[Guide] Gameplay, Do you like it? PS1 vets.. Why are you angry?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duke, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Frigidus

    A developer communicating with someone outside of twitter/reddit? Signed.
  2. Galantis

  3. Duke

    Man I just wrote a stupid ***** TLDR and hit the wrong button and it erased all I said. Good....

    The suits are holding John Smedly Back from ALLOWING Matt Higby from creating a game he wants made. He does listen and He is trying and I totally Fracking get that.

    The 'suits' need to lighten up and John needs to stand up for what he know's is right.

    We are a community, WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO BUY stuff.

    I digress. I do want to talk to Matt Higby about this game and I fear that his superiors are telling him not to, even if indirectly...

    +1 this thread. Open THEIR eyes.... the 'suits' maybe control the game; BUT WE PLAY IT

    I am not trying to start a massive conflict, I do indeed feel entitled to a discussion after the 842 hours of time I've spent trying to make sure the game succeeded ended up in a three month server merge. I don't care if I was right then... I'm still right now.... Everyone who is +1ing this is right now... We are what is left....

    If you find the game acceptable as it is, enjoy it. I promise you will move on after it fails to offer population; And that is going to break my fracking heart...

    I cannot and I cannot express how much I want to talk to Higby WITH the community watching. This scares him and I get it, I am intelligent even while utterly broken I could ask him things, now that I am 'un-broken' it would be certain torment.....

    But you guys aren't standing up to him OR the way Planetside is being re-envisioned..... If i don't stand up for it.... What does that make me?

    +1 this.......... I fracking need backup guys.... I'm putting my entire soul on the line here and I really am giving all I have... I need you to back me up on this.... Even if you don't want to.... You know what we have and you know what we truly deserve....
  4. Rentago

    To be honest, you aren't actually owed anything, however you are right, even if you feel very highly of yourself you are still in need of an apology.

    You do notice that if all you have to select from is poop, you can't really make a choice, people usually say "pick the lesser evil" and the problem is it has gone on for so long all we kind of have is bad, we can pick bad game or bad game, we can pick bad show or bad show, bad movie or bad movie, bad music or bad music.

    The selection isn't there, products don't cater to people, they focus on what makes money, and believe me when a game does well look what happens, all you have is call of duty or call of duty to select from, and they change everything that was fine the way it was to meet that, so we got lost planet turned into dead space, why? It was perfectly fine the way it was, but it was in their judgement that it would bring them in a lot of money.

    But what kind of money? We'll of course they'll say "It will make us exactly 10 million dollars, anything less and its because of pirates, homophobes, entitled spoiled consumers" and it really surprises me this is alright. Like this is literally ok behavior and now they in turn make you buy games full price and charge more in the game with in game cash shops because apparently free to play doesn't make enough money with as cash shop alone.
    Now you have games that will cost more but constantly give you less all because "hey don't make the money they demand from the consumers.

    It isn't really competition anymore, more like hoping for some of that success to rub off onto you and make just as much money, you got companies and businesses saying how they should make what they demand and not that they are given whatever their product is worth to people.

    I mean yes I know videogames are expensive to make, but they are expensive in all the dumb ways, 500 million dollars to make that dump called "The Old Republic" is a fine example of where that money goes, its obvious whoever manages anything for anyone doesn't have a clue what they are doing at this day and age.

    So no, the choice is you quit watching TV, you quit listening to music, you quit playing videogames, or you can potentially go backwards in time and start digging up anything that was enjoyable that you may have missed, even though you may have exhausted a ton of things.

    We don't have planetside, we only have planetside 2, planetside 2 isn't very good because they wanted the battlefield audience, a lot of the problems stem from the developers being really stubborn and probably think very highly of themselves and considering the things they have said, they probably feel they are game developing geniuses.

    They have for the longest time even before closed beta have bashed planetside, saying how terrible it was, how broken it was, how they will make planetside 2 better, it will play better, it will have better gameplay, better bases, better everything.

    They would say how bases were lame, multiple continents were lame, sanctuaries were a stupid idea that ruined the flow of combat, that a lot of really really important things to making planetside function were bad designs and that battlefield did it better.

    When you would see them bring up bases they would compare them to "call of duty sized maps" and how they were basically glorified combat zones to feel like call of duty, that the bases and outposts function like conquest mode from battlefield because that would play a lot better.

    In all honesty, they said a lot of dumb stupid things, a lot of dumb things, and right now what they are currently doing I feel I'd like an answer.

    Maybe you don't know about starwars galaxies, but I'm pretty sure Smedly had to make a real god damn apology for that **** up, didn't mean he learned his lesson, he could just be really good at killing off games for all we know and he was put in charge of this.

    I am actually more certain that Smedly is more at fault for a lot of things, and maybe Higby is just doing what he is told because it is his job.

    However I think everyone is to blame for this.

    Mainly smedly actually, as the only thing he is good for is making really bad decisions.

    Anyways my anger stems from just the knowledge of knowing previous games they worked on, knowing exactly what they have done, and seeing everything they have said. It was obvious it was all marketing, and before planetside 2 gets the same treatment as many SOE MMOs, I want answers.

    They usually give them after they ruin everything and the whole thing becomes something they cannot recover from, I mean I remember how people kept pooping on smedly for starwars galaxies and he really didn't budge about it for like years before he came out and started typing up a whole essay on how he made a lot of bad decisions and how he was pressured to make more money out of the game.

    But this is it, this is where I come from, I see names that comes with terrible history in charge of a game that was perfectly fine the way it was designed, and they just said "all of it was bad" yet everything currently is far worse, they've literally managed to take problems that weren't so bad, and turned them into Hiroshima proportions of bad and it isn't going to get fixed with how stubborn they are about catering to their audience and the fact that as a free to play they probably are trying to milk as much money as they can.

    All because people really aren't informed and won't really agree with eachother, because we have people who love to eat **** and we have people who know what is best for this game, and in that regard, what is best is for it to be recognized as its own game and not trying to become battlefield or call of duty.


    I want to force that opinion down everyone's throat, I think everyone should be happy to be told their opinion is wrong, I'd love to hear smedly get on his knees and say "I AM JUST TRYING TO MAKE MORE MONEY I KNOW WHAT IM DOING IS WRONG"


    I want everyone, every single god damn person on this gay earth to know how terrible they are for promoting this ********, their happiness makes me god damn miserable because they don't know what kind terrible things they are ultimately causing, they support companies, publishers, businesses being giant spoiled children, they allow everything to get worse and continue to convince themselves everything is better than ever.
  5. Rentago

    My post was deleted multiple times, I give up, I'm not typing anymore.

    I typed up a lot, and realized I could sum it up better, less sloppy, its 2 A.M.

    I'm going to sleep, but it was a real sloppy mess with what I was saying, and multiple times I tried to edit it would mess up, so I'm done.

    I am just upset at the current state of everything.

    Its either you eat **** or you eat ****, or you just don't eat at all so that people who enjoy eating **** can promote this behavior and continue to support it.

    I want answers as to why we couldn't have less gay looking guns, why the vanu couldn't keep the original style (just incorporating alien technology with human technology, not flat out alien scarab insectoid ****)

    and other things.
  6. Lagavulin

    I actually think that literally everything about PS1 gameplay was better. I do like PS2, but would have preferred it to have been a modern take on PS1, which it isn't.
  7. TintaBux

    Sadly the most likely only response to this thread will be a forum mod saying it's closed.
  8. Chiss

    I'm not angry, just disappointed.
  9. DoomMaze

    First off I thoroughly enjoy PS2 as it is....it is by far and away the best fps on the market. That said, there are a number of things that could be better....I played PS1 and there are elements of that game that I wish were included in PS2... so yeah....i'd be interested to hear answers to your questions
    • Up x 1
  10. maxkeiser

    Absolutely agree. There is nothing remotely comparable.
  11. Rustler

    180 lbs 6'4"......Do you even lift?

    but srsly, answer ur questions?......Are u really that full of urself that you think u can represent all of us PS1 Vets.

    For all we know you questions suck and u don't know crap about the game.

    Proof yourself to us or get the questions from the people to ask higby.
  12. Ironside

    I say let him ask his questions, everyone else i've seen interview/chat to higby have been weak and sycophantic and palmed off far to easily and their insistence in using twatter and reddit is a kick in the teeth to these forums.
    Tough questions need asking and answering.
  13. iccle

    ps2 = Popcorn.
    ps1 = Steak dinner with trimmings.
  14. Zazen

    PS2 has one fundamental flaw that keeps it from being one of the best games I've ever played, free to play or otherwise.

    Time to Kill is far too quick. They need to double or triple the effectiveness of a character's innate shielding, notice how almost no one buys the shielding related perks because it only lasts a split second...

    As it is now, with very few exceptions, whoever shoots first wins...Nothing a player does during the encounter can change that inevitable outcome, for the most part. That's not terribly fun when an encounter is decided the instant it begins. It takes away from the whole "tactical" feel the game has in every other respect to gameplay.
  15. LordMondando

    I think we'll see moves towards metagame in April.

    I'd be surprised if it did not take the logistics route.
  16. Maidere

    Honestly, it's funny when they say "we are listening" and only add a huge notice "BASED ON PLAYERS FEEDBACK" in a patchnotes when their own thoughts meet the wishes of some part of the communities. The most pushed and very imortant idea - multi-crew MBTs - had a perfect response by Smed "We are listening but we are not always agree with what you say" (or something like that). What's the difference than between you and the other devs?
    Anet, by example, are not yelling about how they listen on every corner and yet they implemented many very importan things in the last months.
  17. don

    just stop paying until ps2 meets your expectations ... its the bf3 fanboys who pay a lot of money now and when they leave we are left with the remains of it and the creativityruinedthegame rubbish... maybe then they start listening to keep some loyal fanbase but i wouldn't bet on it.
  18. Maidere

    I realy dont think bf3 players enjoy ps2. Maybe, but not many of them.
  19. don

    take it as a synonym for gamers wo play until they got every cert/weapon/.. and then move on - the opposite of the "ps1 vet / eveonline" gamer (synonym) who playes the game because he loves it
  20. Duke

    34 likes... Maybe it needs to hit 100 or something before Higgs says hi...

    I read a reply today that got me thinking.. He said "how do you know what *WE* want". Well sir, I can't. Higby Can't. Hence this big 'ole "question Higby thing" I got going on.

    Some of the questions I'm going to ask? And would respect an intelligent answer about... Why is there no cloaking certification for the sunderer, why have base defense XP gains been SIGNIFICANTLY lower when that amount of XP would equal two player kills (with premium and boost, but still, three at the most), why doesn't he talk on the official forums, why does the road map not include features we debated about for HOURS at PSU?

    If, by some miracle this man gets the stones up to face the 'suits', (smed's bosses) and comes in here and would just be REAL with us... I think that alone would really reflect on the reputation of SOE/Planetside 2 aspect.

    So I digress. Higby, just pop in the official forum, on a fan-made post.. Say "Hey buds, we get it! blah blah blah, we're working on it." and do it in a non-smart *** way... and damn the AMA (ask me anything) portion of this...

    I have faith in this dude... For those who don't know, this guy drove from frackin Utah or Florida... or something, to be a GAME TESTER at SOE, came in his car with no money and just chanced it with aspiration in his heart... That's a man I can trust simply because I've done it too and I know the balls it takes to do it..... Now he has arisen in the ranks of SOE to be a creative director.... SO By God, I know he wants what the players want because HE was once one of us wanting something more from the game.

    I just want him to remember that. (Zen talk deactivated)...

    A lot of you don't know me, some of you may remember me from Planetside Universe; They didn't know either.. Regardless, I'm passionate about this game and THAT is all that matters.

    I don't want that talk... I just wanted him to see that the issue at hand is pressing and it involves immense pressure, and the strongest man alive can't climb up an icy hill; Fix it before the hill freezes the **** over.