Directive shotgun The Brawler

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by toxs, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Regpuppy

    I'm impatiently awaiting a second wave of empire specific rocket launchers and an empire specific specialty tank cannon. So that I can get out of my shot-cannon tank before it dies, to use my shot-ket launcher, then switch to my shotgun with an underbarrel shotgun, and finally my mag-scatter for those no-ammo emergencies.
  2. Kubin

    I have a better idea: NC-only ammo type for every shotgun. Ammo that splits into pellets. Yes! Each of your pellets splits into more pellets and overwhelms your opponents with a true cloud of pellets! Make your new shotgun-shotgun a shotgun-shotgun-shotgun!

    Connect in with the Jackhammer burst fire to achieve pellet-storm-overkillâ„¢!
  3. TheKhopesh

    It would be fine, if you could put slugs on the weapon itself (so you'd have a combination range weapon and a pump action for close up surprise moments), but as is, the UBSG is pretty pointless.

    IMO, let all the Directive reward shotties use slugs if they desire (like the optics options), as slugs change a shotgun's functionality drastically.
    • Up x 2
  4. Mythologicus


    In response another poster saying Planetside can do what no other game can...well, it can but whether or not it can do it well is another matter (they put the worst underbarrel weapon in the game on a weapon that IS the attachment).
  5. Dieter Perras

    I'd be fine with this, it'd make the directive shotgun uniquely flexible ^.^

    Now we just have to get the shotgun haters and nerf whiners on board with the idea....
  6. TheKhopesh

    Slugs have never really angered the shotty haters.
    If anything, slugs up shotgun TTK, which should make them happy.
  7. CNR4806

    You just wait for the hate whines yelling about you being able to use slug and buckshot on the same gun.
  8. TheKhopesh

    Only the NC get an underbarrel shotgun though, and we can already have a slug shotgun and a buckshot shotgun if we take out a slug equipped primary and throw on our Magscatter in the pistol field.

    And the Fortuna already has a decently capable range weapon/buckshot shotgun combo anyway.
  9. toxs

    Smart choke? I need to test that out. In this clip of game play you can see how the small magazine might limit the ability to survive in regular shotgun extended magazine situations.

  10. Xannares


    Non ADS

  11. toxs

    nice post, so does smart choke only apply for ads?
  12. patrykK1028

    Brawler is shotgun with underbarrel shotgun! What more could NC want? Underbarrel shotgun under underbarrel shotgun on shotgun?
  13. Rovertoo

    Break Action double barrel would be nice.