Do not let this version of the Enorcer modified c85 go live!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fredfred, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Liquid23

    lol... awesome
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  2. Alarox

    Whoa. Hold on a second here, I just noticed something.

    Damage falloff begins at 10m. At 20m you deal about 100 damage rather than 134, while on live you still deal maximum damage up to 42m.

    So... if you're at 20m:

    Damage/shot Test: ~1200
    Damage/shot Live: 1200

    So realistically, passed 20m you're not getting OHKOs with this gun, as of test. So yes, this is a "buff"... if you consider making it suck slightly less at point blank range while making it suck even more at medium range.
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  3. Bape

  4. alfaromeo

    just make it a close/medium range flamethrower! :p
    burn those damned insect who tried to poo on my vanny
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  5. Spartan 117

    If SOE can't fix stupid, what are you concerned about? That video was quite entertaining btw, thanks for that. Explains why I constantly feel like I am fighting entire TR/VS solo on a daily basis. Here is the deal with the C85:

    1. NC players don't want shotguns. Period. If we were the only faction who had access to shotguns, it would be different but were not. We've been asking for gauss tech & railgun tech since launch or earlier. You know the defining characteristic of our faction that somehow seems to be absent from almost all of our faction specific weapons?

    2. We've spent the last year without a viable secondary vehicle weapon. The difference in effectiveness of the C85 modified & VS/TR equivalents during that time is so great that if they buffed C85 modified to 1 shot anything & everything it would still take months with every NC player using it to make up for that disparity. I have no intention of using this on any of my vehicles with current "buff".
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  6. JesNC

    To summarize: As long as it's a shotgun on wheels, it remains useless on a MBT.

    Because a better AI weapon within 20m is exactly what the Vanguard needed. Not. Projectile velocity on a spam'esque shotgun-type weapon is irrelevant - whether you hit or not is down to RNG anyway.

    The only buff is that it now OHKs even faster at close range, something the old Enforcer Mod. did just fine to begin with. But I think players were asking for something with more useability, aka more effective range. By now I'm kinda getting the impression that SOE only goes with player feedback as long as it's not concerning the "NC and shotguns" theme.

    Nice video btw. :D

    PS: Haven't compared it in-game myself, just going by the stats atm. But I'm not holding my hopes up....
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  7. metrotw

    Lmao! Thanks for that video, it made my morning.

    On another note, I've always enjoyed reading these sorts of threads(for all factions). Not because of the (sometimes) intelligent debate on weapon balance, but because of people expecting this team of clowns to actually do something right for a change. It's like no matter how many times they have proved themselves to be an incompetent bunch of fools people STILL cling on to their *** hairs expecting everything to somehow get fixed properly.

    Buzz was 100% right to have quit when he did because he had ZERO faith in this group of hacks and amateurs ability to create a game worth sticking around for long term.
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  8. Bape

    Yeh im starting to realize this don't expect SOE to do anything right and expect the worse.
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  9. DeusExArma

    Shotguns are completely unviable at the ranges that vehicles fight in (usually much greater than 10m). Making the Enforcer Modified even more of a CQC weapon is not what any member of the NC wants. Weapons meant for longer range engagements can also be used in close range, while a weapon like this can't even be used at medium range. As for ShureShot: someone with a KD of 0.65 and SPM of 93 really has no business saying the NC are bad, even if I agree that sometimes it feels quite frustrating playing with them
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  10. Dead soldier

    sucks for you cause you can't fight back XD
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  11. Naduron

    FYI that's the infamous stealth bug... they couldn't see him because he was stuck in stealth mode, which doesn't render on the screen even when you stand 1m from him.
    Thank you for posting a video of a glitch.
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  12. Bape

    He actually has 3.80 his real character name is in his sig but all his kills are from vehicles so hes really a K/D padder which is still considered bad.
  13. repairtool6

    I just fundamentally disagree with this.
    In my mind Vanguard needs excactly a beastly CQC AI option.

    Magrider can deal with an infantry-nest by strafing, manuvering. Picking ppl off.
    Prowler can work that crowd with double barrel. Picking ppl off.

    In my vanguard, sooo slow reload. I mostly want to rush in close, hit my shield and clear that rock with a superdeadly shotgun.
  14. Edenwolf

    So this is how NC is balanced, make their shotguns more shotguny.
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  15. DeusExArma

    With a longer ranged weapon, couldn't you just kill the infantry from farther away, thus reducing the need to rush in really close o_O? Usually when I see a tank column or a bunch of vanguards, they're not sitting at point blank range near a mass of enemy infantry. I only see harassers doing that.
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  16. RHINO_Mk.II

    For reference, here is a screenshot of myself standing 10m from the center of a vanguard. You can see I easily placed 2 bricks of C4 directly on the tank by tossing them at a 45 degree angle. This is the range at which it would deal "maximum" damage.
    Here I am again at 40m, the range at which it does a laughable 70 damage per pellet. Killing infantry at this range would probably be miraculous enough to qualify someone for sainthood in the Catholic church, considering the pellet spread. Why would you ever use this over the Kobalt or even the default basilisk?
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  17. Taylorstar

    Hey guys this thread has a lack of the new enforcer modified/canister so here's a video

    This gun is out performed in so many ways by all the other guns so far, it is such a Niche weapon for the point blank one shot kill that it simply isn't worth it when a fury can give a similar result at most ranges.

    I'm not a vehicle driver/gunner so I don't have the experience or education to say what it would take to make this gun a more viable and worthwhile choice, but as it stands the area its supposed to excel at is matched by a large number of alternatives which are far more versatile.

    Further more in order to reach its truly effective range and cause an equal amount of devastation as say the fury the risk to the harasser with the incoming nerf's simply make the risk far to high for an no guaranteed small reward.
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  18. HadesR

    It was a Medic
  19. Canaris

    they should have given NC a variant of the original Gauss Cannon from Planetside 1 that they had on the Thunderer variant of the deliverer. Super heated tungsten rod thrower
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  20. Naduron

    Tested it in the VC.

    At 3m
    Max: 5 Rounds
    LA: 1-2 Rounds (from 50% HP to instant kill) random

    at 20m
    Max: 12-20 Rounds (Need insane luck)
    LA: 3-6 Rounds

    at 40m
    Max: 30 Rounds
    LA: 4-8 Rounds
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