Delta Triad Return

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Dart, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. Dart


    Delta Triad is a VS Outfit playing on Mattherson. We participated in closed beta but despite high hopes were disappointed to find the game at that time emphasized numbers instead of skill. However since release PS2 has been moving in the right direction to the point where we're all excited to jump back in.

    Those of you who who played PS1 feel free to skip to the bottom - you'll know all of this!

    However to the rest of this community; Delta Triad is a gaming clan of FPS veterans. Our ethos is to take a small group of the most talented players available and accomplish the most challenging objectives in the game, usually while outnumbered. Formed in January of 2005, DT became one of the top outfits in Planetside 1 specializing in quick-response resecures. If you're interested in our history click the link for our Outfit Spotlight on PSU. Due to the targets we select we often operate without the assistance of our VS comrades, so we have to be confident in every member.

    We make the best use of movement and spawning mechanics to come to the defence of the Sovereignty much faster than most Outfits. This makes the game feel more intense and fast-paced for our members; often capturing a base, immediately going to resecure another, then investigating an enemy incursion on a different Continent all within a 5 minute window. If you think PlanetSide is a slow game, you're doing it wrong.

    As a clan we prioritize teamwork and unity. As such, each member is considered equal and there are no ranks or officers in DT. Every member has earned the respect of the rest of the group, be they the newest member or the most veteran and so they all have equal say within the clan. In our experience, ranks are unnecessary and often divisive when you're dealing with dedicated, experienced and mature players. This tends to attract players who care more about being an equal part of a great squad than 'leading' an average one.

    Now that Planetside 2 is beginning to look more and more like our beloved Planetside, we're back and looking to expand our player base. For a quick rundown:

    • DT is about quality over quantity. We're not for everyone and we realise many 'casual' gamers wouldn't be interested in the challenge of joining a clan like DT.
    • Unfortunately as a small Outfit we cannot accept 'Alt' characters, therefore if you wish to join you must play your VS character as your main.
    • Your activity level should be high - and you must enjoy playing as part of a team
    • Every member needs to be comfortable using Mumble to communicate while playing
    • If your primary character in game is MAX, Infiltrator, Light Assault or Heavy Assault, you must have either Medic or Engineer as your secondary class. This is a requirement of all members and allows us to play effectively and cohesively.
    • You must be capable of holding your own both as infantry and in vehicles.
    • You must be both easy-going and mature. Most members of Delta Triad are between 18-35 and all are experienced gamers.
    • It is recommended that applicants are 17 or above. Younger applicants may still be given a tryout but as I have already pointed out, maturity is one of the most important things we look for in new members.
    • Potential members will go through a stringent trial period to assess this suitability. Be advised, during the lifespan of PS1 we'd estimate only about 5-10% of applicants were successful. It is difficult but the playstyle is a fun one and you'll definitely improve as a gamer whether you're ultimately successful or not.
    Over the past couple weeks, we have regularly been resecuring and flipping points against overwhelming odds using 5-10 man squads. This is our modus operandi. This is the most demanding way to play the game; as we are invariably outnumbered, but we also think it's the way that's most fun.

    To submit an application and begin playing with us, visit our forums to register an account and make a recruitment post. If you don't read the stickied thread that says 'Read before you post', we will make fun of you.
    • Up x 3
  2. Ender

    Can't wait to see you guys back out there Dart :)
  3. Kanya

    Thanks Ender. Its good to be back.
  4. DoctOrious

  5. Eyeklops

    Well, there goes my stay at the top of the DT outfit leaderboard. We need to start taking bets on who is going to pass me up first.
  6. Sock

    Think I got that locked up
  7. Tristan

    Not if we kick you out of the outfit first.
  8. robo

    Welcome back! Glad to have you guys around as always.
  9. Unknown

    Boom.. Headshot. Game has improved since Beta.. enjoying it so far. Especially all zee kills.
  10. Tristan

    Want to fight next to people you can trust not to drop like flies around you? We have the highest outfit K/D on the server for recruiting groups.
  11. Visk

    Glad you guys are back. I will always remember how no one could stop a DT gen hold back in PS1.
  12. Eyeklops

    Are you still cherry flavored? :)
    • Up x 1
  13. Mannylol

    Welcome back. See you guys alongside in the battlefield.
  14. Dart

    Thanks man. Good to see you too. I hear you're kicking *** & taking names still! If you're ever on VS and at a loose end hop on Mumble and hit us up.
    • Up x 1
  15. Pella

    Good luck guys and much respect.

    Some catching up todo :p
  16. Unknown

    Jaegers Crossing is ours :p... some fun times and major farming done so far and the max squad we've had is only about 10. Looking forward to when we actually have most of our certs haha.
  17. Kanya

    Thanks for the comments guys, it really is good to be back. Already making a difference and that's before many of us have things certed...!

    Looking forward to new recruits, anyone who is interested can either let us know on here or at

    Or send a message in game...
  18. Travesty

    Welcome back!
  19. Navus

    I have a bounty out for anyone who knifes Doc while in game...
  20. WaaWaa

    A small elite squad that is always up to the challenge. My hats off to DT! They still play PS1 too if you want a taste of old school farmin.