Dear Emerald Players...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainbowDash9, Feb 22, 2016.

  1. Savadrin

    BUT THE GK PROWLERS ARE TOO OP AND FULLY UNSTOPPABLE AT RANGE!11!1!!1111!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Reclaimer77

    That would require them to actually get out of their tank though.

    So probably a non-starter lol.
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  3. Savadrin

    Ain't that the ******* truth.
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  4. Gammit

    Two bricks of C4 took out two Prowlers?
  5. Reclaimer77

    This is just one of the typical mistakes some whiner about C-4 does. Why in the hell would you park so close to another tank? It's just a huge "KILL US BOTH" signal to every Light Assault player in visual range. I LIVE for those times I can kill multiple vehicles with C-4 splash.

    They won the Darwin Award.
  6. TheFlamingLemon

    To be fair, it is pretty hard to stop them, and no other faction gets such an effective very long range secondary. Not that the C4 LA in me minds.

    If you space them right, 2 c4 can take out 2 nearby MBTs. It's always fun to get a double kill like that, it's one of the many joys of being a C4 fairy

    PS: Sad that no one noticed that one of the tankers that was killed was the person who actually made this thread

    PPS I got rage tells after these kills but I'm pretty sure it was from the other prowler
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  7. RainbowDash9

    probably my angry russian friend lol for some reason he likes to rage in yell chat and stuff even though hes not really all that angry
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  8. Huxer

    No rainbow, I get it. it's supposed to be funny because you are the 4th faction-er who exploits any situation to get whatever cheap kills you can. It's just that it's not that funny and very few people really care.
  9. RainbowDash9

    ohh your a feisty one arent ya.
    its sposed to be funny cuz it shows how childish this community can be sometimes (as you're clearly showing right now i might add)
    im sorry i got a lil bored of playing TR after 3 years? i mean its not like i go switching factions to kill teammates like some people :eek: just like the change in gameplay.
  10. hawken is better

    it wasn't no any died point