[Suggestion] Game Design Flaw

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sukha1337, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Sukha1337

    I have been leading NC Platoons into the fray for a while now, and there are a couple of things of concern that I would like to share with people.

    There is some fundamental flaw in the gameplay where it's impossible to get rid of enemy attacking you over and over again...
    No ticket system makes my Platoon sit in Base for Hours on end.... defending against multiple enemy platoons.
    It gets boring after a while really.
    Sundies should have limited spawns.

    I would suggest to make EXP gained for capturing a sector go to all members of Platoon as long as they are on the same Continent....
    Sometimes I have to send 1 squad to defend an area and I feel like I am making them loose on EXP :(

    Standing on Points taking an objective should give exp.... (no one wants to stand in one place and get no EXP...)
    On Biolab for example I have to send 2 squads to protect the outer bases, same as #2 feels like I am making people do unfun stuff.

    Platoon and Squad leaders should see each others markers
    (is there an option for this? I might just be a noob :D )

    I would like to be able to see aprox amount of friendlies on a given sector to be able to decide where my Platoon is needed more.

    My personal rage:
    Lonewolfs are annoying as !@#$%!. After we capture a point a single or a pair of pranksters can go and recap it at will... This is ********, I cannot leave 2-3 people on each point we cap. (or maybe I can, but its pretty hard to micromanage people as it is already, then there is the fact that no one would want to stay and stare at the skies for 10 minutes....)
    • Up x 2
  2. Sukha1337

  3. wolfva

    As a lonewolf, I agree with your personal rage. Although I do find it fun sniping on air towers and such, and leaving nice little gifts, like bouncing betties or tank mines, where they cause frustration, the solo capping is just BS. The reward for taking a base after a fight should be the knowledge that 1 or 2 people can't retake it at will. And I don't know how many times I've had to run around a tech/amp base we just captured chasing down the soloer who's just blowing up gens for the heck of it. It's annoying, it doesn't progress the game, and frankly it gets boring.
  4. Slaint

    I agree with 3 for sure. There needs to be some points gained for standing next to objectives. The 250-1000+ exp gained just isn't enough incentive for people to leave big battles to backcap bases.

    Also, there needs to be improved faction-wide communication to improve coordinating attacks. I feel like every time I play its a struggle to know what people are doing and where the action is. Dropping in on random bases requesting my deployment more often than not just puts me in a 1v10 fight, or a 10vNone.
  5. lilbabygiraffelegs

    You have a lot of good points. It seems like they missed a lot of subtle points to gameplay, or maybe, haven't even gotten to them yet. Let's keep letting them know.
  6. BillSmauz

    1) No, there shouldn't be a ticket system in the game. Have you ever tried destroying the Sunderer itself to stop enemies from spawning? Maybe back-cap their territory to prevent them from pulling more Sunderers. There are many ways to stop the enemy from spawning and incompetence shouldn't be a reason to model the game after Call of Battlefield.

    2) Maybe, although players could abuse this and just go afk to farm certs. If you have trouble having your squad move out to provide a tactical advantage to your engagement because they'll miss out on XP, the problem isn't a global XP system it is your teammates who only focus on gathering XP rather than helping the team. Again, this isn't Call of Battlefield.

    3) Maybe, don't know why people are so obsessive over XP this isn't Call of Battlefield.

    4) Don't they already?

    5) Yes, there's already a system on the map that tells you how many enemies there are (although it is somewhat vague). Similarly how it says "Enemy Platoons Detected" it would be nice to see below it the amount of friendlies in the area "Friendly Platoons Detected".
    This is actually a very important point and I'd like to emphasize it more and perhaps expand upon it. Perhaps give an option on the map to show all friendlies (like how you can see your platoon members) that way you can coordinate battles easier.

    Personal Rage) Yes, there is very little incentive to defend a base. If a small base is being capped I'll try to run back and defend it but it is disheartening to know that you're the only one willing to while everyone else joins in on cert farming at major battles. The game doesn't have much of a metagame and right now is primarily about who has the biggest zerg.
    It would be cool if it required 6+ people to turn a point over.
  7. JaxsonFive

    I would love to see what they do in Guild Wars 2 WvWvW battles how guilds can choose an area to project but, in PS2 as long as that area remains your factions and your guild was the last to retake it, everyone in that outfit gets XP for every 30 minutes who remain in the game and every hour not in game.

    This may make things more personal.
  8. Sukha1337

    1# Of course we kill the Sundies, but when there is a 2 platoons vs 1 mine on Biolab for 1-2 hours straight I think they should get a penalty for not being to take it for that long.
    My fix is just a suggestion I don't really care how they fix it I am just stating my concern....

    #2-3 EXP = Certs so you can change Exp with Certs it doesnt matter, its not the rank all the rage is about... its them Certs.

    #4 nope I cannot see squad leader Waypoints only Platoon and my Squad... :(

    $5 again... ofcourse I know it shows me enemy pressence.

    As far as teamplay goes I would love to see simultanious Deploy for the Platoon.... Where Platoon leader sets a Simultanious deploy then everyone has to agree to it press "y" and drop in together in 48 man rain...
  9. Glenndal

    1) While there are a number of possible systems to limit sunderer spawning, I disagree that sunderer spawns should be limited because none of these systems would interface well with current spawn methods while still being friendly to the large base of players that is mostly incompetent at fps games. I know the response to this is probably "those people should play another game", they do, then PS2 will probably go under in a year or so. Which would stink.

    2)Any addressal of experience gains for use of strategy would be great. Space valhalla is fun for a while, but gets boring quickly.


    4)No comment


    Again, counter-intuitive that the use of strategy results in less xp. I feel like the way to fix this is to add non-combat activities to controlled facilities that grant experience at a lower rate than combat, but faster than wanton ninja capping. These activities should give a boost to some combat functionality so they benefit the faction.
  10. mercc1

    Or you could give a bonus more exp/certs to those who are in a squad and or near squad members to a certain limit. This rewards teamwork and slightly discourages the annoying soloers.
  11. Motion Blur

    I think all the points you mentioned are valid but they are a symptom of a greater problem in the game which is Balance and Control of Resources.

    Part of it can be solved by cancelling the Factions Strength/Weakness and making the differences in Faction revolve around something more substantial like their goals instead.

    If you want to solve the problems of Ninjas make that successfully defending a facility result in XP and Loss of XP on death, this would make lone wolf think twice before taking suicide missions and Defenders becoming more motivated to defend..
    With the game being F2P and XP/CR boost being among the fast selling items I don't see them doing XP loss of any kind and I don't see them rushing to give players more way to earn XP so they have to come up with something clever, Doing an MMO where the Player has nothing to lose is usually a bad deal in a PvP-centered MMOs.

    Anyway I think ill lay this game to rest for a while, ill check back in a few months and expect to see it improved but if its not its not, no point in me sticking around and ranting.
  12. framperton

    As far as suggestions go, these aren't too bad, I just don't agree with #1 or #2.
    The first one defeats the purpose of AMS sunderers as a means of maintaining the frontlines/momentum of an assault. Since you lead NC platoons you know how many people spawn on sunderers during a major base assault. Probably close to a hundred. Spawning perhaps a thousand or more times combined (between all the sunderers present) in said base assault. There is no upper limit I would feel comfortable with, frankly and I think they are good as they are.

    #2 is good in theory, but as has been said by other people, it would be very easy to abuse. The whole point is to keep a squad together, and while I understand that splitting a platoon across multiple territories is a commonly used strategy, a continent wide xp reward would see a return for the AFK Auraxium farmers we had in beta (people who went afk to receive a passive reward).

    Maybe instead squads in adjacent territories could get an XP bonus based on the success on their peers as compensation? Like, only half the xp they would get where they actually there as a reward for holding the line?

    This is a good one. There really isn't any incentive to sit at those points, even if it does make the cap go faster. Even with the expanded radius you're essentially sitting at a very exposed location in most cases, and on the bases that are larger, you are cut out of the fighting.

    Squad leaders can see the platoon leader's waypoint so if you can't it's probably a glitch.

    If the platoon leader puts enough certs into command they can place multiple squad markers which everyone can see.

    I totally agree with this. I would actually prefer to see a player count as opposed to 'platoon' or 'squad' count. This assumes that platoons are at full strength, which is more often not the case in my experience, and can be incredibly misleading.
  13. gilrad

    I think a regenerating ticket system to limit spawns per minute would be an effective way to time-limit assaults/defenses. Each base has a maximum number of spawn tickets, and they all regenerate at a certain rate as long as they are connected to the warp gate. Sunderers are exempt from this, but they have a much weaker spawn potential, let's say three sunderers would be necessary to maintain enough spawns to keep an assault going.
  14. forkyar

    everthing is great,i dont see the problem,stop qqing.
  15. Sukha1337

    If you are spawning hundreds of players on Sundi you are loosing the Assault.
    Most of the base captures even the complicated ones take little time with correct Coordination.

    Autokick from Platoon if AFK for more than 3-5min....
    I am also constantly kicking people for not following the main group or their squad so i don't see the problem at all.
    I don't know how incompetent you have to be to let people sit AFK to farm points...

    I am trying to see Squad Markers as a Platoon leader.... stop misinterpreting my words

    No you can't.... you can put smoke which is not even close to a Waypoint.
    There are enough Waypoints allready, Platoon + 4 squad - I just need to see them.
    I can only see Platoon and the one from my squad. (I am usually Alpha leader + Platoon leader)

    I am fully certed in Squad Leader except all the smoke colours and my beacon is halfway done...
  16. framperton

    Says who? How does that indicate at all you are losing an assault as opposed to just running into equal or heavier resistance? Should everyone just give up immediately if a lot of people die? Assuming everyone is a hyper elite soldier and never dies is dumb, and I have seen dozens of times where attackers take heavy casualties yet still manage to win. And no, don't say 'u nub its prolly a zerg', because a number or times it was an outfit, or two outfits working together.

    So instead of just having one idler effect one platoon, you instead inflict them on every platoon a bot joins. Not a good solution.
    Also, again you assume everyone is on top of who is active, or who is disconnected which just isn't the case. I have often reminded squad or platoon leaders to remove people not listening/disconnected/idle.

    And what about people who go off and do their own thing? It's easy to lose track of a player when you're caught up in an assault or defense.

    Wow, touchy touchy sorry for making suggestions for your 'grand flawless idea'
  17. BadHabitz

    Concerning your personal rage, I agree. I think if an installation has multiple control points then it should require at least one player on each simultaneously in order to flip it. This would make it more difficult to flip larger bases (as it should be) while still leaving smaller bases with one control point for the lone wolves.
  18. Spiffmeister

    No sunderererererers should just have a longer respawn timer. This has the added effect of making Medics more useful.

    Also if the attacking force is too thick to use shieldbreakers (as most attacking forces are) they should have their computers formatted and their internet unplugged.
  19. Sharook

    I think there can be done much more to encourage organised teamplay, even for random squads/platoons. At the current state of the game I see it as a major drawback that there is no system in place that gives easy information of the current state of the war and what is needed where. the current map information is too vague. It's good to nknow if there is an enemy squad detected or multiple platoons, but i also want to know for example. if those platoons are infantry or sitting in MBTs or liberators. so i want to see at glance, how much inf, tanks, aircrafts etc. are in a certain area, enemy AND friendly. so i can better judge where to join a fight and as what (inf, vehicle, AC). that for starters...

    I remember in Tribes 1 and 2 (dunno about the later titles) the commander could give specific tasks to team members, like attack waypoint, defend, repair and such. This was purely a logistical tool and hat no further impact on the game other than allowing a commander to somewhat organize his fellows. this system was sufficient for rather small team sizes and teams that are more or less organized to begin with. But thinking onward from this concept, it imho could easily be mixed with xp-boni to give incentives for more organized teamplay even for a bunch of random players thrown together in a platoon.
    let's say i am defending a base with my platoon and i give one squad the task to defend the generator room.
    So they get xp bonus for all kills near that area.
    I give some guys the task to kill aircrafts, so they get (small) xp for hitting them (to scare them away in worst case) and a more hefty bonus for killing them. If they use AA max for that or AA HA or AA turrets is up to them.
    I give my engineers the task to repair the generator or the sunderer, so they get bonus xp for just doing that.
    likewise a medic gets bonus xp if he revives/heals in a certain area if he picked a defense/attack task for that area, since this way he is helping to accomplish that very task.

    this system could be made even more user friendly and thus be made more useful for random squads and platoons (but also for organized ones) by decoupling the task and and the guy who is fulfilling it. so instead of giving a specific member or group the task "yo go there and defend the generator" the commander just gives a task
    you just give a task and a number of slots for it, like
    "i need 10 ppl to defend the generator there" (xp boni for kills, heals, repairs, revives around that gen)
    "i need 2 ppl to do AA here" (xp boni for aircraft damages and kills while staying in that area)
    "i need 2 ppl to repair/defend the sundy" (xp boni for kills near the sundy and repairs)
    "i need 5 MBT to attack here" etc (xp boni for kills (maybe damages) while being a tank crew member in that area)
    and there is a task panel, where a squad/platoon member can just pick a task that best suits him/her. and also give it back, when s/he wants to do something else.

    this system allows the members to pick tasks and organize themselves in a way that best suits their own skills, certs and gameplay preferences. the PCmdr of a random platoon can not know, who is a good medic or assaulter. even for acmdr of an organized platoon it will be difficult. so he just gives out the task and delegates the decision who is doing what to his fellows.
    advantages: no one is bullied into a role he might not like, there is not so much communication needed as the structure of the tasks shows what is to be done, where the gaps are (e.g. 2 unassigned slots for sundy repair) and everyone can see at a glance, what is needed most and what of the available positions are suited to one's personal preferences and skills. the commander only lays out the general structure of the mission, maybe he can also give some tasks a higher priority (e.g. repair sundy) which gives even more xp bonus, thus ensuring that someone is willing to pick that role. the cmdr can see on a glance which of his tasks are covered and where the shortcomings lie. it is his job to alter the tasks according to the current situation and see to that they are covered.

    thinking even one step further, this information could be publicly available, e.g. let's say you are a dedicated ESF pilot, when joining the game, you can do a search which platoons in your empire are currently having open slots for Air Superiority, galaxy escort, AA or AV tasks, you can see where on the map the respective platoons and tasks are located, select one, automatically join the platoon and pick the task. now all you have to do is, get your ESF, select loadout according to the task (e.g. A2AM vs. pods), hop in, fly to to the designated area and do your job.

    summary of what is needed:
    - commanders can create a tactical setup of tasks, maybe also specify the current overall mission (defend base x, general attack on VS in area Y, conquer base Z) this information is available to all team members, and optionally also coupled with the auto-join mechanism (for public platoons)
    - a user-friendly method to adjust tasks (like shifting the attack area, increase/decrease slot count, shift priorities)
    - team members can pick tasks (and hand them back also)
    - team members receive xp boni for certain actions that are related to their current task
    - a user-friendly way to visualize the objectives of your current task and possible updates (hud, notifications, map)

    i think this system is pretty simple but powerful. the question is, could it be abused? i don't see this atm. E.g. you couldn't farm xp for defending a base, where no one is coming, you just get more xp IF some one is coming AND you actually kill them. you just get some more xp IF you do a certain job after you actually volunteered to do it.

    thoughts, feedback, criticism?
  20. forkyar

    @op,no to all your ideas,there is no flaws,this is endless war,this is wow or anything,let it go or go to a different game.