Explosive Certing

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by TomaHawk, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. ejj123

    First and formost the first thing to get is AT mines. play around with them and go from there
    I when with AP next for the defence option they give.

    i might get c4 but with the way i use mines to defend hrav from tr rebels from quartz i dont have the res to supply all 3.
  2. RblDiver

    Well, if you can afford it, you could have both. However, in the interest of "cert saving," putting it on LA tends to make more tactical sense.

    There are times C4 is superior. My sundy has 4/4 mineguard. Earlier today, I had it in the base of a tower. Enemy engies would drop mines, damaging my sundy but leaving it intact enough for me to repair before they got back. It took 2/3 engineers dropping mines at the same time to finally destroy me. However, dropping two C4 on my back dropped the sundy to burning stage. So, against me, C4 is best.

    I can see your point of "c4 traps." However, these tend to be pretty situational. Trying to make a trap with both C4 and mines seems like overkill and a waste of resources. Besides, you could do the same having mines on the engy and C4 on the LA, plus you get the bonus of the LA having mobility to use them in other situations as well.

    Personal preference I suppose, but yeah, it seems like LA with C4 is better than engy with C4.
  3. Adamar09

    The advantage of engineer here is the utility pouch - LA cannot carry 4 sticks of C4. Engineer can, which syncs up nicely with 4 AT mines from the reasonable tiers of the pouch.

    So certwise it's a huge investment, sure, but it's the only way a single player can cover 4 approaches. Each C4/AT kill point is only 25 more resources than a double mine, anyhow.
  4. Serin

    I my self am going to skip it for now. I found c4 more useful on medic or light assault(they really need some kind of explosive early) I'm pretty happy with mines. I'm going for the bandolier instead of the pouch. I like to run with: full auto shotgun(unlimited ammo)/3 sticky grenades/2 ap mines. But then I defend bases more then I attack them.
  5. hammyhamm

    Claymores 2 is a great boon to have - not only as a fire-and-forget point defence, but also to notify you when hostiles are getting in the back doors or getting onto points!
  6. DoradusGenudine

    i prefer tank mines or proxi mines on an engineer. c4 seems kind of useless for them. when the number of mines, and the limited class availability are taken into account i think mines are far better for an engineer than c4. almost any class can equip c4. however tank mines are exclusive to the engineer. their ability to cheaply carry 2+ proxi mines and resupply their own gun ammo makes them excellent campers. personally when im defending as infantry i prefer to mine up a generators entrances and camp with a full auto shotgun with a magazine extension. it makes you pretty op. tank mines are more for attacking. they can also be used to set traps if youre running from armor, either on foot, or in a vehicle of your own. you just need enough of a distance to set them up before you get over run.

    i use c4 on my heavy and my light assault. i think its a much better fit for those two classes, given the options.
  7. Adamar09

    So I have 3 levels in the utility pouch now - and you can carry FIVE mines with it?!?!

    Well, I'm not complaining. That mean 6 at the 1000 level, for some reason.