[Guide] For all Close-Range Infils

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Lucidius134, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Lucidius134

    I'm pretty cert poor and i'm waiting for the next triple SC Sale before I get some more. I'm using this time to go over my options as a CQI™ (Close Quarters Infiltrator) and i've noticed somethings. I'm gonna share these with you.

    Currently I have the Ghost and the Phantom (Close range bolt action and Close-range Semi-auto sniper)

    I was wondering from a SPREADSHEAT and NON-SPREADSHEAT perspective the thoughts of Infiltrators on different topics. I'm gonna provide some spread sheet data for ya'all:

    Your Faction's Scout RIfle Versus Other Faction's Full Auto Scout Rifle.

    1) All faction full auto scout rifles are identical except VS', which is identical but has no Bullet Drop and damage (presumably) drops to 102 damage instead of 112
    (Click pic for link)

    Your Faction's SMG's Versus Your Faction's Full Auto Scout Rifle.

    I've tried to look at the pros and cons of using the Scout Rifles over the SMG's and i'm having a hard time.

    Green - Best
    Red - Worst
    Blue - The same

    I only tried to put blue when there were 2 stats or more of the same in the same category.
    I only put Red/Green where the scout rifle is better or worse than any SMG, or only where there is blue, indicating that this is the worst stat out of every option.


    Your Faction's Semi Auto Scout Rifle Versus Your Faction's Semi-Auto Sniper RIfle


    Your Factions Close Range Bolt Actions Versus Your Factions Basic Bolt Action

  2. Lucidius134

    Some things i've noticed between SMG's and Scout Rifles:
    • Scout Rifles have the worst ammunition in both magazine size and capacity with no extended mag option.
    • Scout Rifles have the highest recoil and first shot multiplier with the same ADS bloom as SMG's
    • Scout Rifles cannot equip Extended Mags or Advanced Laser Sights but can use 6X scopes.
    • Scout Rifles have faster projectiles
    • Scout Rifles generally have the worst Rate of Fires and are out damaged by other SMG's

    Scout rifles seem to have a very small niche over SMG's at the moment but there are way too many down sides to make it good at that niche, such as ammunition capacity, higher recoil and rate of fire. Depending on your faction (TR or maybe VS) picking the Scout Rifle over the SMG may be viable if you want a better damage model but the slower rate of fire and ammunition capacity drag it down.

    Some things i've noticed about Semi-Auto Scout Rifles and Semi-Auto Snipers:
    • The difference between the semi-auto sniper rifles are the scope attachments and, excluding the VS, a 50 velocity to the short range variant
    • The VS Short Range Semi-Auto Sniper has no benefit except the scopes. Instead it has a longer reload??
    • The Semi-Auto Snipers have better jumping ADS accuracy, better than any SMG/Carbine.
    • The Semi-Auto Scout Rifle has higher recoil per shot but slightly better recoil recovery.
    • Stats suggest the Semi-Auto Scout Rifles are the only ones that benefit from Laser Sight?? Please Confirm

    What i've noticed about the Close Range Bolt Actions and the Basic Bolt Actions.:
    • The Close Range Bolt Action reloads quicker, has a higher rate of fire but slower velocity projectiles and access to 4x scopes as its highest zoom.
    • Both the Basic and Close Range Bolt Actions have identical stats across all factions.
  3. Lucidius134

    Question time:

    Are there people who Take the Auto Scouts over the SMG's?
    Does anyone have any extended experience with the Auto Scout Rifles and or the SMG's? If so, how do they feel compared against eachother?
    Should the lack of difference between the scout rifles be changed?
    Should the bolt actions and semi-auto snipers perform practically the same for all factions, or should the TR get higher ROF and bigger magazines, NC get harder hitting ones with a lower rate of fire, and VS get lower recoil ones?
  4. m44v

    unless you're using a SMG then your choice of weapon for a CQI is kinda irrelevant, you will get killed most of the time and specially if fired upon first. If you have a SMG then you can go and gungho everyone.

    If you want to stay alive in CQC I only have two points, know where the enemy is and try to not let them know where you are, and for that I recommend suppressors, avoid cloaking, and the recon tool (but you have to cert into rank 3 at least for the recon tool to be useful) If you can have control over those two points then any weapon you pick would be good enough.
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  5. Timeraider

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  6. Lucidius134


    I don't rely on the noisy *** cloak when i'm sneaking around and i'll often times run with the suppressed Phantom. The Suppressor really helps. It's not even the minimap benefit. The Suppressor sound is much quieter on the VS ones, making it a much better option period. I'll often tmes win if they get the drop on me with the semi-auto sniper if I place all my shots.
  7. Syphers

    Bah I use it all the time though I have a knack to know and analyze where my opponents are so I time my approach and as they hear me uncloak it's already too late lol
  8. Mustarde

    I have used both the TR ASR and the Armistice SMG extensively. As many others have mentioned, the SMG is far superior to the ASR in almost every aspect. Yes, technically the ASR has more range, but due to recoil and small clip, you will find it very difficult to take someone down before they use their superior weapon to kill you (even if you get the jump on them).

    The SMG allows for great damage and stopping power at close range. Due to the fact that infiltrators can flank and approach enemies from different vectors due to cloaking, I never really tried, or felt the need to engage at medium ranges. It's not that hard to get close to your targets in most circumstances. This further negates the slight range advantage of the ASR.

    I discussed this and more in my Infiltrator weapons guide. In general, my observations are similar to yours.

    As for giving different class attributes for the bolt action weapons, it sounds like a nice idea but could destabalize the infiltrator vs. infiltrator balance greatly. This is an important balance because the best way to counteract snipers are other snipers (in most longer range circumstances... obviously this doesn't apply in CQI). Giving TR a higher rate of fire and/or bigger magazines would completely dominate another NC sniper, even if they had more damage per shot. I'd rather they kept things as is for now. Just my opinion.

    Thanks for the additional analysis of these weapons!
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  9. Timeraider

  10. Lucidius134

    Yeah, I was mostly looking for anything positive to say about the scout rifles, hense the 'range' comment. Wasn't sure how people took to the recoil and other traits though since numbers mean little without knowing what they do/how they work or feel. I'm still really confused about why they added the SMG's without adjusting the scout rifle.
  11. m44v

    Yeah, dunno why SOE gave us same reskinned bolt actions, I would like some faction asymmetry. If I play VS I only need to cert the bolt action and it would be like if I didn't switch faction.

    Dunno, like VS bolt action has no bullet drop, but has a short delay between pulling the trigger and firing the shot. TR could have a bigger magazine and more bullets while NC could deal more damage. The 3 would still OHK with headshots.

    TR's should at least have the rotating bolt that normal sniper rifles have.
  12. Lucidius134

    At the very least, some of them should be common pool if they are statistically the same.

    Give us faction reskins for the basic semi-autos and bolt actions, make stuff like the RAMS .50m and the Prallax or whatever the heck common pool NS snipers.

    Not gonna happen cause they'll lose $$$$$$$$$
  13. Regpuppy

    My personal choice? The second SMG that was released. The combination of rate of fire and a hefty magazine size means you don't get punished as much if you miss one or two. For the blitz 8 bullets to the chest is enough to kill in CQC and you get 50 of them. So unless you're putting yourself in a situation where you're facing off against 3+ targets in open combat you'll have the bullets and the dps to kill someone before having to fall back easily.
  14. Antich

    So what would be the advantage of NC again? All would kill with one headshot or 2 bodyshots, point of higher dmg is?
    So what would be the advantage of TR? At a class that has to get the perfect shot every time(which can take a loong time, what is the importance of reloading every 5 or 6 bullets?
    OHHH, you want the vanu buffed... ok, say so.

    There are hundreds of cry posts on the forums about faction balance and you complain about one of the few places where that balance is 100% sure with the fact that all faction get cloned weapons?
  15. m44v

    Kill nanoweave users more consistently.

    now I'm thinking you're trying to troll me.

    I main a NC toon, I was honestly thinking that my proposal was a bit unfair to the VS, you seem to not know much about sniping.

    98% of those post are about b*tching about stuff that kills them, not about imbalances.
  16. GSZenith

    You already got ghost...no need for smg or anything else, ghost/t-sar/sas-r forever.
    x4 scope and you are good to go.
    (and don't forget emp nade)

    went into a room of ghost cappers with my shotgun setup, only i came out :)
  17. Antich

    You said same OHK on a headshot. Headshot = double dmg => 2hit kill for body shots => extra dmg = useless
    I reload my sniper rifle after 2-3 shot all the time. Anyone should before bullet 5 otherwise you get a longer reload. You took one of the few infantry weapons where clip size doesn´t really matter and suggested that as a bonus for TR and i am trolling?
    Yes it was fair to the VS because at distances where bullet drop does matter you don´t shoot while the guy is on the move, you wait for him to stop, otherwise there is a huge chance for you to just make your presence known and waste a bullet. Also a slight delay in firing is a joke, the saron prouved that very well. That just = you have to keep crosshairs on target for that half of a second.
    Hitscan 1hit kill weapon.... gg
    With the last point i actually agree, that is why i said only hundreds not thousands :D
  18. m44v

    The headshot damage for bolt actions isn't x2, is has been tested in these forums a lot of times, and at long ranges you can't OHK high rank nanoweave users.

    I also suggested to give them the ability to carry more ammo, but you only think about the magazine size, that's why I think you're trolling.

    I'm not going to continue wasting time arguing about this, is only something I thought for having asymmetrical bolt actions, it isn't like SOE is going to change anything.
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  19. Lucidius134

    My suggestion for the snipers would be to make them common pool.


    A) Make the cheapest bolt action and semi-auto snipers faction common pool and keep the upgraded bolt actions faction reskins.

    b) Keep the cheapest bolt action and semi auto snipers faction reskins and make the upgraded bolt actions (lightyear/longshot/etc) common pool.

    This really wouldn't touch the established balance, it would just affect cross account play, and since they are already stastical duplicates I dont see why they should not be cross faction. Buying the same gun 3 times is a stupid premise.
  20. Executioner Smough

    SMG is pretty much easy mode. I've been using the auto scout lately just because it's fun. Looks cooler, has a cooler sound, and it has a longer effective range than SMG but lower than sniper rifles. Really easy to get some hits off on a crowd, steal some assists, that sort of thing; if you catch someone off guard at medium range and pour a clip into their back, you can easily kill them or finish them off with your pistol. Sneaking up and hip-firing into their face is also acceptable.
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