Enough With the Personal Attacks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeadliestMoon, Feb 26, 2014.

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  1. DeadliestMoon

    You have no right to attack the developers personally and if anyone sees this happening, put a stop to it immediately.
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  2. TheFamilyGhost

    Internet anonymity will always bring out the worst in people.
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  3. ComradeHavoc

    Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will hurt me mentally.
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  4. Chipay

    Technically, you don't have the right to tell other people they have no right to attack the devs on a personal level, so YOU put a stop to it immediately :p
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  5. Kristan

    Wow man, chill, have a candy.

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  6. Rift23

    SOE ate my baby.
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  7. Wyll

    I don't think the Op understands how the Internet works...
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  8. z1967

    Being constructively critical is ok. Saying "the devs don't play their own game" is not constructive and a lie. Higby logs into Connery every once in awhile as the Medic who doesn't revive. Screen name is "Higby", he constantly switches factions. He also likes to mess with people by dropping Galaxies on their heads. Fun guy.
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  9. Bankrotas

    As soon as they fire Tray.
  10. Pirbi

    This really is a PSA. Let's add some 80's flare.

    "And if you want to know more about video game development, check your local library".
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  11. Vinakis

    Allow me to better explain The Internet, or more specifically, the people on it.

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  12. Vaphell

    i'd love to know where you saw the personal attacks on the forums that you felt like posting this PSA. The mods crack down hard on that stuff and it simply wouldn't fly.
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  13. NCDaniel

    I don't listen to the internet.
  14. Goretzu

    The old Verant forum in the very early days of EQ1, that could be rough, right up to death threats to and even from the Devs (IIRC). (of course, they weren't serious or real in any remotely real way)

    The internet these days is throughly sanitized from those days.
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  15. Vinakis

    Death threats in the EQ of old are nothing to take lightly! There's nothing funny about having to run naked to the basement of Kurn's Tower because someone got mad and trained half the raging badgers on you and caused your party to wipe.
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  16. Jac70

    You cannot be insulted on the internet - people soon come to realise that all these internet forum rows are just noise. A stream of ASCII characters from some anonymous meat sack somewhere on Earth cannot affect you - and if it does you may want to dial back your sensitivity meter.

    I enjoy it actually, it allows you to see what people are actually thinking without the filter of social convention.
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  17. EliteEskimo

    Attack or criticize them personally? Players should be able to criticize T-Ray for taking away TR's black color, because it would give us a tactical advantage thus not being fair, and then later down the road giving it to the Vanu or at least giving them very dark purple. Players should criticize T-Ray's logic of us having the Commissar hat being an acceptable excuse for putting virtually no effort into the TR's Gold Trim Infiltrator Armor.



    Players should criticize Higby for being lazy and making the Striker another lock on weapon instead of giving us some cool new mechanic. (But at least he had expressed a dislike for lock- ons so maybe we'll get the Striker changed into something fun in the future)

    Players should criticize the developers who are letting the AV turret be broken for around 9 months ( Vehicle Gameplay obviously is a minor concern to the developers, but more emphasize should be placed on it so good counterplay can be had)

    Players should criticize the developers for nerfing and then leaving the Prowler's Vulcan into the sorry state it is now in because of the Harasser's Vulcan was overperforming during the time that Harassers were OP.

    Players should criticize the developers for not having the common sense to see that the TR disliked Lock Down in PS1, and thus coming to the conclusion that implementing again was a bad idea.

    Personal attacks like threatening the lives of developers or just straight up calling them bad names shouldn't be encouraged, but when they mess up they need to be aware of it and that we the players don't find it acceptable.
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  18. NBA JAM

    No. See you miss the point here my undereducated friend. These people are trying to get MONEY out of you. They are not making this game for your well being and entertainment. Matt Higby was hired because he appears to be like a bro and smiles a lot. He's a people person that pretends to be your friend.

    The reality is though, he can't deliver for ****. He's gone back on so many things about this game, the entire homepage advertising is a lie, and he can't direct/design a game for the life of him. Look at his track record of games he's been apart of. He's not doing very well.

    Its the same reason we can attack Jay Wilson for how bad Diablo 3 was. He was one of the leaders of that design team and it was aweful. His superiors are just as much to blame as well. People like Jay Wilson and Matt Higby have a complete disconnection with their community in that they really do not understand what people find "fun".

    PS2 is an endless grind of certs/exp through capping bases and gimmicky CoD tactics. You die super fast, there's so many ways to get shot from and its anything BUT epic.
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  19. HadesR

    Examples ?

    Twitter and Reddit do not count as they are not the official forums :)
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  20. Alzir

    OP I like how you're standing up for the devs but seriously if you're so new to the internet that this is an issue for you, then let me introduce you to a saying: "Water off a ducks back".
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