Game Breaker: Shots Ignoring Targets (videos inside)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Krizzen, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Asimplicity

    This needs fixed!!
  2. Sharmanti

    Lol and I just thought I missed alot :p Or atleast that the blast radius were really small to not make it op
  3. forkyar

    its a bug wow shocking ? no not really,its a bug
  4. Asimplicity

    Yeah somebody just posted another video of the bug in my thread. Needs to be fixed :(
  5. Asimplicity

    Yep, smacked a guy 4 times before I bullets don't count. SUCKS! Need to make another thread to warn people about this bug. Hey, before you decide to give SOE money perhaps you should wait and see how long it takes them to fix guns so bullets do damage in a shooting game..hmmm
  6. Rookaduke

    Yea, I've clearly seen it on 3 occasions. First time was versus a parked galaxy, my rocket went straight through. Second time was against a prowler that was camping on a hill that I sneaked up on. First rocket went straight through the side and into the rock face beside it, he didn't notice so I sent another one his way of which hit. As a side note, I was close enough to get splash damage. Third time was versus a stationary crouching engineer, of which i unleashed 10-15 rounds into. I was so close that only his face and chest were in my sights. I couldn't even blame it on my bad aim or my gauss. He didn't take any damage.
  7. Asimplicity

  8. Slouis

    This similar problems happens to me often as an engi, but is still a different problem. My gun registers hitting a surface but not damaging other players..IE I see the sparks, but no damage is done. This is due to the underslung grenade launcher bug"S" not just one, but part of the many that is Legion. All of this needs to be fixed asap. The millions made from this F2P game need not go to making another EQ expansion
  9. JPRampage

    The worst is when this happens with the chaingun. Turn the corner, see a guy, "Oh, this *********** is getting lit the hell up!!!" Spin up, spew bullets right through him and do no damage. Wut?

    I've found that it's happened to me the most whilst using the chaingun or while spraying a lot of bullets from any other gun.
  10. Eduard K.

    Yes, this needs every form of attention they have available, hit detection and bad hit boxes kill games.

    I remember this game in perfect condition back in beta, as far as hitboxes and hit detection went, what happened?
  11. Tuco


    hehe, maxes have convergence.
  12. gunshooter

    except watch my video and then put your foot in your mouth

    it's clearly a hitreg bug