Do we need a MAX overhaul ?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Sofloan, Oct 14, 2022.

  1. brutes359

    I have actually mentioned many of these things in a previous post regarding new MAX weapons. The current iterations of them are simply too expensive and weak to be usefull anymore ever since the nerf to flack armor (the one where they rename it to "Ordinance Armor" and vastly nerfed its effectiveness).

    In terms of practicality, each max serves a different role that they used to do well.
    NC was breaching and CQC.
    TR was fire-support, AA, and AV
    VS: was hunter-killer and infantry support.

    However, the constant digging at them due to the elitist players crying over them doing their jobs (that is disrupting the flow of combat, eliminating high threat targets, and clearing and holding chokepoints and objectives) has led to them being the single most nerfed class in the game as of now.

    What everyone here is suggesting isn't an overhaul, in fact the only changes are suggestions to remove the revive mechanic from the MAX suits themselves, and the request for the NS MAX to be finished. These suggestions are merely reversals of those nerfs. In truth, most of the suggestions are EXACTLY how the MAX suits used to act. They used to be WAY tankier, (Passive 80% small arms resistance) had FAR better AV and AA potential (NC Raven launchers used to have 15 missiles per reload compared to the current 5 and TR maxes had far longer range on their Bursters) and could even survive up to 3 C-4 packs through the old flak armor system. Even blueshift VS MAXs had a (Albeit limited) use for their medium range infantry support.

    Ultimately, I warned the community for years that this would happen, and no one listened. Now, here we are where the population of MAX suits continues to drop to the point the devs couldn't get people to play them when they were FREE, because they've become fodder to feed the crack-fueled LAs flying around the map with ambusher jump jets, sidewinder implants, and athlete implants.
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  2. VV4LL3

    NSO MAX is a joke.