Extended Server Maintenance June 24th - Server Merges

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Tykune

    TIW (Iron Wolves) are really big hackers on Waterson. Most of their level 100's were banned from the game for hacking. (Yes, they are NC as well.)
  2. Toxah

    How many GB in size is the new patch?
  3. Tykune

    I wanna know where the patch notes are located.
  4. Stormsh7dow

    That is funny as hell dude, That's what happens when kids play fps and get farmed by outfits like TIW. Might aswell report anyone that kills you.
  5. Tykune

    Its a very known fact that TIW hacks...
  6. 1Shot003

    Banned No, stopped playing the game Yes
  7. SirPepsi

    Well.. I cleaned up my apartement, I made some social calls to my friends and family, I studied for the next examination. Now I am watching a super bad and boring absolutly non exciting soccer game Italy vs Uruguay. Papa Higby, can I please get more excitement in my multimedia live and play some Planetside? Devs already said "soon" :(
  8. AllSkillorNoThrill

    LOL losers that cryhard about other peoples K/D (an almost worthless stat compared to the rest mind you) got some things to work on IRL. I didn't realize playing a video game for (((entertainment))) purposes, would lead some to believe that anyone anywhere actually gives a sht about your k/d let alone your stats in general.

    As pathetic as that is in it own reich, I want you to do me a favor and message how well it worked afterward.

    Your most likely alone so - Go to any woman you see and ask them if they care what your k/d is. Although, I'm certain that don't.

    Your most likely broke so - Go ahead and add your k/d and the rest of your "meaningful" stats to a resume and lemme know what company hired you. G/L

    - I guess telling you to get a better life won't work either.
  9. Tykune

    Whatever floats your boat man. Dont want to get into a **** arguement about an outfit that does have banned hackers.
  10. Stormsh7dow

    Then I guess NUC, ZAPS, PREY...etc are hackers also? And its no known fact, fact is people who are handicapped at gaming love pointing the "you're a hacker" finger as a reason why they die to certain players. When all it really is, people can excel at gameplay. And be more then an average zergling.
    • Up x 1
  11. 1Shot003

    #rekt GitGud Scrub
  12. DiegoPesentePOA

    Connery VS are like that, dint even care anymore to see amore than 10 fellow VS players complete ignore a spaw beacon or spotter, to dont say the ones who enjoy blowming VS sunders and another veicles and the TK's...
  13. Tarius0508

    Shutup, you're making people think you are dumber than you look. Every MMO has maintenance windows, and some on a regular basis, and a lot of them require you to pay monthly. So sit down, shutup, and be patient.

    What they are doing is a lot more complicated than just rolling out an update. I love it when people who do not work in an enterprise environment comment about how long things take. If they rushed and screwed up and screwed up the whole thing you would be up in arms. So do us all a favor and dont talk.
  14. Tykune

    Never heard of any of them except maybe NUC, but I never heard anything about them being hackers. And you are giving TIW -way- too much credit there, buddy.
  15. brobackoff

    started till 6am now its 10 when is this done!
  16. planetsiderogue

    I remember when this game first came out and the battles were literally 100v100 or more. Night battles had 10x more tracers flying around and the game all around looked over the top epic, This game NEEDS massive population to keep it interesting. if you have 50v50 across an entire map then this game is done.. merging servers is nice and all but its like putting a patch on the side of a pool where theres a hole...SOE needs to Advertise this game as a TV commercial...that will bring tons of new players...

    I miss my 100v100 battles :(
  17. DooDooBreff

    all companies are shady....

    also, welcome to erf
  18. Stormsh7dow

    "Heard"? So just cause other people tell you someone is hacking means they are?
  19. Manu blood

    wie lange dauert es denn noch das server wieder online sind es nervt langsam das seit stunden down sind und ich langsam gedult verliere
  20. CristhianAlfaro