Friendly fire needs nerf ASAP (especially vehicle collision)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TSAndrey, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. TSAndrey

    Friendly fire needs to be nerfed ASAP

    This is ridiculous. Why is friendly fire so high? It's completely unnecessary and annoying! Even worse is the vehicle friendly fire! A friendly vehicle barely touches you, and you die!

    SOE needs to nerf infantry friendly fire a bit, and vehicle friendly "fire" a lot!
  2. Zapon

    um, in one of the last 2 patches..they had said they'd fixed the new settings for entity-vehicle colissions..


  3. HadesR

    Infantry FF is fine ..

    Outside of those that purposely TK I can't see how Infantry FF is any more than a very very very tiny hindrance
  4. BraSS

    Thing that bugs me the most with friendly fire... When an enemy is firing at you and you use a friendly as a meat shield the rounds seem to go straight through the friendly into you, where if you fire back "through" your team mate his body stops all the rounds.
  5. Gamertech

    They have fixed "most" of the friendly fire due to people gently brushing the side of your vehicle, at least while it's stationary. Brush past a vehicle moving at 2kph and you can still die. (and it's still nearly useless trying to ram an enemy with your tank...)

    As for infantry FF, I can go off to an area by myself, specifically so I don't have any teammates around to get in my way, covering an enemy flank. I start doing my work taking down the enemy and 5 teammates appear out of nowhere in a group and run THROUGH ME in front of my gun while I'm shooting, so I can't see them coming... Then they respawn and do it all over again... If I move then they go to that spot and repeat until I'm weapons locked then they can survive long enough to make it to the enemy where they get nailed by them instead... There are some complete inbreds out there lately and it's only getting worse...

    Then there's the noobs that will only ever go out the 1 door that is getting hammered by 50 enemy infantry, libs and tanks where it's 50/50 whether they get nailed by the enemy or the teammates trying to shoot out of the door... All the while the other 10 doors to the spawn room are completely unguarded and they can go through those to flank the enemy and actually do something useful... But no...They deliberately choose the door where they have 0 chance for survival and actually end up SAVING the enemy due to blocking their teammates fire...

    Attn PS2 Community: If you know one of these inbreds personally, consider it your civic/patriotic duty to grab the nearest shovel and hit them over the head with it until they get it...
  6. Lakora

    FF is fine, if morons step where they shouldn't be and get killed it's their own fault not the FF systems.

    Today I was playing around with my Extended Mag EM6 200 bullet/mag that's just nuts... Anyway I'm standing there in a biolab putting suppressive fire on a door way, now what do people do? They keep stepping right inside my line of sight, gotta say tho was funny getting my first weapons lock cause of other peoples stupidity. :S
  7. axiom537

    Negative Friendly Fire is fine...I crash or get crashed into atleast once a night. I accidentally run people over all the time. I even shoot them and do just about every other thing on a nightly basis that earns me the FF Buzz alarm.

    AND I STILL NEVER GET WEAPONS LOCK.... Friendly Fire happens get over it...
  8. Flarenza

    Love how people say the FF system is fine when it is obviously broken. It is easier to kill a teammate with a near-miss while in a vehicle than to kill an enemy with a direct hit.
  9. Vapid

    Learn to drive. Learn to pilot. Learn to aim. /thread
  10. Gamertech

    L2Drive = your tank is parked and you are repairing it when a teammate brushes it and dies
    L2Pilot = Land on a clear landing pad and 5 teammates rush to stand under it
    L2Aim = Shooting at an enemy flank with no teammates around all of a sudden a whole group of teammates runs through you so you can't see them coming and runs straight in front of your gun.
    L2Troll = Vapid talking ****
  11. TSAndrey

    Exactly. FF needs to be reduced
  12. exLupo

    That's due to the 150% damage multiplier on friendlies.

    Working as intended.