Indeed! Good ol' VR is the place to go. I'm pretty sure the burst variant has superior ADS accuracy, or recoil characteristics, or something... not sure without looking!
Yes, the T1B is more accurate ADS than the normal default cycler. If only it dropped dudes like it does dummies in VR...
Basically all the Rifles are awesome. It just depends on your playstyle. Close to mid ranges? TAR, TRV, TORQ-9. Mid to long ranges? SABR-13, T1 Cycler, T1S Cycler
TRV is king. I mean, seriously - 143 damage at <10m? Are you freaking kidding me? At 845 RPM? It's the best kept secret on the TR.
When it comes to AR for the TR, the arsenal lacks versatility than the other 2 empires. It focus too much in CQC department. So, I'd recommend T1S Cycler with any attachments you want since the key is shorter short reload time than T1 (it will save you a lot of time), and TORQ-9 thanks to its effectiveness in CQC up to 50m (the common fighting range).
Vanu and NC get the same damage/RoF on their Serpent and GD-7F carbines, but you can be way more accurate with the TRV. Ah we ain't got it so bad. Excluding the TRV the Cycler series is quite adaptable, and you already mentioned the TORQ. Then of course there's the wonderful SABR-13. I'd rather use the SABR than the Corvus - more controllable and more interesting. I find a lot of the Vanu ARs kinda dull.
I would like to change my input. The Cycler TRV is borderline OP. It is a ADS cqc weapon. It will drop targets like you would not believe and is suprisingly controllable. SPA, Flash supp, Forgrip and 1x sight and you have a winning combo even vs Shotties and SMgs out to 25m. 845rpm is crazy good. Even though it has the .5 (bad) ads speed.It is a straight up amazing gun with little to no counters or counterparts availible.
ATM, I run with TORQ for close to mid range, SABR for mid to long, and NS-11 for when I don't know what ranges I'll be engaging in. However, I've been able to use the TORQ quite effectively out to mid to long ranges because of recoil, and the SABR is still very viable in close quarters. Some others also swear by the Cycler. If I had to absolutely pick one TR AR to pick up, it'd be the SABR. It's all around a fun and effective weapon to use. TR really lucked out with there AR selection in my opinion.
Hell, if the TRV was available to LA? Good god. That **** would be OP as all-out ****. Get up in a bio lab and freaking own rooftops because you're gunning down shotgun LAs before they get to you like no one's business? Holy hell. Actually, now that I think about it, I really want this to happen. I want to see how long it'll take before the rage threads hit reddit.
Heh. The backlash would be of biblical proportions. But yeah, the range at which it remains controllable through ADS is quite impressive.
Yup, burst variants have far superior ADS CoF and lower recoil values than their full auto cousins. The Gauss Rifle Burst being the tightest by far. If you miss with this gun, it's YOUR fault.
TORQ and defult are both solid, TORQ though mid ranged is more favorable to close ranges due to its high fire rate (making missed shoots less punishing). Cycler is more suited to longer ranges because it has higher bullet damage (every shot packs more umph)
TAR, TRV, Cycler, SABR-13 and T1S cycler are all pretty good ARs for Medics, depending on how the rest of your loadouts are set up. If your going for a Pseudo Heavy Assault loadout, go with the TAR for its basically a copy of the GR-22 which is pretty OP, take down Infiltrators with ease and go toe-to-toe with Heavy Assaults quite easily.
But why would you have anything other then a forward grip on a AR? If you want a hipfire weapon you got shotguns.