Does Vanu have the highest damage weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hotbread, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. AnnPerkins

    just going by the weapon stats all the vs weapons have the same damage and RoF as TR weapons but considerably less recoil. It's a pretty obvious imbalance that I'm not really sure why it exists. Because TR weapons have extra ammo in the magazines when they die? Woohoo. Great faction perk.
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  2. Blippy

    I think more recoil is an acceptable tradeoff for a significantly higher damage per magazine.
  3. whitupiggu

    VS is easy mode and has been since launch. The only ones that refuse to acknowledge this are VS. I mean these are the same people that claim the magrider was balanced and ZOE was just a HA with 2 beamers.
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  4. LibertyRevolution

    Having more bullets is meaningless... most players don't even kill 2 guys before they die, not even you..
    What is the point in having 40 in the mag when your enemy and you are both dead and you still got 20 rounds in the mag.
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  5. AnnPerkins

    So... TR has more ammo because they need more ammo to do the same amount of damage you can do with less and in less time. And you find that balanced?
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  6. Roll Fizzlebeef

    stats don't real
    only feels
    nerf because feels!
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    At the current state of magriders and vanguards. You have no right calling a magrider easy mode or OP. Pop shield zerg and destroy almost everything in your path. C4 fairies not? Not a problem. Locked on by 20 strikers? not a problem. Getting hit by 5 magrider FPC shells in the rear? Not a problem. In a vanguard an average driver should be able to get at least 1 vehicle kill.
  8. Nakar

    This is true, if you're terrible at playing TR.
  9. Hotbread

    What we need is a higher rate of fire.
    Like, you know, like we should have considering that's one of our faction traits.
    My carbine runs about 650 RPM yet takes like 10 shots to kill. Seems more like and NC weapon with sub-sonic ammo.
  10. Masterofm

    Just shooting at a wall with the starter weapons I did notice that the VS starter weapons didn't really kick right or left but straight up. The spread on the wall was all pretty grouped.

    Starter weapons don't make a faction though so I'm not inclined to say one is better over the other. I do find that when using iron sights with an orion that I'm dinging people more reliably then with other faction starter weapons. Again dealing with just the starter weapons.
  11. LIKE A BOSS!

    TR need to have a fast firing carbine I agree with you there. Makes no since to me why Vanu and NC have faster firing carbines than the TR.
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  12. Pacster

    Fact 1 is that bullet drop does not matter at all below 150m.
    Fact 2 is that about all weapons have a recoil so that beyond 150m usually only your first bullet will be right on target anyway.
    Fact 3 is that vanu mgs may be a bit better when it comes to spraying on long distances.
    Fact 4 is that anyone who gets hit 6 times(about how many bullets it needs to kill someone at that distance) by an mg at long distance should learn what the word cover means.
    Fact 5 is that you hardly ever have a stand off with mgs on long distance cause any sniper will put a bullet right to your brain and even a freaking crossbow is better suited for that.

    From a personal point of view I had the feeling that the standard gun of the NC LA without any additions is better than a fully certed Orion(heavy gun). The thing is I likel just had a good time and a lot of luck with it. IMy vanu is BR90(or so) and from experience I can say that there are days where I feel like king with a gun...and the next day I got the feeling that I can't hit a house with the very same gun and like everyone I run into has just one headshot or one bullet more in his gun than I do. This is likely exactly what happens with other players when they try a different faction just for a few hours.
    The actual numbers are out there and they are all that matters.
  13. LIKE A BOSS!

    People just point out "NO BULLET DROP" and over exagerate it. Since when is no bullet drop Useful on a SMG, CQC carbine or shotgun. Tell that to NC players who think its OP. You can remove no bullet drop from those weapons and nobody will notice.
  14. AzureKnight

    I'd say it depends who you're facing. I do know that switching between factions after playing one for a while, the other feels easy in comparison.
  15. LibertyRevolution

    Much stats
    Such trust
    Many feels
    Such proof

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  16. AFK1

    Yes, Vanu weapons have the highest effective damage per second, since they have no recoil or sway, every shot lands without tap firing, unlike NC weapons and TR weapons
  17. LibertyRevolution

    Yep, you can hold mouse 1 and keep on target for almost the entire mag as VS.
    TR guns start shooting wildly, so them extra bullets in the mag never hit your target anyways.
    Unless you burst fire your TR guns.. but if your going to burst fire, why not just play NC..

    See my video in post #35 if you don't believe it.
  18. iwbs

    Don't feed the trolls. I mean, VS weapons have no recoil? Really?
  19. Moisture

    Best thread NA
  20. Trudriban

    Even though I did mention bullet drop in my piece I do agree with ya. It does work for the battle rifle and semi auto scout rifle but otherwise pretty unnoticeable unless you went from a Reaper to a Corvus to play with friends and you're aiming way over the bad dude's head

    And yes I am totally only replying to you to be that one guy that has to advertise that he isn't racist/sexist/a homophobe