Fix Cloaking already. Enough is enough.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Flaeb, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Flaeb

    It's very frustrating. The visibility of cloak is the SAME when I either sprint or crouching slowly. This is unacceptable. I should be able to crouch very slowly with little visibility. Just by moving a hair, you light up like a christmas tree.

    I'm mainly speaking about Stalker Cloak, and patience does not get rewarded, and it forces infiltrators to constantly sprint because crouching slowly gives you the same visibility when sprinting so....what gives?

    The cloak visibility should be ranked like this (From near invisibility to very visible)
    -Crouched and not moving
    -Crouched and moving
    -Standing and not moving
    -Standing and walking

    Please fix this. It was like this in Planetside 1, and it needs to be carried over here.
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  2. Captain Kid

    It already works like that.. If it isn't bugged that is.
  3. MarkAntony

    Yeah but crouch walking is too visible.
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  4. Captain Kid

    Yes but that is not what this thread is about. The op is suggesting there is only ONE cloak state which is simply not true.
    There are at least 4.

    (And I personally would make at least crouch walking completely invisible as in not rendering at all for stalker cloak)
  5. Flaeb

    There isn't in this game. Try it yourself. You move a hair while crouched, you're fully visible as you were sprinting.
  6. MarkAntony

    He is saying that because the difference between crouch walking and sprinting is so small you might not even notice.

    In any case the cloak while not crouch sitting is way to visible in all other states on high settings.
  7. Captain Kid

    I cloak a lot. I disagree. Sprinting is MUCH more visible.
    There are at least 4 different cloak stages.
    Crouch walking
    Crouch stationary

    Crouch stationary is almost invisible, even if they know you are there and actively looking only 1 out of a 100 players can see you.
    Crouch walking is somewhat less invisible, only players knowing there is a cloaker around and actively looking will see you. Or players VERY close by looking directly at you. And even then a lot won't.
    (I want this to be completely invisible by the way, it is annoying having to rely on luck. So I agree with the OP on that part. Make crouch walking the same as crouch stationary or even better; not render at all.)
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  8. Matt879

    I agree, crouch walking might be a bit less visible than sprinting, but it's still way too visible and will get you killed almost all the time. It needs to be a lot harder to see a crouch walking infiltrator.
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  9. Flaeb

    I cloak alot as well, been cloaking since beta. Got Aurixium on knife and Facebook Pistol within the first couple months on release. Maybe the stages you mention are so little its barely noticeable. But I play on Medium settings and I tell ya, I don't see a difference at all. I watch other cloakers crouching slowly and they light up like a christmas tree, but once they sit still, the difference is night and day.

    Point is. it's NOTHING like the Planetside 1 "stage" system, and that needs to return. It's so drastic from Crouching stationary and crouching walking it's insane. It needs to be tweaked.
  10. Captain Kid

    Hmm. I could be wrong.. I assumed there were different stages so maybe I started thinking there really were. I still think looking at myself cloaked the sprinting cloak stage is much more visible then the crouch walking stage..

    Let's just say when I'm around enemies I crouch walk and don't sprint. Even if the stages are the same sprinting will still be more visible because the movement will attract much more attention..

    Anyway. Crouch walking should be less visible. Make it so when crouched you are not being rendered at all. So no more settings crap either. you are ALWAYS invisible to the enemy.
  11. NBA JAM

    Cuz infiltrators need more buffs right? You have a rambo shield + SMG to **** everyone and sneak up on the sundy with prox mines netting you multi kills galore. Long range sniper rifles with OHK bolt actions that farm certs for you. Seriously, stop complaining, this class needs nerfs more than any other class currently.

    Sniping is far too easy especially with implants.

    But oh, your cloaking isn't making you perfectly invisible? Actually, on low graphics settings which a lot of players run on, you are perfectly invisible. They can't see you even if you are running full speed.

    And if you are moving while another player is around THAT'S YOUR OWN FAULT. The idea is NOT to move while other people are around and then once they're gone, de-cloak and/or continue moving. Honestly, you've got nothing to complain about.
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  12. Flaeb

    You're not wrong about sprinting. But since the visibility on crouch walking is so bad and most likely the enemy WILL notice you crouch walking, you might as well take the increased survivability chance and sprint to where you need to be. Obviously certain situations *mostly larger battles* that could be a bad idea. But what I speak is the majority of the time. I'm playing now and no one knows I'm around, and i TAPPED forward an inch while crouch and Im being fired at. Trust me, this happens to me all the time.

    If they had a proper stage system, then I wouldn't care if someone with a great keen eye sees me moving, they deserve the kill, and with the introduction of Darklight to pretty much every pistol, EVERYONE technically has a counter to infiltrators. So now we need a proper visibility, rather the game has one or not. It needs to be implemented or tweaked.
  13. Flaeb

    This so called "buff" is barely a buff to SMG and Sniper infiltrators as their cloak don't last long enough to benefit the visibility stage system. This is a buff to stalkers who use pistols, and patience as their weapon.
  14. Captain Kid

    I don't know what to say but this is not my experience at all.. Only when they know there is a cloaker around they see me when crouch walking. on occasion. Or I'm very unlucky and they come around a corner right in my face. And even then half don't see me..

    I spend a lot of time being smack in the middle of the enemy. Literally a few meters away from me. Sure you have to act like you are visible so don't move when they are looking right at me and stuff like that.

    But I still want better cloak for crouch walking I hate dying just because I have bad luck. I spend a lot of time getting in a good position (STALKING) I want to die when I screwed up not just because somebody plays at high settings or has superman eyes.
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  15. iller


    I get spotted while crouch walking from 40 meters away somehow
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  16. Crayv

    Stalker cloak could use some buffs. I would like to see more people use it and a reason to use Darklights more.
  17. Flaeb

    Agreed, taking a long shot that a dev. will notice this post.
  18. Serialkillerwhale

    And having SMGS with a TTK of "Scat Maxes are jealous" and being completely invisible to anyone who doesn't have a fancy-*** computer is fair?

    Fix low-quality first, this matters far less.
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  19. Epicstrat

    Ok... You really don't need a very hardware intensive computer to run on medium settings. My 4 year old laptop can pull medium settings with 40+ FPS.

    Cloak as a long list of bugs associated with it that need to be fixed. Cloak should be normalized across all settings. It's invisible on low, and too visible on ultra. These problems have existed for a long time, as we all know, and if there was an easy solution it probably would have been put in by now.

    This isn't about nerfing/ buffing infiltrators, it's about fixing an unreliable game mechanic.
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  20. Serialkillerwhale

    On the other hand, ALL low-quality players suffer from one, only inf players suffer the other.

    And Infs are annoying enough with their invisible instagib wagons and equally instagib SMGS and ability to hack turrets in zero seconds.