Difficulty levels of the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Some1, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. EliteEskimo

    DA should pull more Magriders to display their tanking skills in action. It all depends on what role you intend to use your tank for that makes it easy or hard.
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  2. Posse

    We already wiped tank columns of BWC with Viper Lightnings more than once, no need to pull Magriders.

    Fun fact: The VKPH of the average DA member with the Viper Lightning is higher than your VKPH with the Prowler :p
  3. EliteEskimo

    Just because you kill tanks that belong to BWC does not amount to being good as a tanker, in a similar fashion being in a Prowler with a BWC tag doesn't make you a good tanker. It's unfortunate that I never seem to be around on the days that these DA armor forces are used to wipe out an entire BWC armor columns as I'm normally present every Friday when BWC actually has sizable Rampage forces activated. I've gotten the chance to fight with Fortress a few times or see the occasional single DA tank, usually Fortress or Virtual Guerrilla, but that's about the usual extent to me seeing DA armor.
  4. Posse

    Oh, it's been a while since we last pulled Fromage :D

    We considered it too easy mode.
  5. EliteEskimo

    Which is quite odd considering when the Harasser was considered completely OP you guys pulled them on a much more frequent basis if I recall correctly. Something isn't adding up;)
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  6. Posse

    Well, any positive number is "much more frequent" than zero.
  7. Masterofm

    NC - Easy
    VS - Easy
    TR - Easy'ish

    Only thing in the entire list that bugs me is most of the infantry weapons the TR have, and some of the infantry weapons the NC have. I really really hate horizontal recoil.
  8. Phyr

    Fight! Fight! Fight!

    kiss kiss kiss
  9. Slandebande

    Do you do proper tanking? From the looks of your characters, you really like farming infantry. Feel free to elaborate
  10. Posse

    Apparently I can do proper tanking simultaneously with farming infantry, at least when I compare the VKPH of my Viper Lightning with the VKPH of the so-called proper tankers in their MBTs
  11. EliteEskimo

    But implying that you don't use tanks because it's easy mode to do so doesn't correlate with the fact that DA was pulling Harassers when they were completely OP and thus were using something when it was easy mode. Compare that to now when Harassers actually require a great deal more skill to keep alive and I guess according to you the number of Harassers DA pulls is now 0 now that they aren't OP and require much more skill to keep alive?

    Farming is the easiest and most boring part of "tanking". Pulling a tank when the moment is right to do so just to farm/ kill an oblivious vehicle zerg will obviously boost stats way more than than tankers who pull their tanks when it may be dangerous to do so or may drive their tanks over long distances from battle to battle.
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  12. Slandebande

    Right, lets all go ahead and use VKPH as the measure, which depends on so many factors it doesn't even make sense to use! For me, I use a lot of the time to gather new resources during slow spells, to roll something to smoke for myself, or to make food (I don't always log out when afk as I don't care aobut SPM or your precious VKPH). All I wrote was that you sure have a lot of infantry kills compared to vehicle kills, which does imply what your main target is, namely infantry.

    Oh, and another thing, any kill possible I let my gunner have at all times (both for the XP, and for making them happy). That will drag down the VPKH as well, and that is common procedure for most experienced tankers.
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  13. TheShrapnelKing

    Oh what a surprise - get BWC and DA in the same thread and they're already back to their dick measuring contest.
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  14. Posse

    We don't pull Harrassers because they're useless, lol. I didn't say we don't use tanks btw, I only said we don't pull tank squads, which is not the same, I like getting into a Lightning for some relaxed farming every now and then without needing to stay really concentrated as I need to do when playing infantry.

    If I can get as many vehicle kills with a Viper as you get with a "proper AV tank", then I must be doing "proper tanking" quite alright, and if while I'm doing that, I can get a LOT of infantry kills, I'm definitely being more useful to the faction than "proper tankers". Oh and yes, doing that is really easy, when I play a Viper Lightning I'm not even completely focused in what I'm doing, it's just not needed. If you want to think that what you do is hard to do (or even remotely as hard as playing infantry and being effective), well, go ahead, but it's definitely not the case.

    lol, that sounds like a bad excuse, and in any case, for a "proper tank" to be more effective than my Viper Lightning, you need to have twice the VKPH (adding your VKPH and the gunner's VKPH), since 2 people can pull 2 Lightnings.

    Not my fault if I hurt some egos for pointing that tanks are easy mode :D

    (anyway, I still have 2 hours and a half of boredom at work to continue :p)
  15. EliteEskimo

    Except I haven't spoken about BWC being great/all that and a bag of chips in the thread, or said DA was worse at tanking. I even stated that being in BWC doesn't automatically equate to being a good tanker, and this had nothing to even do with BWC until a comparison was made of killing BWC tanks= knowing how to tank. This conversation hasn't even gone to which outfit knows how to tank better or a "dick measuring contest" so mind your own business. If you can't handle 2 outfits that clash in game having a disagreement don't include yourself in the thread.
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  16. EliteEskimo

    I didn't say you didn't pull tanks either, I said I didn't personally see you wiping out BWC armor columns and I stated that your definition of tanking is the easiest most boring part of using a tank. If farming without needing much concentration involved is what consists of your definition of tanking it's clear we use tanks for entirely different purposes. There is also a difference between hurting my ego, don't even kid yourself that you did this lol:rolleyes: , and reducing the entirely of a playstyle to easy mode. Especially considering your definition of it consists of the most boring/easy aspect of tanking. It would be similar to you saying being in a good Liberator pilot is easy, because you pull Liberators for the purpose of farming oblivious infantry zergs and don't engage in more skilled areas of fighting other Liberators or taking on pockets of ESF's and other air ect.
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  17. Slandebande

    Luckily, in my Vanguard, my gunner has more than twice your VKPH alone, without considering my VKPH. Combined we have a VKPH of ~32 compared to your 9.
    In my Prowler my gunner once again has a higher VKPH than you alone. Combined we have a VKPH of ~33, again compared to your 9.

    Both examples include the numerous down time we share, and feel free to call it an excuse. Even with the so-called excuse, we have more than triple your VKPH, and we don't just sit in zergs and farm the oblivious tankers that would die to infantry within 10sec, like I'm pretty sure you do, if you are farming infantry at the same time :) Taking out such tankers isn't contributing much to your team, neither is slaughtering the infantry (instead of actually pushing up and attacking the Sundies themselves). You got any other arguments that you are doing proper tanking?

    Oh, and your comment about you not needing to focus, really makes me smile, as that just solidifies that you aren't doing proper tanking most of the time :)

    Edit: I can of course document the numbers I've listed above if really needed.
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  18. TheShrapnelKing

    Yes yes I know the other guy is all in the wrong here and I'm the bad guy for trying to make you both share the blame. I expected that reaction. At least Posse didn't actually deny it. And yes it most certainly has drifted into "I'm a better tanker than you" territory.

    And there's nothing for me to "handle" here, so that comment doesn't make any sense. If by "handle" you mean I should relish in people fighting over who is better at the game on a forum then no I don't 'handle' it, I hate it when people do that kind of crap.
  19. Slandebande

    It started with Posseee calling tanking easy-mode. We claimed that what he does most likely isn't what most tankers would call "proper tanking", and since then it has drifted into Posseee trying to defend himself that he does proper tanking, by using examples EliteEskimo did not recognize (even though he is in the outfit in question) and his precious VKPH, implying that since he has a similar VKPH he is doing the exact same things. Thankfully he was silly enough to actually use the VKPH of only the main driver of MBT's, which has an inherent large risk of bias due to variations in how players drive, and the crew in general. And my gunners VKPH alone was more than twice what he has, which really pleased me :)
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  20. EliteEskimo

    Except you glance over the fact this is more about tanking, and why he believes it's easy mode more than it is about which outfit knows how to use tanks. I'm also not the sole person arguing with him about his definition of tanking as a playstyle, and Slandebande isn't even talking about BWC or DA and yet is involved in the exact same conversation.