Does the Prowler benefit too much from offset fix?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meowmar Katafy, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. Fned

    I'm not sure how you think those things are different.

    The barrels were lined up with the firing points before, they were perfectly parallel. The camera is far away from the guns so you can see things easier, because getting 3 guys to crew an MBT is apparently way more difficult than getting 3 guys to man a Harasser. Or something.

    In any case I think putting the camera inside the gun barrel and then making the barrel invisible from the camera's point of view would be less immersion-breaking than what they actually did. It would still be a kludgy hack to lower the skill floor but at least it would only look stupid to the guy driving the tank. Plus it would have that retro nostalgia feel for people who remember the old Battlezone arcade game.

    Whenever I put my point of view behind a solid obstacle, or a spotted enemy moves behind one, I can't see their dorito anymore, except for base turrets.

    I could have sworn that the Prowler cam was on the right side of the turret. I do know that all Lightnings have an off-center cam, so include them in the mix...
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  2. MrKapoo

    Nothings changed really. You just had to offset your aim before
  3. Snib

    It's only the Prowler's guns which are offset to the left, so the cam is to the right of the guns but fully centered on the tank's hull. Mag is center as well, Lightning is slightly to the left and Vanguard a lot to the left.

    All the perceived problems would go away if you'd simply aim the primary like the secondary gun, i.e. camera on/in the gun. Still, don't think it matters. Didn't matter before either.
  4. Rhapsody

    Didn't take it wrong =) was just replying. Its still funny how after all these years.. all the stuff that WORKED in PS1... is being ignored... and the Team is only causing more problems as they try to force COD/BF's design into Planetside.
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  5. Rhapsody

    Look at my video... the entire Barrel is stuffed INTO a rock (which is terrain). The shells are Visibly coming from BEHIND said rock, and traveling on towards the Tree i was shooting at.

    To anyone 'fighting' that tank. They just got killed by a tank that shot THREW terrain, while their AV missile smacked into the rock and not the tank.

    No-mater how you look at it, that is firing threw terrain.
  6. Rhapsody

    Prowlers can Rotate their hulls so that the 'front' is facing left, while their rear section is 'barely' poking past a wall/rock/building, and basically fire around the corner with little of their tank actually visible. Vanguards can do it the opposite way with their hull facing Right. And magriders can now literally shoot from 'behind' rocks, which cover nearly 90% of the tank, except for the 'top' 1/4 of it.
  7. Fned


    Sorry, just could not take it anymore.
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  8. Snib

    Sure, you can many things (whether they make sense or not), but when does it actually matter on the maps that we have? Besides, it is not hard to hit even a tiny part of a stationary tank sticking out from behind cover (clearly lit up by night vision optics), so as far as I'm concerned I'm making sure that's my reinforced frontal armour.

    I mean, I played my Prowler yesterday for 285 infantry and 77 vehicle kills (plus countless assists), and not once did I feel I should hide behind cover (and thus artificially limit my field of view and risk getting C4 dropped on me) and not once did I have trouble with enemy tanks doing it. Oh and I only got destroyed a couple of times by enemy air (I gunned down more of them than killed me so that's ok), once by a Saron Harasser in our rear and once by C4 for being careless while trying to find an ammo sundy in an amp station, so I can't be that wrong in how I play that tank.

    Oh and I like your math - 90% of a Magrider hidden except the top 25%? I see what you did there... Both Prowler and Vanguard could always hull down btw, now the Mag can do it as well. Sounds fair to me.
  9. Rhapsody

    Mags can also straff dodge any unguided round. Vanguards and Prowlers cant. Thats part of the trade-off for their design. another is they 'old' inability to hull-down. Now though, they CAN hull-down, as long as they have at least 1 pixel of their x-hair above the obstruction, as they can now shoot THOUGH that obstruction.
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  10. ytman

    Thanks Rhapsody for documenting the problems with this change! Personally I think it was an unnecessary change and now with your evidence I think it is a bad change.
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  11. Rhapsody

    And.. i just realized something.

    For those asking why they dont simply make the 'crosshairs' in tanks shift. There's a simple reason for that.

    Unlike when your playing as your infantry. The x-hairs in vehicles are NOT a separate object on the screen. What they are, is a texture that is superimposed over your view. there is nothing for the 'game' to edit or move like there is when your playing as an infantry (non-scoped/ads).

    to get an idea of what i mean, find some clear plastic wrap (kitchen stuff, or a clear bag). Draw an X on it, then hold it up in front of you so your looking threw the bag. That is basically what the game does with vehicle x-hairs. It uses a 'fixed' pre-created image that is see-thru (called an alpha layer) with the x-hair design drawn onto it.

    They would have to throw out, or redesign the vehicle HUD's to more closely resemble what infantry have to create the 'active' x-hair system that PS1 vehicles had.

    But i doubt they will do this as it would be removing something taken from the BF/CoD games (their fixed vehicle HUD's).. which is what they modeled PS2 after =T