Does screaming for a medic actually help?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Silver Fox, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. JibbaJabba

    For THIS medic, I'm prioritizing:
    1. Dead Maxes
    2. Dead bodies
    3. Getting shield regen beacon down
    4. Fighting / Self Defense
    5. Healing injured
    6. Fighting / Offense
    In the chaos of it all #5 is really easy to overlook. If you are gravely injured use the V command. It gets my attention. Without it there is a good chance you are simply going to get overlooked indefinitely.

    If there is a Max down, don't wait! Use actual voice and tell me there is a max down. A general description can be helpful too. "max down by stairs!". Do this even if I appear to already be running that direction! Do it everytime, there is only 15 seconds to get them up!

    Pretty much assume that if a medic isn't running over to a max right away that he hasn't noticed. Do not hesitate to point it out. A good medic won't be offended by the hollering and will actually appreciate the heads up. A a sucky medic needs hollered at by everyone until they start to get it.

    The one thing that annoys me though, "why are there all these medics here and everyone keeps running past me". Whelp, you aren't the only guy that's dead. You're likely in a spot that will get me killed. If you are in a spot that will kill me I'll chuck a rez grenade over (yes even for just one guy) to you *unless* I think you're just going to get killed again and waste my grenade. Finally, if you aren't defending your medics and they keep having to pull the carbine out then don't expect to get a rez/heal. I *definatly* prioritize rez/healing over my own life but there comes a point where I'm so likely to die that I won't be able to rez/heal *anyone* that point you aren't gonna get love.
    • Up x 2
  2. JibbaJabba

    This likely means you are dying in stupid places.

    Play more conservatively when you have a medic around. Even if you get killed again very shortly it's better to be up and drawing fire from others than running back from a far away sundy. Stick with it a bit. While someone is re-killing you the medic can get two other people up. If they are getting re-killed then you'll be able to *stay* up. Basically some fights come down to which side can out-medic the other and keep their people on-site rather than uselessly running to the front line.

    Also: Just because you got a rez doesn't mean you need to take it right away. You have 10 seconds, use them.

    Think about what you do when you see a medic rez someone: You put your crosshairs right on them and wait for them to stand up. Someone is doing that to you. Wait 9.5 seconds. That's an eternity in a fire fight. That guy waiting on you to pop up will begin taking fire from someone else and you'll be able to get up safely.
  3. OldCuban

    Slayer, next time look at your mini map, all friendly corpses show up on it. All 360 degrees around you. :p
  4. PWGuy93

    When I hear the call for a Medic, it usually means a Max player pressed the wrong button and is looking for repairs.
    When I play medic there's no need to call out, I will get to you I can see the health icons.
  5. HadesR

    Since myself and many other have prox chat turned off .. No it doesn't help :p
  6. Wafflepancake

    Ijust make death gurgling sounds in proxy till someone gets me up :) Find that works like a charm!
    When I'm on my medic instead of just screaming for a medic, or berating medics around you for not getting you up there are a few things to consider.
    Most overlooked? Three tiered bases. I'm running across three floors to get to you, don't start ******** cause I appear near when in reality I'm two levels above you and have to make my way down, and not get shot in the process.
    • Up x 1
  7. Jerox

    I don't expect people to revive or heal me when I die or get hurt in the middle of a bullet rain.
    What I do expect usually is to get ressed or healed when it's safe to do so.
  8. Maelthra

    I don't play Medic very often, but when I do I tend to ignore the players asking for medics over proxy chat. That just annoys me. If you're dead, I can already see that, because I look at my minimap. I don't need someone spamming proxy chat telling me something I already know. If I'm not reviving you, there's probably a reason for it.
  9. Bl4ckVoid

    Switch to medic to heal you??? NO.
    If you are at console you can switch to medic, hit F, heal up, then change back to original class.

    I am happy to switch to engi to repair a MAX in spawn.
  10. Jogido

    some players don't pay attention, so sometimes it helps
  11. Epic High Five

    Requesting a revive over prox chat works for me, as I tend to tune out the non-"HHEEEEEEEELP!" voice macros.

    The thing is, saying "I need a revive!" doesn't help me at all. You need to say, "I need a revive on the bottom floor of A point!" or something more specific. This is also my way of being able to tell you that your body has despawned and not assuming somebody else got you. It saves everybody frustration!
  12. Ninyth

    Not on Briggs NC unless the medic is a br100, its futile.
  13. Sovereign533

    I listen to the 'v' command voice callouts. But my VOIP is muted. (to busy with my outfit usually anyway, and when I'm not, the music is to loud)
  14. FieldMarshall

    When i play medic and the battle is hectic, and im ads'ing somewhere, hearing someone call out for a medic usually gets my attention.
    It makes me look at the minimap.

    Doing it over mic does the same thing, except worse. Because you dont show up blinking on the minimap.

    This is how proxy chat should be used.
  15. Drol

    Dead guy: "mehhhhh-dehhhhk"
    Me: "deaaaaad guyyyyy"
  16. pnkdth

    I listen for V menu shoutouts, but my VOIP is muted due to there being too many people derping around, and because of using TS3/mumble within the outfit.
  17. GoEErs

    Most of the time I don't revive anyone. I just like running around with that green hue all around me.:rolleyes:
  18. Scorponok

    i got ingame voices muted so i cant hear people talk...2many potato mics out there that kills my ears...or just spammers..but when i play medic i always respond to a medic call, but yea it helps if people call for a doc sometimes those people are behind me and i cannot see them but then ill hear them.
  19. uhlan

    Medics are of two kinds...

    The first is dedicated to doing his or her job and works to rezz downed comrades (within reason).

    The second type and unfortunately, far more common, are those that don the gear to maintain their own health during combat and dead allies be damned.

    Yelling in proximity chat is annoying to begin with, but a call once in a while might help your cause. The thing is, you only have a few seconds anyway, so one or two calls should be enough.

    What's worse are those folks in another class that will not change out to rez even if the situation allows it and would rather stand over their comrade staring into space.

    Eh, you rolls the dice you takes your chances in this game.
  20. Kcalehc

    I just wish that my medic tool was L-click heal, and R-click rez, so that I'm not endlessly healing full health players that are standing on/near friendly corpses.

    Though normally I'll be healing and rezing as much as possible when as a medic. Lots of certs, and it really helps a push keep momentum.