Directive shotgun The Brawler

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by toxs, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. toxs

    I have auraxiumed all the NC shotguns. I have not auraxiumed the baron yet. I want to auraxium the directive shotgun the brawler. I do not enjoy shot guns mainly because of their specific role is not my favorite type for game play. But auraxiuming weapons is the thing to do so why not go for it.

    So the brawler is a sweeper with a 6 round magazine. It also has a redundant under barrel shotgun with 4 rounds. Essentially this weapon is an inferior version of a high capacity shotgun, with an under barrel shotgun. In fact all the directive shotguns are unhappy because they do not have access to the extended magazine.

    Is there a way to bring the directive shotgun into the more typical load out? Instead of being downgrades from the standard shotguns. I would never want a directive weapon to be superior to standard weapons, I would like them to be comparable instead of inferior.

    I know most people believe shotguns are cheesy and would probably laugh at this thread and say L2p nub. The truth is shotguns are cheesy but, directive shotguns are cream cheese and not yet spray cheese.
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  2. Dieter Perras

    They're not cheese just annoying as many of them in the heat of battle can be easyily mistaken for a carbine or an smg, that is until you get the instant death and go "well s*** he had a shotgun!"

    Either way I think it's pretty hilarious that the reward you get is a shotgun on a shotgun, maybe some one in SOE has a weird sense of humor...
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  3. Xannares

    All directives shotguns seem to have the smart choke attachment. They are the only shotgun with the mag scatter that don't disadvantage when you are ADSing. While ADSing, their cof is probably comparable or smaller to baron's one.
  4. DramaticExit

    I honestly hadn't realised it was a shotgun wth a shotgun on it... That's so silly it breaks my mind.
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  5. DatVanuMan

    I must admit, having shotguns as your empire specific everything is pretty dumb.
    A shotgun ON a shotgun, though?
    I think it's a first in video gaming history.
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  6. TheMercator

    The Brawler is more of a fun or joke weapon, not really competitive. Like nearly all Auraxium weapons its a downgrade to a normal gun with some 'special' attachments.
  7. Saool

    A shotgun, with a shotgun attached... that's just...

    Ok I think I have the NC Auraxium weapons figured out. A designer worked on the Fortuna. Liked what he/she had done and showed it to their 10 year old son. Who asked to design one. The the designer just let their 10 year old design all the rest.
  8. Kubin

    For all the things good and sacred... I am laughing my Higby off now. I had no idea that the Brawler is an Inception Shotgun.

    But THIS had to be done so take it:


    The next stop: A knife with underbarrel shotgun!
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  9. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    I pulled that meme a lot by now.
    It's pretty awesome. ^^
    I think it'd be great if you could get Slugs on the main gun, however.

    Wait, I thought the Auraxium Shotguns were based on the quick reload versions?
    This Spreadsheet, admittedly from before the last changes to Auraxium-Weapons, shows rather similar stats.
    The Planetside-Wiki seems to agree on that.
    That'd make the auraxium shotguns a rather clear upgrade over the other options, if you're into that particular niche; which is why I'm working on getting the Chaos (less than 4000 kills to go!!!); a Thanatos with a half-ex-mag, laser, and the unique choke, what's not to like.
    The NC-Version is admittedly a bit wonky, I'm sure someone did that for the lols. Maybe change it to a UBG? ^^
  10. Kubin

    Hah, I didn't think about that at first but it is an interesting idea, indeed.

    However I'm still mindblown. It's so, so, sooo silly and yet so amazing at the same time I can't contain myself. A shotgun on a shotgun - I'm honestly laughing out loud and the worst part is I'm currently at work ;D

    Exactly. One of a kind xD
  11. Ceiu

    I'm working toward the Brawler simply because of the hilarity that is the underbarrel shotgun on a shotgun. Even with the extended mag, it won't be as good as the Jackhammer; but the idea of being able to have the following moment:

    "Crap, I'm out of ammo on my shotgun; better switch to my shotgun." going to make it worth it for me. Especially if I decide to get the mag scatter for extra lulz.

    ~300 kills until the most hilarious hate tells ever.
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  12. Shaengar

    I still want someone to make a video that contains kills with the airhammer then bailing into a mob of infantry, pulling out the brawler, kill one enemy with it, another one with the underbarrel shotgun and finally the last kill with the Mag-Scatter.

    We could call it "The essence of NC". Shotgun-Reaver, Shotgun, Underbarrel Shotgun and Shotgun Pistol all in one Video. I hope somebody takes the time.
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  13. DatVanuMan

    Indeed! I mean, no other video game was so simple and straightforward as to place a shotgun on some other shotgun! That's why Planetside is special; it can do what no other game can!:p
  14. BobSanders123

    The tears of all gamers brings hearty laughs throughout their offices.
  15. Dieter Perras

    Hey I have to admit if given the opportunity to make a shotgun on a shotgun I'd probably do it too. :D

    Partly for the lols and partly to see if anyone would pick up on it
  16. Kubin

    Anyway I really hope they'd give us (VS) an underbarell LASHER with heat mechanic sometime ;D I'm dreaming you'd say? Well... after a shotgun on a shotgun came into existence I think everything is possible :D

    I'm still laughing my Higby off at the Brawler...
  17. Rovertoo

  18. Rovertoo

    Needs a MAX and a Jackhammer in there somewhere though. How about a platoon that is armed with nothing but Canister Harassers, AirHammer Reavers, ScatterMAXes, Jackhammer heavies, Brawler Infantry, and Magscatter Infils!

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  19. DramaticExit

  20. Rovertoo

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