the Anchor when playing NC but the increased accuracy when standing still prompts a sort of stop fire stop fire style much like CS:GO, which i have yet to master. .75 ads give the Orion more of a CQC capability to make up for the COF bloom. The proposed changes would set the Orion/ Betelgeuse to the same level as the MSW-R, Which i strongly support. VS has too much stuff that is situational.
  3. JojoTheSlayer

    Not saying there are not minor differences on the weapons between the Empires. NC has more recoil etc...
    BUT the movement aspect is something in that comparison the VS (since its a default weapon for HA) has gotten for free on top of the "weapon feels". The 0.75 movement is just a "extra benefit" in my view. Nerfing it on the Orion alone would remove that "free" Empire benefit in a army balance context. That there are 0.75 isnt an issue in my view. I would actually argue they should also have a TR and NC only ones as well to lower the amount of NS-15M users. Sort of their versions of a SVA-88 like weapon, but more NC / TR like within the "weapon feel".
  4. Shiaari

    I've actually come to agree with you on that. It needs to go.

    At one time I thought it really added something, and then I sat down and thought about it, and then played again.

    Nope. It's all ********.

    LMGs shouldn't have 0.75 ADS period, and come to think of it I've changed my position on Heavies carrying SMGs... take that **** away too.
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  5. Keldred

    If they were too take away .75 away from the Orion. they would need to give it something to make up for it not having that functionality anymore. Just straight up "Nerfing it" is what got us ZOE. .75 is not OP, i think its ****** stupid though. great i can dance around while i watch my rounds spread all over the place. I want something out of the Orion that actually rewards using it skillfully and going for head shots (like the MSW-R) Which is what they were going to turn it into. But they didnt because to many foolish VS got spooked by the thought of losing that stupid .75 ads...
  6. TheKhopesh

    Yeah, NC weapons should generally focus on higher damage range and velocity.
    TR weapons should focus on fire rate and ammo capacity.
    VS weapons should focus on accuracy (both vertical and horizontal, which is in itself a double buff considering how valuable these stats are).
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  7. TheKhopesh

    I agree, with the exception of the NS LMGs.
    Not only is 0.75 ADS movement an NS trait that all NS infantry weapons have (hell, even the tools like the medic tool have it!), but the NS-15 itself actually takes a direct (and substantial) hit to TTK/RPM in order to factor in that ADS 0.75 multiplier with the weapon's overall balance.

    With the Orion, betel, and SVA, you can pretty easily use these weapons as CQC monsters.
    The NS-15 just plain doesn't have the fire rate and damage to utilize the 0.75 multiplier for CQC to nearly the same degree.
    Fully certed for CQC, the NS-15M is no better than your standard default weapons (without any attachments) for CQC work.

    It has to fight just to be even plausibly acceptable in CQC, as the weapon truly is built around a low TTK, high accuracy, high maneuverability model.
    Without that 0.75 ADS, it wouldn't be worth it at all.
  8. Rentago

    There are MANY things that are much needed, but removing .75 ADS is just gonna remove the crutch many bad players have used and they'll move onto something else to claim is OP.

    soon it'll be the 0.00001 less recoil the gun has, or the miniscule differences in the empire specific crosshairs or something.

    I'm not saying it is terrible of them to remove .75 however, but I think that everyone overlooking larger issues and concentrating on such a minuscule thing (A value that at a difference is just .25 in already slow movement speed which will still go unnoticed) with huge efforts to complain about it.

    I don't know, this says something about the community on this game. It says they are big whiners and sore losers.

    I'm not dumb, I know there will be something new to complain about, another small value on a weapon that seems to explain why bad players are getting wrecked by vanu, it must be the shade of purple, or maybe how were so sleek.

    Don't worry, the possibilities are endless.
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  9. Grimmfates

    The tears will be much saltier after people still get killed by vanu heavys after this update. I'm looking forward to it tbh.
  10. ATRA_Wampa-One


    Yeah they nerfed the Orion and SVA-88.

    Too bad the Flare got even more accurate for me. :eek:
  11. Akuzimo

    More or less, yeah. People will literally whine about everything. Just look what happens in a 96+ fight on all sides when all of a sudden that little population counter now says 51% opposing faction 49% yours. Oh how the tears flow.

    But that aside, you're looking at the number wrong. In and of itself .25 is a VERY small number. Almost insignificant. But the way the game reads things is on an exponential basis. 1 is the default movement speed, .75 is 3/4 that. Cutting the movement speed down to .5 (which is .25 loss in this patch) is actually cutting your movement speed down 33%. That's a big deal.

    To me, I don't care either way about the .25 loss, but to put in perspective what happened, you can see why some people are a little miffed at it.
  12. Erendil


    The mid-range HS potential of the Flare was pretty good before, but it's much better now. :D If you didn't get a chance to try it out on PTS you'll love it on Live.
  13. Benton582

    The extra .25 gives more dodge space to do, and YES, it needs the debuff compared to the already debuffed weapons with .50, like the Gauss SAW, and why didn't this get fixed earlier?
  14. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Yeah, I only got a chance to play with the SVA-GG last night before the hotfix caused me to crash every 5 seconds... but I was enjoying the 40% HSR with it before hand.

    Haven't been able to try out the Flare yet because of the crashing, but I was able to 1v1 MSW-R and Anchor spergs before it was buffed with it so looking forward to getting the next 4k kills after it's been buffed.

    God I love that idiots thought 0.75 ADS was OP and all of our mid-tier / crappy LMG's got buffed because of it.
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  15. Adeon

    VS can not to have 0.75 ADS LMG, but TR can to have LMG with insane dps(Butcher)... Great.
  16. metrotw

    The VS can have accuracy when they nerf the fire rate down to around 550.
    The NC should have more damage but with low mag sizes, say around 60 per mag max, to comp for the bigger bullets.
    The TR should have the spray and pray low damage, large mags, high fire rate
    The NS weapons should be a blend of all 3 factions and obviously accessible to all

    The whole way the devs did the LMG's from the beginning is asinine, as well as the carbines, ar's etc...