Drifter Jets: soooo disappointed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WookLordz, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Torok

    It's probably going to be later, since the last on the roadmap to get the revamp is the Engineer is in December while the Light assault is Unscheduled, so the Engineer will be that February eheh
    I have total faith in this game, but as Devs said at SOE Live in the Keynote updating stuff is taking them longer than they thought, and their schedule is/was 2 months Each.
    How many things have we seen updated so far?
    Flash (lol, it's worse than ever, loving the Wraith but the handling oh my god)
    Max (which caused so much drama and had exactly half the content it promised: Travelmode/Flamethrowers/GrenadeLaunchers didn't make it)
    and now we're getting ESFs update, and on PTS we still don't have the chance to certificate into the Afterburner, which probably means they failed at delivering it.

    we still love you SOE :D
  2. haldolium

    I'd love to be as optimistic, but my love is gone really.

    I mean I'd gladly wait until the end of 2014 for any of the revamps, if that would mean they're fixing the core in the meantime. But that's my wish ever since the beta went public and nothing is being done.. or rather in so small doses, that its beyond ridiculous (like GU14).
  3. jak

    People use drifters?
  4. Hibiki54

    Drifters are the only way to sprint in mid-air.
  5. jihon83

    I like the drifter jets. That said, I'll admit that I was "crushed" when I first used them, as I was expecting them to be like the vernier thrusters in Gundam, where you'd have high mobility and be like a tiny strafing Magrider that could surge ahead. Instead, you move "a little" faster, so long as you jump off of a hill and don't run into a bump on the ground. It's like Winnie the Pooh trying to fly.
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  6. ReformerTR

    how hard is it just to revert them back to GU13 so we can all enjoy our skiing?
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  7. Aegie

    I prefer JJ+Adrenaline Pump over the drifters. The Adrenaline Pump will give you a little extra speed boost that you can carry with you as you go airborn- modest is probably an overstatement (it is a bit meh, IMO especially when you consider that Adrenaline Pump is competing with extra health for a slot) but far more interesting than just nanoweave.
  8. Aegie

    Happy Valentine's Day, here is some love for one the least played and lowest scoring classes- you only had to wait through 3 years of being the only class without a tool!
  9. Midnightmare

    I seriously just wish SOE would stop adding broken content and fix the game before all this crap that dosent really matter.
    Like player created crap thats most likely just gonna make the game run even worse :p
  10. WookLordz

    I run adrenaline pump with my drifters. It's all about speed, all the time.
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  11. Aegie

    Yes, Adrenaline Pump all the way- although it would be nice if it got a little love, it is still, IMO, the most interesting suit slot for LA.
  12. RomulusX

    It's falling...with style!
  13. WookLordz

    I'd like to see adrenaline pump be a default slot. Like the medic self heal. Upgradeable via certs.

    Let drifters give a greater speed boost even.

    Then have an F-key ability where your JJs would provide an immediate, short burst based on the direction you were pressing the WASD at that time. Like 5 ft. Backwards even. Put it on a timer.