Fellow NCs...and you TRs, lets show VS support- SOE, unnerf Saron! Lets do something good

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mystogan, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Mystogan

    I am NC player, in NC outfit, I kill VS. I hate TR, I hate that TR got buffs, hate Pounders. I didnt want VG shield nerf, even thought it was OP itself. I hate TR for crying on VG nerf, I want to blame them. I hope for nerfs to TR. I want buff on NC MAX. But that is irrelevant.

    I am honest here as a player, but I know VG shield nerf was needed, same as ZOE nerf, same as Lockdown buff.

    Was enforcer nerf necessery? Maybe it was too good...maybe... Was a Vulcan buff lame? Yes, it should be revamp more.

    BUT! BUT!

    Dear NC players and TR. The Saron nerf, the weapon I was almost like never killed as a Infantry, the awesome, deadly and unique ES secondary weapon nerf was ABSOLUTLY UNFAIR TO VS. As much as I will aways want NC to be strongest and other factions not (normal...) this was absolutly uncalled nerf.

    All I want to do is show SOE that we can see, apart form ForumWars, that something is just UNFAIR.

    Because what you did SOE to Saron is just a way to force VS to buy Halberds. Becasuse VS never had to even consider Halberd instead of Saron (as it should be with ES vs NS items...). You did that (becasue I dont accept your "too good at infatry killing" BS) just so Halberd can be sold more. It is not nerf- it is buisness model!

    I think every NC and TR player here will agree that Saron was never ever effective against Infantry. In fact I think both Enforcer and even Vulcan were and are much better at it.

    Just write down here, NC, TR if you agree. Show VS that such dirty-money moves are seen. I think it is all about $$. But we can do something! That was absolutly UNFAIR and UNNECESSERLY nerf to VS.

    I am with you VS. Dont give up on Saron. Dont buy Halberd. I love Saron, even on the other side :).
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  2. ColonelChingles

    I guess it depends on the degree of the AI nerf to the Sauron.

    Originally the Saron was slightly overperforming compared to the Enforcer. It has an average KPH of 23 compared to the Enforcer's AKPH of 21. The Halberd was already (pre-nerf) much better at killing infantry, with an AKPH of 26 for the NC and 30 for the VS.

    So was the Saron better than the Enforcer for killing infantry? Yes, but really only by 2 AKPH which really isn't that bad. Nothing really to complain about. And the Halberd was already better for the job anyhow since it OHKs most infantry.

    But along the same token the Enforcer nerf was also uncalled for. The difference between the AVKPH of the Saron and the Enforcer was only 1 (13 versus 12), and again not worth complaining about. And again not to mention that the Halberd outperforms them both, as the VS Halberd nets a AVKPH of 15.

    Was it okay that the Saron was better at AI work than the Enforcer? Yes, because it was by such a small amount. Was it okay that the Enforcer was better at AT work than the Saron? Yes, because it was by such a small amount.

    The changes to the Saron and the Enforcer should be rolled back. The changes to the TR's Vulcan were much needed, but careful attention should be paid to how the Vulcan interacts with the already powerful Prowler cannons. I think this would be fair (except the Vanguard shield changes, but there is enough disagreement that I don't think that Forumside could agree to those).
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  3. quatin1

    I get how the Saron nerf was uncalled for, but does it really matter? Instead of 2 shot kills on infantry, which supposedly rarely happens, it's now 3 shot kills. Did anything really change?
  4. HellasVagabond

    You're kidding right ? We are outnumbered by the VS most time of the day and you want to buff the saron ? Well if SOE decreases their strafe acceleration i'm all for it, if not then no.
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  5. Alarox

    Rational arguments hold no water when it comes to spreadsheet balancing.

    Actually the saron nerf actually didn't hurt the saron much.

    The splash radius increase made it so that you can spam all the shots at the ground and kill infantry.
    It takes more ammo but less time.

    Halberd is too ugly for me to put on my mag.
    Also the alpha damage the halberd has over the saron is good but I hardly think the difference between those two will cost me the battle.

    I would still like it reverted.
    But I am not that mad anymore about the saron.
    After playing with it, it is almosty better than it was.
    In certain situations.
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  7. Lucidius134

    Infantry kills per magazine with 100% accuracy went down from 3 to 2.

    Pretty reasonable considering it's an AV weapont hough imo.
  8. Hotel88A

    How about roll back the saron to its original single shot form? I wouldnt even mind if it took several hits to kill infantry with it.
  9. Epic High Five

    It's an AV weapon that weapon that was quite adept at killing infantry. How did you think it would fare after a patch that brought us Enforcer nerfs with the reasoning of, "it's better than the Halberd at AV work"? Nevermind everything else that's different between the two.

    It must've been your server, because I will killed by it all the time as an infantry.
  10. DashRendar

    I never thought the Saron needed an AV nerf. It always had bonkers DPS in close quarters and I would lose my Vanguard to them frequently, but I really liked that because old Saron was how ES stuff should be. You should say "holy crap it's THAT weapon again" to a reasonable extent. Old Vulcan was too much when it was on a harasser, but Saron was never to a broken extent IMO, it was just right. May have needed a slight AI nerf, but AV was perfect.
  11. Gazatron

    This has been bugging me a while now as everyone seems to get it wrong.

    Pre-nerf it took 3 shots to kill infantry that arnt MAXes. Possibly 2 for infils but I'm not sure.

    Post-nerf it takes 4 shots to kill ALL infantry, yes infils too, except MAXes.

    All of these shots to kill do NOT include head shots.

    I tested this the day of the update so I can say its accurate information unless changes have been made since then.

    Therefore over two magazines if my math is correct you can kill three enemy infantry.

    Out of all the whining that exists on the forum I never once saw a Saron nerf thread. I think it's clear this is a money grab scheme from SOE. Players will always tell u what is killing them the most especially on forums so if the Saron was really performing so well we would certainly hear about it.
  12. gigastar

    Theres no point complaining about it anyway. The balance guys obviously rely more on spreadsheets and charts to balance the game more than aggregate player opinion.

    While also being too scared to actually buff anything. See: Vulcan, CME.
  13. eldarfalcongravtank


    thanks but we'll be fine
  14. Mongychops

    No, the splash got nerfed hard. Here, I've even done the maths for you. Whether the nerf was justified or not is another matter, but this change was 100% a nerf.

    Killing someone with Flak 5 with splash is not quick...

    X=distance from impact : y=splash damage

  15. TheFamilyGhost

    The only thing that should be nerfed is criers.

    I miss the truly scary stuff. Stuff that created drama in the game.

    The crybabys could hack the hard part of the game.
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  16. doombro

    I get killed by Sarons more often than magrider main guns. It definitely needed the splash nerf.
  17. Frosty The Pyro

    if your test were in VR they are wrong. VR dummies are immune to splash damage. and agaisnt infantry splash and direct damage sum, so if you are using anything with splash agsint infantry in VR you will likely get the wrong answers.

    As a side note, the buffs/nerfs this latch patch were pretty small, normaly SOE nerfs in full kneejerk over the top fashion. I for one heavily embrace the smaller more incremental approach.
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  18. DevDevBooday

    Yeah because unlike the Vulcan, the Saron really needs a buff -_-
  19. Gundem

    Dude, the Saron IS the magrider main gun. The Supernova is extremely bad, and is why the Saron's AI potential was perfectly justified.
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  20. Gundem


    But does that really excuse other nerfs? Just make the Vulcan competitive, we don't need more nerfs.
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