Evidence of Crash Bug

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duvenel, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Rillo

    Today - Bio Lab - only a few TR remaining then what I thought was server crash... many players NC and TR "running on spot/frozen".... then 2 mins later unfreeze with lots of TR appearing...
  2. Duvenel

    As far as I can tell from what I've read, been told and seen, random bug and exploit mean the same thing to me right now as far as this is concerned. I've heard of it affecting all 3 separate factions, in different types of bases at different times. I think I might hop ingame and see if I can't find someone to purposely crash me.
  3. FateJH

    I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with this thread. A lot of people believe that it happens by either seeing evidence that it happens or having happen to them. But that's the main problem: it's a crash problem. Whether bug or exploit, no one seems to know precisely how it happens or what causes it; and, since it involves crashing, to the desktop usually, I gather, all we have are Windows event log and anything that the game logs itself to evidence what causes it, .e.g., "out_of_memory.txt," etc.. We can't just look at a battlefield suddenly disappear or start walking in place eternally or walk up to themselves walking in place eternally and learn a lot about the issue after the fact.

    If someone is intentionally instigating it, they're not just going to blabber about it.

    If it's something the server is trying to do, that our computer's don't agree with, that's going to be harder to track without knowing what the trigger is.

    All we know is that its most obvious when a large group of people are together; it may happen when only a few people are milling about, but that would make it indistinguishable from basic client crashes.
  4. Duvenel

    I just really wanted to see what happened when one of these crashes happened, I've never experienced one apart But I've had game crashes before in PS2, of differing nature and I wanted to know what to expect when and if it does happen to me.
  5. Luighseach

    Well from experience I have had this bug/exploit whatever people want to call it. Last week I had over half of my platoon disconnect (full 48) at different places. I have had it attacking TR and VS(but who knows who is lurking around). I have had it at tech plants and Amp stations not just Bio labs.

    It has happened to me alot till I messed around with some of my settings(would tell you what i did but i was following some guide an outfit member gave me). Now instead of DCing most of the time with my other outfit members I just hear them complain that half of them DCed. Even though I still do crash and have crashed with them but on a rare occasion.

    Anyway the main point of this thread is that YES mass crashing bug/exploit exists (I yet to call it an exploit because I think it can be both a bug that is accidental and exploitable if someone figures out what causes it). Also the reason I believe it is both is because I have been in fights were the crash was advantageous to the enemy and fights were it wasn't for either side.

    Also I do not have a video or any tangible proof but if it happens again I will screenshot all the DCed players in my platoon to show that a mass DC can happen.
  6. Zapon

    That's what ive heard- but i'd heard that it is caused by tossing c4 on a certain spot on the sundy- and also heard that it was related t to blockade armor.

    This is why i am going to hold off on getting c4, but the bigger problem is people are tossing c4 everywhere now- so this will happen accidentely a LOT. People want the easy kills..... so..
    We have some problems
  7. Compass

    I managed to survive a major crash incident without dying a few days ago. The game literally went to a crawl. 5 seconds per frame. When the game stabilized, most of our forces had DCed.
  8. Luighseach

    On a side note. If you don't know what the crash is like. Basically if you crash and are in a platoon most of your mates have crashed aswell. Sometimes your FPS will go to 0 and the game won't crash but take upwards of 2 minutes to go back to normal(had other platoon mates with good rigs complain that their FPS all of a sudden went to 0 and others just crashed). If your haven't been affected by the crash then you will just see a bunch of people running in place. Anyway wish I knew more and could help more but this is all I got.
  9. BalogDerStout

    I'm not sure what's happening to my game client honestly, but I seemingly randomly get my screen locked, the audio stuck repeating, yet vocals come out fine, and the get just freezes.

    Sometimes it happens 20 minutes in, other times it happens after a few hours. I can only speculate it's related to the c4 bug or to lag somehow.

    But it has ended every one of my game sessions for the past week or two. I haven't logged off myself since then. Everything else runs fine on my system, so I doubt it's that.

    But you see the problem with making video? I can't repeat it and I have no idea when it will happen, so I'd have to collect the video of an entire session of play, anywhere from 20 mins to 3 hours-ish. That's a huge file, then edit just the last bit and you get to see what? My screen lock up? What good will that do you?
  10. Dubious

    Some people will just deny everything
    Could almost think that OP is a dev..
  11. Duvenel

    Can definitely confirm that I'm not a dev, just a regular player.
  12. Dubious

    Exactly what a dev spying would have said
  13. hostilechild

    Sadly too many seem to know how to do this now as it was once posted on forums then removed by a dev. zapon basically gave you the formula without specifics. Bunch of our LA complained about crashing after c4 on sunderers at times, so they ran down what they did that was similar.

    You can tell its purposeful when they TK their own sunderer to create the crash as not all sunderers are equiped the same and deployed or even at the base. It does happen by accident as more are equiping similar standard loadouts.

    Wish i had been videoing it the other day, Typically at biodomes you don't have sunderers, or one in shield below yet crashes happen there often lately and on this occassion the TR sunderer drove up deployed jumped out and blew it.

    Last night i got 20 kills because i happen to be dead during the crash came back to a bunch of TR and NC standing around, assuming this one was accidental as both sides were in a full out stale mate for over 30mins and they didn't roll in with multiple platoons right after.

    note: yes some don't crash but go to like 0 fps for 10-20seconds, if you alt-tab it crashes or its not back in that time. have actually survived it a few times.
  14. Duvenel

  15. Compass

    Salem witch trials much? :/