Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ballto21, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Ballto21

    As much as you may dislike aod, and while they may not have the best players, they are a huge part of emerald tr. Theyre a massive driving engine for pushing and defending, while they run around in a disorganized hellzerg when they do get organized theyre the most dangerous outfit on emerald because of sheer numbers and a good leader.

    Theyre also the largest outfit on emerald, if even 25% of them move to NC then TR would be horribly underpopped and NC even more overpopped than they already are
  2. Ballto21

    goku op
  3. ronjahn

    My reason for not approving of this decision is that having >40%pop on a regular basis on one side will scare away new players along with vets who don't want to deal with that crap. Last night showed me that this type of move can a have seriously negative impact on populations and server morale. It's a dick move that not only leaves their original faction deserted, but also overflows the population of the NC.

    If you thought the whine about the VS was bad immediately following the Emerald merge, just wait until this becomes a regular thing. I'm already picturing the rage posts of people complaining about how overpopped and overpowered the NC is and how the devs are incompetent and biased towards the NC for letting it happen.

    I have no interest in teaching these guys or helping them get better; they have their own leaders and plenty of high BR players who can but probably don't do that.. I'll do that for my own outfit, but not another one who is trying to recruit people to their outfit, who mains the enemy...
  4. Lenox

    Well that's fine. You don't need to approve.

    My only concern is people being outright hostile to, basically, our fellow NC. In my interpretation, if you log in as NC then you're on our team. But hey, that's me, other people may see it different.

    As for stacking the deck, well, what can I tell you? People are gonna play what they want. If the AoD people find they have fun playing NC, then good for them. What are you going to do? Limit what empire people can log into? Harass them until they go back to TR? Either option isn't conducive.

    In regards to population, during most alerts the populations mostly maintain a steady 33% across the board. Mostly, sometimes that isn't the case. I highly doubt a portion of AoD going NC will affect population all that much, though. Global population is another thing, and it fluctuates all the time. NC used to dominate global pop, and then it shifted to VS, and so on. It happens, all you can do is roll with it.

    It isn't anything new, and if it hasn't chased away the player base already, it won't chase them away now.

    I'm not saying you should go out of your way to instruct them all yourself. I mean when you see an AoDNC guy messing up, use your prox chat and give them some friendly advice, or a tell. It helps from time to time. If not, well, at least you tried and the rest is up to him.

    People are going to whine regardless. It's what people do on a forum.
  5. Uncle_Lou

    Just logged off my TR, global pops were 37/25/38 VS/TR/NC, but TBH I saw some AOD on both TR and NC. Only two continents open, one was alerted and was 33/33/33. TR had less than 20% territory when the alert started and seemed to be only barely able to hold ground. I feel bad for the TR on the other continent, they are probably stuck more or less ghost capping and then trying to fight off a redeploy hex overpop. I'm not trying to judge AOD, and am certainly not about to tell anyone how or what to play but while the relative global pops are not entirely due to AOD moving anything that exacerbates the imbalanced pop is bad for the server.
  6. JudgeNu

  7. Booface

    Enjoy it while you can TR.

    Playing VS, it's a nightly thing to be defending or attacking a base with maybe 3 or 4 outfit-mates against maybe a squad, hold them off, and then AOD comes in with 96+. No complaints, actually. It's what we call a target-rich environment, 96+ enemies and we only have to split the kills between 4 defenders.

    Now you too can have that magic for at least a couple nights a week. Plus you win more alerts, because when they stack 96+ on a single hex against a handful of defenders, they leave most of the rest of the continent uncontested.
  8. sL360

    I'm so glad AOD won't be around to shoot me in the back anymore.

    The pop loss might suck. It will. But it won't be any different for the vets. They know what they're dealing with; It's like opening up an old wound, and while the blood spurts you simply take out the gauze and patch it up. We'll survive, again.

    Sure, AOD is just splitting their ops nights. For now. One day you'll wake up to their leaders moving fulltime, then the high vets, then the sheep come to their shepherds. Unless of course TR gets some major cheese in the next couple months. Rotten cheese does well to attract flies :p
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  9. Tycoh

    TR has dealt with severe underpop in Mattherson and we'll weather through it once more in Emerald. Still doesn't change that the TR faction's traits are boring as hell though.
  10. ColonelChingles

    You know, I do have to say after running around with an AODN pubbie platoon a few minutes ago...

    They definitely don't smell like AOD. They actually use their comms. Heck, the commander even apologized to the platoon because of a short 30-second window where we weren't getting orders because they were switching up their leadership. :confused:

    I mean in most TR AOD pubbie platoons I don't even hear from the platoon leader ever.

    It's really weird, but maybe I have to retract my earlier statement. Not sure how it happened, but it looks like AODN somehow got competent leadership along the way.
  11. Ballto21

    their decent leaders were the ones that more permanently moved over, their competency rubbed off in what must be a significantly smaller outfit
  12. LT_Latency

    I will never understand why people think Zergfits are bad.

    Look, Your 2 KDR+ only outfit is never going to recruit average players so have a guild who will and organize them is a good thing
  13. bl33ping

    i've been having fun farming them over the weekends ( can't play much anymore due to work :sadface: ). usually able to find a decent fight. they're not always zerg'd to death like this thread is making it seem.
  14. Revel

    As someone who has been TR since Jaegar turned to Waterson turned to Emerald, I'd rather have more targets to kill than win alerts. TR has won its fair share of alerts too. Just because a faction has 40% population doesn't mean you can fit them all on a continent holding an alert. Just a few days ago Emerald TR won a primetime Indar with over 50% of the map.

    All I request is you bring more reavers. My bursters are always hungry :)
  15. Revel

    This. I'm not AoD and couldn't really care one way or another but I don't get the hate that AoD gets. Its like the average person doesn't deserve to play the game and should be mocked for teaming up. So many stats are meaningless in this game. SPM is entirely decided by how much you spend, K/D is easily manipulated by sniping, max whoring, or air zerging.
  16. 00000000000000000000

    This isn't about Zergfits or KDR. This is about AOD and how they are so amazingly bad.

    You don't really understand until you've fought them a decent amount.

    But when your 50/50 fight between two 24 man groups is interrupted by 2-3 full platoons of tanks, aircraft and gal drops on it completely ruining the fight. So that one fight was ruined for not just the defenders who cannot leave spawn due to enemy numbers but also for the attackers who, instead of having a fun fight now get to stare at the spawn point.

    A normal platoon dropping would achieve the same effect but a normal platoon would also need to be on their toes as there is a good chance an enemy platoon will drop in to counter them. With 144 people on a single hex no single platoon is going to try and counter that (its just a waste of forces)

    Meanwhile the 3 platoons which would be countering the 144 man zerg instead attack three bases AODs faction owns. And since the AOD platoons which would be the counters to that are all sitting on a single base those three bases being attacked are drastically underpopped for defense. So the faction AOD attacks loses 1 base to AOD and gains 3 in return. And then AOD pushes onto the next base with their 3 platoons, and loses the base they just took in return.

    The only time AOD is effective is when defending with redeployside, because they can wipe out the enemy in under 1 minute and redeploy to the next base to defend.

    Then there is the times AOD hits a base with 2 platoons and fails against the zerg forces defending, which is just hilarious for an organized outfit.
  17. ColonelChingles

    It's not the random AOD players... it's the AOD leadership that's terrible (or at least expected to be better).

    Out of normal players all I expect is basic proficiency in English and the ability to follow basic orders. Things that little doggies can do. Sit. Stay. Get in the truck. Get out of the truck and stay here. It's not terribly hard.

    But if you are running a squad or a platoon, you choose to do so voluntarily. And that means greater responsibilities and expectations. As a squad or platoon leader, you are absolutely required to make use of comms (internal or external). You are also meant to have a certain amount of tactical and strategic sense. You must have the ability to create a plan longer than 2 minutes in duration. You have to issue orders (after all someone has to tell the pubbies to sit and stay).

    TR's AOD is pretty well known for having extremely poor leadership that does nothing of what leadership ought to do. That's why they earn my ire. And it's directed at the TR AOD leadership, not at the poor pubbies who tag along. I mean people with AOD tags might be terrible, but as long as they're not in any position of power or responsibility then it's fine by me.
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  18. Boosted

    I for one think the leadership with AOD is lacking. Most of the time, platoon lead will have us deploy somewhere only to come by to where we left to defend. This has happened countless times.

    I may be part of the AOD but I haven't been joining any squads in the past 2 months. I just solo and have fun, now I'm bored as hell from this game. Squad/platoon battles make this game. I think I need a new clan to join.
  19. dngray

    Good... Maybe us Emerald VS will actually have a challenge.
  20. Ballto21

    eat the mayo