Developer Thread: New Scopes and Sights

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Astriania

    (insert joke about September updates in February and Soon[TM] here)

    Good to see the red dot problem get fixed, I'll have to go play with the PTS's 2x Reflex again.
  2. BBurness Developer

    We don’t have any immediate plans to do this, but it has definitely came up in discussions concerning future scope changes; I will be pushing for it.
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  3. BBurness Developer

    As in new reticule variants like what we are doing with the reddots? We have talked about it; we wanted to release the reddots first to gauge reaction and demand. I imagine we will release a few variants of the 3.4x and 4x scopes within the next few months.
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  4. BBurness Developer

    There may or may not be plans for a scoped commissioner variant to be released at some point in the future. ;)

    There are some concerns about putting reddots on pistols. The topic is still being actively discussed internally; I wouldn't be surprised if it happens.
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  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    do the 3.4x, 4x, 6x and larger optics also receive the new lense mechanics, that is, the 'floating' dot, or is it only changed for the 1x/2x sights so far? (note, i'm not talking about new reticule variants but about the system where the reticules are projected onto the lense rather than being glued to it)
  6. Jeslis

    Random question along the topic of sights...
    Any thoughts on getting some options for vehicle sights? ESPECIALLY coloring? Trying to find the *level* (0 tilt) on my NC galaxy is impossible with yellow UI... I would kill for the option to even just have thermal vision as the pilot even without any gun.. let alone being able to just adjust the UI coloration/scheme.
    I would also love to have the.. *height* pips? when you aim above someone in a vehicle there are.. Lines to represent distance.. I would love to have a triple set of those going out.. the current way (down) and then downleft and downright.. for when Im at an angle...
    OR, hell, can we get the *elevation pips* to just always point/be DOWN and automatically compensate for when your at an angle? is REALLY annoying in a magrider in a SMALL divet or pebble underneath the tank is constantly shifting you out of *level*.
  7. Jeslis

    err,what are the concerns about reddots on pistols.. if thats ok to be publicized?
  8. dstock

    First, thanks for taking the time to post here and talk to us.

    OT: As a primarily TR player, and someone who has a strong preference for chevron-type optics, when I use any, I'd love to see 1 3.4 or 4x chevron scope for TR that doesn't take up half of my monitor real estate. I forget the name, but our current 4x option is enormous :\
  9. shaql

    From reddit:

    are the scopes available for certs ? if yes, what is their cert price ?

    What about changing your crosshair?
  10. BBurness Developer

    The short answer for right now is no; it would require a significant amount of UI and code work to get it working and those individuals are working on higher priority features. That said, priorities can change over time; especially if enough people are requesting it. ;)
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  11. Typomancer

    This is not really a question more than it is feedback regarding the new red dots:

    They (the red ones, at least) are way too pale and do not have enough contrast/vibrancy. The red beam of a laser sight attachment is easier to see—this is the amount of contrast/vibrancy I’d like to see.

    I also think the dots were smaller (and much nicer) before the latest PTS patch, but I could be crazy. I preferred the smaller dots if that was the case.
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  12. Anti-Skub

    What are the chances of getting iron sights/1x sights that don't alter your FOV? Something that has always annoyed me about the game is that there is no way to bring your gun up without zooming in.
  13. AdmiralArcher

    awesome, im glad there is a good reason.

    and hybrid scopes are something alot of people have wanted, for future reference
  14. Netsurfer733

    Jimmy W. said that pistol sights were being worked on last year and that we would get them soon. I truly hope for them, because I can't stand some of the default TR pistol sights (actually, the vast majority of them). Please do bring them out soon!
  15. FrontKill98

    I testet some of the new scopes and i have to say that the MH2 (standard) confuse me, i dont like the new style for the red ... i like the old ones.
    (Sry for my bad english:D )
  16. Tanelorn

    I think the balance for this can be a slower draw time for scoped pistols. Reflex scopes for pistols iRL are very common, so their exclusion in-game doesn't make alot of sense.


    Pistol optics examples
  17. saulotyper

    instead of putting patterns and stuff, why not solve the problem of stuttering in the game that makes ship is moving play
  18. sindz

    The VS specific scope is bad, faded purple disappears on almost every surface in the game.

    Also why did VS lose their bright cyan circle and now have a faded red one??
  19. maxkeiser

    I was wondering this as well. The old vanu cyan circle was absolutely fine - loved it. Completely uncalled for to take something away that people have been using for 2yrs with no issues.

    Can we have it back please??
  20. Iridar51

    So far I've used only 1x and 2x TR reflexes with simple, classic red dots, but I do say - they're much better than whatever we used to have. Now I actually believe I can hit something with T1S Cycled. I don't actually hit anything, but at least I believe.