F2P,Certs, and you

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RagingHedgehog, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. JimRussle

    I dont think anyone minds or would prefer if everyone was unlocked instantly. You feel the pain though when you're getting camped by air and you own a single burster arm, and that's really the difference.
  2. SnowBird

    Just enjoy the game and you don't have to worry about getting your certs, next thing you know you've unlocked everything
  3. Admiral Ackbar

    Umm.. Starting with the line where it says, the game was made to make money.. To you, making certs easier to get = less money for SOE.. Quite the opposite.. If its easier to gets certs then more people have goals accomplished.. When goals are accomplished people are happy with the game and the developers.. If you think people won't buy things because they are able to use certs which would be in this case 2x the normal as of right now, then you are wrong.. 1x exp will get you 1000 certs in a week if you work hard at it.. 2x exp gets you 1000 certs in 3.5 days if you work hard at it.. 2x the exp is still not great and people will buy stuff.. Also, people naturally buy things because they are more lazy than others.. In the case of the direction as of right now, many people are quitting the game because of the current cert gain per hour.. When goals are not achieved, people are unhappy.. And when people are unhappy, then people don't spend money.. Also, when a lot of people quit the game, people don't buy things either because the money would be a waste if the game was dying..

    The third line now.. You have no idea what you are talking about.. If it takes like 7 days to get 1000 certs and 1000 certs normally equals 7 dollars of stationcash.. Then it would mean you earn about 4 cents an hour in game.. In real life, if i was paid 4 cents an hour, then I would really would do nothing at work..

    The fourth line.. As I said above.. People like myself will NEVER buy gear or weapons with real money.. Should I be alienated from the game because my goals cannot be accomplished..? You speak as if they care about only the people who pay them money.. Since, sometimes I don't believe the only reason they made Planetside 2 was for them money.. More like its a hobby that makes money..

    Also.. SOE makes a ton of money as it is.. Developers of normal non-MMO pay to play make about 30 dollars from digital download of a game costing 60 dollars.. On consoles it would be even less, like 23 dollars.. SOE earns 100% of the money from each purchase..
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  4. Rockit

    Guess the way I look at this is the game has several issues at the moment related to population retention. (Sure I am leaving a couple out too)

    Technical: Performance, Bugs, Hackers
    Architectural: Meta-game, base design, battle flow, new player experience (learning curve, tutorial etc)
    Business: Cert gain rate, Shop item costs

    Which of these is the quickest and easiest to address and has empirical evidence backing up pop sustainability? The business related items. Slippery slope here because it affects profits but if fewer are playing as is then what are you losing? I am not saying go crazy with it but some adjustment might be needed and maybe short term until other items can be addressed. Maybe even sliding scale where new users gain faster and it slows as BR progresses?

    Anyway that is my 2 cents worth and that is probably the amount of attention it will get. I just want to see the game thrive like it has the potential to do.
  5. Hetzau

    There is a reason devs seek to make games that are unique and not just a copy of another game. Also, there is a reason video games walk a very fine line on being considered "art" and not just entertainment. Whenever I see someone post a comment like this, I always think they have just insulted the whole game and gave me a good reason not to play it because I realize that really IS the only reason the game exists. Unlike artistic marvels such as Journey and GW 2.
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  6. JimRussle

    Pretty much...the start of all great games were great ideas and dreams, not money making schemes
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  7. Dibola

    Cert prices need reviewing or a slight cert gain increase is needed for F2P players. The way it is right now, it forces you to buy to have an competitive edge against others who have bought stuff with certs or not. The cert gain is just TOOOOO slow for how much they ask on items.
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  8. ackerx

    I dont think it have any difference if you have dual buster max but your teammate all retreat. PS2 aint single mode game. 1 dual buster max wont be able to hold tons aircraft. The only difference between F2P and P2P players are well coordination outfits or pretty much it's players issue. 90% of this game genre players are bad enough and they whine everything. The rest 10% player are team players with coordinate outfit that buy things they need to against another outfit. F2P players wont care about it. Except price are low enough. But we both know those AA/AV/Buster cost 1000 cert and F2P players have no patience to gain cert and not willing spent money to buy those thing. They just want fun and kill people. It's really just that simple. Btw 1000 cert is really a bit overpriced for AA/AV/Buster. I wont aruge about this.
  9. Ghostick

    Simplicity of the game: When people are first playing the game, and they see that awesome 2nd Burster for the MAX that all those awesome MAXes have and are bringing planes down with, they see the 1000 certs.

    At that early part of the game the noobie will realise: I want this, but how do I get this?

    For a totally new person, 20 certs an hour is being generous, he realises this after an hour of playing he's sitting on 10 certs, and then looks at that 1000 cert price tag.

    Should he buy it? Should he dump $7 on a game he thought was f2p?
    Should he give up? Which choice saves him money and time?

    For me, I put $10 on the game and got my burster, and enjoyed the game.
    For my brother, he didn't, and he was disheartened by the multitude of 1000 cert pricetags and gave up.

    Who do you think is the more common demographic?
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  10. Funguy

    Why not make money off advertising? we face same boring screen everytime the game launches why not include a selective ad based on the informaiton they have of us?

    besides the amount of content in the game id say its more of an engine filler/place holder for other titles. feels like a game mod to be honnest - 3 continents which are near identical copies with same recylced 3d structures, same 3 types of weapons with different attachments and minor alterations.....recycled vehicles for the most part.
  11. U4EA

    The people who complain that unlocking/cert gaining isn't fast enough are the same people who'll complain there's 'no point to play' anymore once they've unlocked everything after a few weeks.

    Buy a membership and unlock something every 2 days or don't and get to play this amazing game for free. Seems like a nice deal to me.
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  12. xxJackallxx

    You actually expect me to put any money into this game in the condition it is in...LOL...hell flipping no.They won't get a penny from me until this game is fixed and working without the current list of major issues/bugs/balance what have you.

    I'm sorry,I do not pay anyone good money to be a beta tester for a game that was not ready to be released,yet was rushed out the door anyway.

    Then again many people have thrown away money into this game..and as the saying goes..."A fool and his money are soon parted"
  13. Protection

    That means you are arguing the "point" of the game is Cert farming. The most meaningful things I can do are not capturing continents or seizing bases, but camping spawns and bombing freshly spawned players at a Sunderer from my Liberator.

    Even with triple cert gain, unlocking everything will still take hundreds or even thousands of hours. More that most people put into any game, even MMOs.

    And the point now is that Sony has done the F2P business model the entire wrong way. It's frightening away free players and making them hate the game.
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  14. gRaider2001

    Could not have said it any better
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  15. Garzin

    Just watch the Angry Joe review it says it all there
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  16. Tasogie

    Actually We shouldn't be ripped off, which is what happens now, its insulting just how badly over priced an under content the system is.
    Specially the subscription base. that is laughable.Some people have paid over 300$ already, an for a game on PC that is insulting, for 3 weeks. You dont even pay that for a year.
    Hell Ive played EvE for 7 years an I have not paid half that in all those years.
    SOE are in financial **** supposedly, so they are in a cash grab.

    Instead of talking down to people an telling everyone how it has to be, which you dont have the rights to, maybe you should use some maturity an actually look at the facts. then you might see just how badly they are screwing us.
  17. Elbryan

    Just skip 2 burger meals and boom! You can now buy any weapon in the game. Spend the money on a x3 SC day and you'll get yourself a lot of stuff for just 10$. Spend the SC on bundles and sale items and you have yourself a ton of stuff.

    That said, I wouldn't mind them slightly dropping the cert costs on weapons. Even if they are mostly just side grades.

    Unlocking is fun. But I do think a lot of players are placing too much emphasis on getting unlocks instead of enjoying the actual gameplay.
  18. Dibola

    I see your point about saving but that's moot. The actual gameplay is affected due to slow cert gain and high VERY high unlock cert prices.
  19. WhatsThatNoize

    I think we can all agree that we'd like to see a Developer or Moderator's input on this... Because frankly I would like to know just what their line of thought is. How could they reason so badly that ostracizing the f2p accounts and damaging the game's meta was a good idea?
  20. Rockit

    Dead on!!! He nailed it.

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