Does Vanu have the highest damage weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hotbread, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Hotbread

    Disclaimer: When I say "highest damage" i do not mean per individual bullet. (or whatever it fires)

    Today I was playing a bit on my Vanu alt. Fun times, one thing I noticed though is I was winning almost every engagement where I aimed down the sights. The Vanu weapons I used had negligible horizontal and vertical recoil.
    I was easily taking people down in a short time from a distance with my carbine. Something I could never do with my NC or TR alts. Every time I fired at someone (with the exception of hipfire) I never missed a shot.
    Does the Vanu having weapons that hit 90% of their shots in most engagements make Vanu weapons the highest damage?
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  2. Divector

    You drunk dude, go home.
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  3. dohh

    Thats what it feels like playing against them at least. I would also love to know any specifics on this.
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  4. Hotbread

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  5. gunnner10

    I can tell you I lose >60% of my 1 vs 1 gun battles as Vanu, which sucks because I'm certainly not new to first person shooters. I actually feel that TR does much more damage in less time. I often joke that TR = God Mode just because I cant seem to kill many of them.
  6. deggy

    There's no actual answer to your post, making it another generic whine.
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  7. Hotbread

    What? You can't kill TR?
    Dude, is your safety on?
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    You really shouldn't start a thread where you post an opinion (yes, its an opinion), then ask if people notice the same thing, and then go on to dismiss those that have an alternating experience.

    Per the OP, I feel as though vanu weapons are very easy to use, and I tend to have a MUCH higher accuracy when playing Vanu, then When I play my NC character. That being said, as NC, i will consistently win in 1v1 battles against vanu. It all depends on how well i do, vs how well my opponent does, and I think that the equitment plays a very small part. just MHO
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  9. SnatchMaster

    Idk about the highest damage weapons, but you can always tell when you're being shot by an orion. You usually hear three dings in a row and you're dead.
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  10. Hotbread

    I didn't mean to dismiss him, I honestly have never heard of anyone calling the TR god-mode.
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    there was a time, I think back in early/mid 2013, then the TR were absolute monsters to fight against. There was a time when the NC weapons were very powerful against the TR/VS, and there have been times when the VS was simply considered easy mode. The balance in this game fluctuates as commonly as the tide. IMO, the balance is pretty good right now from an infantry perspective. Coming from a dominantly NC perspective, Both the TR and the VS have virtually no recoil. Just my opinion of course
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  12. Leftconsin

    VS really does feel like easy mode to me. I honestly think it might be my play style, but I CAN NOT play as NC. I suck at it. The recoil is just too much for me to want to bother. TR I'm ok, and as a VS I mow people over. Oh man, playing as VS I just mow people over.

    But again. I think thats just me as how I play. Lower damage lower recoil is where I perform better as a player.
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  13. Pvt Teer

    I mostly use the TAR, but the recoil on that is a *****. NC guns have strong but way more controllable recoil from what I've seen, and the VS barely have any. I can't kill anything at longer than medium-short range with TR guns.
  14. doombro

    The solstice has no horizontal recoil, instant reload, and no bullet drop. It's a pretty nice gun.
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  15. Trudriban

    I'm sure someone here would love to throw enough numbers down my throat to make me **** out long division but here goes some personal opinions

    When it comes to DPS, VS is out-done by the TR. When it comes to alpha damage, they're outdone by NC. When it comes to sustained fire though, I think VS win the category. No need to account for bullet drop, a much higher first shot multiplier than regular bullet cof bloom means you click the trigger once and hold it on the head, and fast reload speeds mean you can do it again much sooner than the other guy
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  16. NinjaTurtle

    VS weapons :oops:

    Where have you been all my life :oops:
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  17. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Fact - The AF-19 Mercenary has less horizontal recoil than the Solstice
    Fact - The difference in short reload between the mercenary and Solstice is 0.15 seconds
    Fact - The difference in long reload between the solstice and Mercenary is 0.47 seconds
    Fact - Bullet drop does not become a factor until 150m
    Fact - The Solstice has the highest first shot multiplier
    Fact - The Solstice has the same bloom per shot as the TRAC-5
    Fact - The Solstice and TRAC-5 have the same ADS CoF for standing still, jumping, and crouching still
    Fact - The Solstice, Mercenary, and TRAC-5 all have the same hipfire accuracy
    Fact - The Solstice is more accurate than the TRAC-5 while aiming down sights and moving by a factor of 0.05

    Maybe you should do a little research before making claims that are either exaggerated or not true. These types of claims really are bad for the game and the health of the community.
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  18. SinerAthin

    You're probably just imagining things.

    As NC, you can pick up the GD-F7 or TR the TAR and be an equal match against Vanu in terms of DPS.

    I play all three factions and I when I pick the right weapon for the job, I don't have any more trouble dealing with the VS than any of the other factions.

    About the only advantage the VS has is that some of their starter weapons are more beginner friendly(unlike the SAW), but that is more of an issue with the Default loadouts rather than the faction arsenal.
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  19. doombro

    You can go into damage control all you want. The solstice is an amazing weapon. I never said the mercenary was any different. In fact, most VS and NC carbines are god mode levels of awesome compared to the lackluster trash heap that is the TR carbine

    Stats don't really mean anything if they aren't even a factor, as you stated with bullet drop. For example, you state that it has the highest first shot multiplier, but unlike the mercenary and TRAC 5, the recoil on the solstice begins before the bullet even leaves the barrel, so if you compensate for the recoil beforehand, it's not even a factor.

    It might just be my playstyle, but I've found the sweet spot between accuracy and DPS that a lot of VS guns have to be highly appealing in practice. The extremely low reload speeds and lack of bullet drop is icing on the cake.
  20. LibertyRevolution

    Stats or no stats, the solstice makes the TRAC-5 feel like junk.
    TRAC-5 sprays bullets randomly, the solstice put them on target.
    I wreck people with my solstice and did nothing but complain about the TRAC-5.
    The TRAC-5 and the solstice feel so much different, I don't care what those stats say.

    BR74 TR / BR72 VS player here.

    BTW, I also think the carv is also junk, I cant hit crap with random wild bullet spread, Orion is so OP compared to it.