Do you have a clean TK record?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DJPenguin, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. DJPenguin

  2. JibbaJabba

    Dunno about my TKs per 1k but I've got a BR100, couple BR20s and never once been weapon locked. it's not hard.
  3. JorgeSarcos

  4. HadesR

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  5. Codex561

    Use his link
  6. Iridar51

    I have 1.2% TKs in my last 997 kills, and 3% TKs as the cause of death in last 985 deaths.
    I thought I was TKing more often =\ I'm sloppy sometimes, but I always apoligize in a tell, even if I die while doing so.
  7. M2_Bradley

  8. -Synapse-

    2.42% of my last 991 kills. . . what can I say? Once the chaingun starts, it doesn't stop for anyone.
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  9. Ronin Oni

    I stopped caring if people run in front of my shots. I don't TK enough to get locked, so if you're an idiot, I'll kill you and not care.

    Also, I have a few TK's just from screwing around with friends. having laughs while getting ready for the next deployment.
  10. CEGrif

    oh dear
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  11. Ronin Oni


    Nope, only if it's really my fault. which it RARELY is.

    Usually it's some nitwit running around tank combat zones and getting rolled over.

    Or some other blind man who doesn't see GREAT BIG BALLS OF GLOWING ENERGY coming from me in a steady stream and gets in front of them.

    No sympathy, and no apologies for those TK's. They earned that death.
  12. Jeslis

    Unfortunately people literally LEAP IN FRONT OF MY VEHICLE every time I start driving around.. and lightassaults like to try to sit on top of my galaxy as I lift off from each base.. (which kills them due to collision acceleration mechanics..)....

    So yea.. I'm at 6% TKs in last 1000? or whatever it has me at.. sigh.. LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING THE ROAD PEASANTS!
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  13. CaptainTenneal

    2.22% Would be a lot worse, thanks Rocketpod nerfs!!!
  14. Horrida Messor

    0.60% of last 997 kills
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  15. Bindlestiff

    Bindlestiff has killed a teammate
    2.81% of their last 997 kills
    while accumulating 3 suicides.
    Bindlestiff has been team-killed
    3.32% of their last 995 deaths.
  16. Slavek

    Slavek has killed a teammate
    0.30% of their last 987 kills
    while accumulating 13 suicides.

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  17. ajma

    I have killed 4 enemies out of my last 1000 TKs.
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  18. DHT#

    .71% TK, most of them from grenades, although 3 of them are from people on my flash that flipped and blew up, counting as me killing them for some reason.

    4.7% TK'd. Learn to aim, NC!
  19. Solidpew

    Grenade Bandolier + 48+ allies makes not for TK free play. :(
  20. SNAFUS

    2.11% though the majority were me killing gunners or being rammed by my miscreant air wing.