Do you have a clean TK record?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DJPenguin, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. WyrdHarper

    Mine's embarrassingly high. Going to go ahead and pin it on the fact that I just unlocked grenade bandolier, and the sticky train don't stop for nobody. Especially dummies who think running in front of during a firefight is a good idea.
  2. Erilis

    Not anywhere near as bad as I thought!
    has killed a teammate

    3.03% of their last 66 kills
    while accumulating 21 suicides.
  3. Erilis

    Damn son
  4. Casterbridge

    Mine's better than I thought considering the grenade sprees I go on from time to time.

    Bluebridge has killed a teammate
    4.92% of their last 995 kills
    while accumulating 5 suicides.
  5. NinjaTurtle

    2.21% :(

    I am a horrible person

    And people are stupid for standing behind a tank
  6. caksz

    Well balanced , lol

    • Up x 1
  7. Hartkernharald

    1.4% on my main vs
    1.4% on my main tr
    1.91% on my main nc

    why always the nc? :p
  8. Astriania

    I'm on about 3% both sides. I guess that's what comes of being in or near the point room a lot in well contested bases.
  9. Alarox

  10. Forkyar24

    is it affected by getting tked because team mates decide to shoot threw me to get a enemy kill.
  11. Forkyar24

    Stop jumping in front of this guy's gun!
  12. veselie

  13. cruczi

    my tk rate hovers around 1%, and tk'd rate around 3%.
  14. Weasel of Doom

    TheWeaz has killed a teammate
    1.64% of their last 978 kills
    while accumulating 22 suicides.

    TheWeaz has been team-killed
    5.49% of their last 966 deaths.
  15. Iridar51

    Be that as it may, apologizing severely reduces chances of you being TKed in revenge :rolleyes:
    And it helps smooth down the negative emotion outburst that TKed person gets. If that's his own fault - explain it to him.
    "Dude, sorry, but you really should watch where you're going".
    • Up x 1
  16. Ronin Oni

    People don't want to start a TK war with me. I don't lose those.

    Someone comes back for revenge when it was their fault, I'm gonna see them rage quit.

    That said, it's happened all of once in all my playtime.

    Only other time I got into a TK war was some loser HA who shot me with an RPG when I landed to repair and rearm my Mossie. I went back for revenge on him (cause seriously, there was no way that was anything but intentional, and he put me on a timer)

    Killed him like 3 times before he ran away to who knows where.

    My favorite is rezzing them, and then instantly putting them back down. Then res again and see if they're dumb enough for a repeat.

    Am I an *******? Yeah. I came to terms with that a long time ago. But I'm only an ******* if you give me reason to be. I don't mind the umpteen million accidental TK's (my fault or theres) I suffer in this game. It's only the obviously intentional TK's I will go out of my way to make them regret it.
  17. Bape

    Hm im still trying to decide if 8.70% out of 368 deaths is a good sign or a really bad ****** sign lol.

    Bape has been team-killed
    8.70% of their last 368 deaths.

    Bape has killed a teammate
    2.71% of their last 998 kills
    while accumulating 2 suicides.
  18. LT_Latency

    Impossible for TR cause of the Mini Gun. That bad boy is going to get you lots and lots of TKs.
  19. SacredRay

    Sometimes after a battle and I need to change classes at a terminal, I just kill anyone who is there.
  20. BadLlama

    lol why would I stop shooting just because a teammate decides to run in front of me?