Eu Servers down :(

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by isilyan, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. isilyan

    Eta on fix?
    Damn Eu-Shaft hamster playing with the D-i-l-d-o at Prosiben ?
  2. blueangleofdeath

    Same here. I can't log into my miller character :(

    edit now the character screen shows that connery is down :( What is going on over there?
  3. ironeddie

    Forum says EU servers up, game launcher shows servers up but low pop. Character select screen shows woodman down! What gives soe?
  4. isilyan

    Its sad, saw my 1st Snowman on Esamir about to frag it and Boooom!! disconected :rolleyes:
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  5. squairs

    If they would just give us a headsup on what is going on...
    like its too much to ask for a short explanation.
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  6. LordMondando

    All the servers are down from the look of it now.
  7. ironeddie

    Exactly. I'm curious why the update started so late as well.
  8. kadney

    The forum tells me: Cobalt UP
    The game tells me: Cobalt Server Unaviable
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  9. isilyan

    Ok atleast its not just an Eu thing this time.....
  10. blueangleofdeath

    and I now know that it's not just me. Glad to see others are too but still sad to see others too all at the same time.
  11. ManOfTheDawn

    I found a golden Snowmen, shot it, got the rewards and then disconnected. It is still down...
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  12. kadney

    I guess that was the reward. :p
  13. Aurcius

    It's the snowmen, I tell you.

    This is all part of their evil plan.

    ... or just server issues.
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  14. Vanunator

  15. ManOfTheDawn

    Oh I'm so sorry ): It's my fault! Sorry guys! :D
  16. ironeddie

    Still no word that I can find from anyone at soe. Even an acknowledgement that they are aware of an issue would be nice.
  17. JackD

    You mean something like ...

    Status: 12/17/2013 12:50 PST - We are currently investigating a potential issue with all worlds
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  18. TheSqueakyBox

    Potential issue? Wow, shows how much they know. It has been at least half and hour and its a 'potential' issue? You mean like 'You can't play the game' issue
  19. JackD

  20. IsApro2000

    oh no the servers are up and i finnaly got past the infinite 96% loading screen :(, oh wait, there is another infinite login screen YAY (sarcasm)