Enough With the Personal Attacks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeadliestMoon, Feb 26, 2014.

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  1. AzureKnight

    It's not the Devs of games I hate on, it's the publishers generally. They're the one typically responsible for the money aspect of games that most find unfair or cheap. Not to mention, if they don't like how a game is going, doesn't matter if it's popular or not, if they don't think it's a cash cow, they'll be inclined to pull it. Though, when Devs go against what's wanted and popular opinion, it is rather annoying, but hey, it's their game and it's up to them what they want to do with it.
  2. Posse

    Meh, that's how the internet works, if I was a dev I would give zero ***** if some random guy attacked me without arguments.

    So, if you don't like the game, why are you still here?
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  3. BoomBoom4You

    higby's new haircut stinks!!

    there, that's about as mean as I get.
  4. Gadamlu

    whats this? more valid criticism of PS2 Devs?

    dis gon git deleted i think.

    either way, i "dislike" the devs for the same reason i "dislike" Jagex. they do a very good job, of giving us the impression that thy DO NOT listen to the community, that they DO go back on promises made, and that they DONT care for the game, or player-base as a whole, and ONLY care for money. (and those few things they actually do good on is faction favoring, making one faction OP while shafting the others.)

    what do you do when valid criticisms towards game mechanics and the like go un answered for months? call the devs names of course, since constructive criticism doesnt do anything, might as well vent.
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  5. libbmaster

    I think we all need to be aware that there is a fine line between rightfully calling out the devs on a mistake and calling them bad at their job/terrible people/making personal attacks.
  6. Vaphell

    when the mistakes pile up, calling them bad at their job (or at least not good) is reasonable.
    PS2 is mismanaged - no coherent direction, frequent, seemingly random context switches, features nobody asked for falling from the sky, plentiful bugs and hardcore performance issues ignored for a year, deadlines sliding by months.

    I'll never understand their approach to and handling of performance issues.
    Just look at the MMO graveyard - it's full of games that died because of bad initial impression and were not given 2nd chance. MMOFPS is much more tricky to do right than your run of the mill MMORPG so the pristine waters of this brand new tech should be considered a top priority at all times, yet they pretty much went with "it's somewhat playable on top end intels so let's call it a day and push it out the door". Playable FPS is what makes or breaks the FPS game at the release ffs and it wasn't, costing SOE a lot of customers in the long run.

    I expected highly optimized geometry and what not to leave more wiggle room for other mission critical parts of the game to squeeze every bit of performance out of the hardware... and then months later i get to watch a clip about the performance pass related to 3d, only to see the models were wasteful and bases were hastily cobbled together with 0 regard for performance and needed to wait more than a year for something that should be done on day1. No wonder most bases in PS2 are made of 4-5 buildings tops, the horribly unoptimized game creamed its pants on more.
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  7. EliteEskimo

    Oh please, you know even if only 10% of the people who play the game log onto the forums to comment of that 10% I can't remember a single specific player who was just like "Nope the TR are fine, I disagree with what you're saying" unless they were a person who thought I was just asking for buffs or felt like a different faction need a revamp more. The thread has over 200 likes, and over 1000 replies for a reason, most really good constructive threads have a hard time getting even half of that. If 203 up votes mean nothing, then by all means you make a thread that means something to fix the TR, becuase the TR are not in an acceptable state right now. I personally don't see people complaining about the Striker getting a cool new mechanic rather than a lock on launcher which is worse than the Annihilator. I don't see people complaining about the Vulcan changed from a shotgun that shoots one pellet at time to a viable medium range AV Gatling gun.

    Your theory about there being just as many people who would not be okay with my suggestions is a load of malarkey because you'll have a big struggle trying to find even a fraction of people who disagree compared to those who agree with the changes I've suggested. Furthermore one of the biggest reasons SOE got backlash on past weapons is they changed the mechanics on weapons that were already powerful, fun, or working fine. In this case the thread is about changing mechanics/weapons/ablities which are boring/underpowered/unsatisfying RIGHT NOW. I don't know what your problem is with the Ultimate TR Refurbishment is, but some of the reasoning you use to try to discredit is weak at best.
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  8. Posse

    The TR are fine (talking about faction balance, I think all 3 factions are in a good state right now, the big imbalances of this game are somewhere else: for example, the Viper Lightning)

    That doesn't imply they can't change some mechanics, I agree that the Striker is VERY boring to use, but that could also apply to some of the VS/NC stuff
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  9. Bickdouglas

    I think Moon just mixes this part up, I believe all of the "attack" posts he refers to are simply players being critical of the devs for mistakes made or even the direction the game has gone since release.
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  10. ViXeN

    I doubt that the devs really care. :rolleyes: They make a pretty good amount of money to do something they love so I don't think some name-calling on the forum is going to ruin their day. LOL
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  11. Gadamlu

  12. Taemien

    Its an easy fix, report anyone you see attacking the devs or anyone else for that matter on a personal level. The mods are pretty good about cleaning things up. Reporting peeps ingame works too. SOE has a fast repsonse on ingame stuff. Already seen people get 'vacations' in EQ1 and EQ2 in the last 2 weeks. There's a difference between criticism, and personal attacks. Eventually the younger millennials will get the idea. Those of you who are a bit older and about my age know the difference. Those words and such that used to get you smacked on the hand or face by a ruler... yeah don't use those around here. You know better.
  13. LT_Latency

    Hey, When the Dev can't tell that ZoE was going to be OP or that the new 850 m/s sniper is going to be a problem.

    Someone has got to tell them they might not know what they are doing.
  14. Darsh

    Sorry.. I had to... :p
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  15. Ash87

    You are kind of missing the point here.

    I say later in the post you are quoting, that I wouldn't be shocked if many of the things you suggested would be implemented later. I just find it highly improbabal that SOE will change something like the striker (Which is a direct example you seem to point to in your response), in such a dramatic way... after changing weapons like that in the past has resulted in such a negative backlash. They changed the NC AV secondaries some time back in the past, and when they did, the NC absolutely **** themselves. That is evidence that changing weapons wildly will do that. Likewise you have changes to the vulcan that marginalized the use of that weapon at certain points in the game's development. Powerful or not, there is no supporting evidence that changing weapons to be fundamentally different will result in roses and flowers being showered down upon anyone's heads, when even minor changes seem to bring people out of the woodwork to say that the change completely ruined their life and they will never see color or know the love of a woman... all because of SOE making their gun do something marginally different. Also the weapon has already been paid for by many many people, even people who got it After the changes that made it less useful than before... who may -not- want what they purchased to change, because they bought it as it was, a fundamental change in how it works may not suite them.

    Further: These are Secondary weapons to Vehicles we are talking about, not a weapon used by one of the primary classes, every time it spawns. Changing something that is much more of a fundamental part of the class could have further reaching implications, and considering how negative a response SOE received for changing things in the past, why should they believe that this time would be any different? So tbh your theory that "Everyone will just be okay with this" is unfounded (I refuse to use the word "malarkey" because I don't buy gin from a local speakeasy, while watching talkies) because it straight ignores the other factions (Who would protest ANY change to the striker, because it's the striker.) and it is still assuming everyone agrees with you (When again, change anything and we can show that isn't the case)

    Oh, and by the way: I am not saying "Oh the TR are fine hyuk hyuk hyuk." The TR are no worse off than the other factions in my mind, but they are far from -fine-.

    As to accusations of some personal horse that I have in this race: your thread is cited in this thread as a reason that SOE hates everything fun, hence it was a readily accessible example. I really am rather apathetic of the existence of the Refurbishment thread, it's a thread that has been going on for a Long time. I personally rendered an opinion therein, nothing really more that can be done there from me. I don't really know what you are looking for, going down this line of reasoning... Or where you are getting that I am sitting here seething over your thread or some nonsense.

    I am rather disappointed by one thing, I had considered stealing post #1000, but missed it because I forgot about it... so that is something! I can make that into a reason to want to bring down your post if that would make you feel better: Grr... someone stole my coveted post #1,000 in a thread that has been running since May of last year (Which is really impressive)... I will shake my fist at you now EliteEskimo. He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have you! I'll chase you 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round perdition's flames before I give up! Your thread will BURN!

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  16. hawken is better

    When I'm sitting in Scourge's stream watching devs make ridiculous claims and showing total ineptitude towards the game that they themselves are making, then I'm going to call them out on it.
  17. PlatoonLeaderG

    I bet the developers are eating pop corn while laughing at all of us here complaining why we complain about them.......
  18. jak

    If I were a PS2 dev, I'd be pretty pissed at management for what I'd been forced to implement.
  19. RadarX

    This is a bit off topic so I'm going to close it. I will reiterate we have 0 tolerance for the abuse of our employees which a few of you have found out the hard way over the last few days. However if you see someone personally attacking another poster, please report it. and be mindful of our guidelines. Thanks!
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