Did anyone see a deployed MAX lately?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gunfox, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. Spookydodger

    I see it a lot in Biolabs. Saw one especially sneaky guy who stuck himself to a wall above a door.
  2. rickampf

    The Max unity is essentialy a "Lets Kick everyone out" unity and not a stationary glass cannon who can be obliterated in seconds, that is why the lockdown is almost useless. The anchored mode is a bad joke that SOE gave to the Terrans. Where is our Overdrive from PS1 SOE???
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  3. DashRendar

    I see lots of Aegis users as well, or at least they're pretty hard to miss when you see one :p but Higby would know if anyone would I guess.
  4. Geneaux

  5. Makora

    Last i heard Lockdown has false advertising. The tooltips say that at later ranks the fire-rate increase will be anywhere near to 50% or something. But as far as I know, not a single weapon clocks in over 20%-30% higher. of course this thinking can be about unclear description as it says "Increases reload speed, rate of fire and projectile velocity X%-Y% depending on the weapon system"
    That is quite vague... I'd like separate numbers for all three categories. RoF, Reload and Velocity.

    I might be absolutely wrong but someone did a analysis vid a while back. Maybe it's been changed but If you'd really get 50% more dakka... now THAT'S something to lock down for.
  6. ent|ty

    Is that badass to you? In the circles I've played with, that is mediocre.
  7. Geneaux

    We need something that buffs the said values and are actually beneficial. ALL without the movement restriction because lets face it, you can't kill a room of 4-6 people as a TR max unless you have another assisting you or theres a engineer repairing you at the same time.
  8. Geneaux

    You seem to think highly of yourself... Tell me the last time you won a one-on-one fight with a scat max when you had the drop on him? C4? Maybe. Other than that, no, just no.
  9. gualty

    TR lockdown is the most useless thing ever seen in the past 5 years of the videogaming industry...
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  10. ent|ty

    Last night.

    It has nothing to do with thinking highly of myself.

    It has everything to do with the use of tactics, planning my attack, and leaving a situation that is not favourable to me.

    In my arsenal is the main gun, a rocket launcher with 5 rockets, an AV nade, and 3 healthpacks. And the main ingredient? Cover.
    I do awesome with a bit of cover.

    I even took on 2 NC MAX and 3 engineers in one scenario at Freyr Amp Station a month ago, and using one little hill, some pipe and columns as cover, took them all out.

    Why? Because I've died a lot to MAX's before, and I"ve learned.

    It's how I play my HA for in PS2. For killing tanks, sundies, planes, MAXs and hopefully everyone that comes after me for revenge or to stop me.

    See, I was being nice. I should have just said
    Cause thats what its about.
    Wow, just wow.
  11. Zar

    if they are alike lets let the tr and nc have the ZOE for a weak, vs get access to ours as well, and all we will see is Zoe on every max lol.
  12. Geneaux

    HA! That's good. People already DO the said aforementioned "tactic". Your tactics are nothing than common sense based off experience, which everyone generally does. Come back when you've done it at 5-15m. Hint: make sure you bring a squad or the zerg too.
  13. Zar

    i wouldn't go that far i still think that goes to call of duty for ruining a whole generation of gamers. but it is a close 2nd.
  14. felfox

    Add some frontal armour and remove the ability to headshot a deployed max maybe? (Deploy should redirect some energy around the head or activate more armour plates, whatever) Give NC the ability to reload durning shield legitly, maybe add some extra omin directional aoe resistance and allow off hand melee or shield melee. That should bring both in line with ZOE if not a bit over. ZOE could get some speed back or maybe just some vertical jump IF needed at all.

    There, that should fix NC/TR.
  15. Carisha

    You guys can't get good stuff for a while yet, still paying off the Striker and new Vulcan.
  16. ent|ty

    I have done it at 5-15m.. with some cover. What's your problem, man?
    You're one of those guys taht calls me a hacker in a game like BF2, when I rocket your chopper or jet plane out of the sky, or hit you in the face with one, as you try to shoot me from a hill or tower far away.

    its called skill.
    Skill learned from many deaths, trial and error and hundreds if not thousands of missed shots.
    This all adds up to more frequent shots, being able to know exactly where to stand to block incoming splash damage in bullets, timing, and sheer fear and rage in the mix.

    Please now stop talking, nub.
    Thats all I'm going to stay. How about YOU come back when you're not a nub anymore, and you might understand.
  17. Malacovics

    I've seen one a few days ago and after putting some magical C4 under it I think he never used it again.
  18. Posse

    I saw one today guarding a point in a corner, I killed the poor guy with an AV grenade
  19. Geneaux

    This is funny. Don't give me that skill argument just because can kill a few maxes. You AREN'T the only one. PLus, you refuse to acknowledge our(yes, our) limitations in tandem with the game's performance, variables, etc. If we could skillfully AND successfully take out maxes at say 5-15m(anything beyond is too damn easy) there'd be "HA IS SO OP" threads by now. And since some(probably most) of your kills were accomplished will assistance, as you so graciously said before, you have no credibility here. Good day, sir.
  20. ent|ty

    Like I said, you're a nub, so you don't know what it all entails. Ignored for nubness.