Do you use the PTS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamDH, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Codex561

    Constant updates, too lazy to update and I always need my computer.
  2. IamDH

    Exactly. Or maybe even a progressive title/camo system

    The more you play you get a different/more exclusive camo
  3. Timithos

    I originally was motivated to get on PTS by Hossin. I still like to check out new base designs once a week or so. But there are a few reasons that PTS is not effective.

    • SOE doesn't promote events on there properly. You might hear about an event from a forum post here, or a twitter post there, but there is no proper mass broadcast of events through multiple media avenues in a timely fashion.
    • They totally dropped that ball on the Mon-Fri "Nightly" PTS Event. That's just not a thing as far as I've checked several times.
    • You thought there were stealth patches on Live with no notes? Magnify that by about 5X on PTS.
    • Yes. They do listen to the community, but when it comes to PTS, SOE "listens" FAR less then normal. We could all be screaming in their faces about an obvious bad change, but they push it out on Live servers the next week or two anyway without any concern for what we found to be true in testing. So it has completely demotivated many players from bothering to test, or to provide their input anymore.
    • As near as I can tell, roughly 1/3 of this game's content is pushed directly from the internal QA servers to Live, completely bypassing PTS making it that much more useless. (One example out of hundreds: Amerish lattice was put on Live first, then updated on the PTS server 2 days later.) It's worse now with the weekly patches in this regard.
    • PTS was something the community screamed about, but it seems SOE just pushed it out to appease the screamers, instead of utilizing it 100% seriously.
    The best you can hope for on PTS is when an outfit decides to do some training or testing, and let's others know outside their outfit of the event. And for someone like me that likes to stay off Indarside, you're even more SOL.
  4. Fenrys

    Sorry for the necro - I just got done watching the FNO where feedback on this issue was asked for.

    I don't use it (or get to play on Live very often) because of a slow internet connection that I share with other people.
  5. Tommyp2006

    Just got done playing server smash a few hours ago, and I wish it wasn't on the test server, it was unstable as hell, we constantly had a squad or more down in our 3 platoons from crashing.
  6. Pikachu

    Yeah I was there. After my crash I could not switch continent anymore just like on live server. Still cant.