Deadly Dose (formerly known as malarchy)

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by drfrozenfire, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. drfrozenfire

    This is the fastest-growing outfit on the Helios server. I welcome anyone of all skill levels into my outfit. Our tag is [DDLY] and we primarily fight on Indar, but occasionally capture Esamir and Amerish. If you like to play under seasoned commanders that know how to get the job done and have fun at the same time, this is the outfit for you. We also coordinate massive attacks with other outfits. If anyone wants to put some screenshots or videos up that would be awesome!

    We train to become the most disciplined and effective task force on Helios.


    "After extensive research, I have decided that Deadly Dose is probably the best all around outfit in the NC, in terms of skill, acceptance and overall willingness to enjoy the game." -PsycoMonky
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  2. drfrozenfire

    Much to my dismay, I tried taking several screenshots tonight... However, PS2 has it defaulted to the wrong key, and printscreen does absolutely nothing. Thanks, SOE.
  3. the_ill3st

    This is MajorLeagueInfidel, is this where you are posting the screenshots?
  4. the_ill3st

  5. the_ill3st

  6. drfrozenfire

    I know... I can't believe we did all that for nothing! We will have to do it again now that I know about the keybinding defaults that SOE thought was "convenient" for us
  7. CrazyassCanadian

    Hello, i am very interested in joining your outfit, where can i go to sing up?
  8. Varennikov

    Great outfit. I was in Malarky 5746 before it died from inactivity. Drfrozenfire is the reason NC controls Amerish

    Unfortunately I'm going Corporate Legion.
  9. drfrozenfire

    just send me a tell/whisper in-game and I'll throw you an invite!
  10. drfrozenfire

    get back here, you!
    Join with us, my brother.

    LOL. This is GeorgeWBushTRON, head of COLG. I swear I'm not responsible for this, but hey, the Legion appreciates the gesture Varennikov.
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  12. Varennikov

    Had to pay my respects to the Doc. He runs the show when the Legion isn't around. I took a short break from PS2 and missed the Deadly Dose split. Nothing but good people though:D and NC Helios outfits work together. Crew is my family
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  13. PsycoMonky

    After extensive research, I have decided that Deadly Dose is probably the best all around outfit in the NC, in terms of skill, acceptance and overall willingness to enjoy the game. I am a new player, (running around in the starting area like a chicken without-a-head new) give me a day or two, and we shall see about joining your ranks. (Not new to shooters by any means, just never played PS2)
  14. drfrozenfire

    I appreciate that statement! Send one of our commanders a message and we will induct you! :)

    I am going to update this post to include the names of our commanders.
  15. jwb97a

    Could i possibly join?
  16. drfrozenfire

    sure! just send a message to one of the commanders and they will let you in.
  17. Varennikov

    I went Deadly Dose after all. So many good players in this outfit. ura!
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  18. drfrozenfire

    Tonight's training seemed very helpful and I want to continue and expand on them so that we have the best of the best of the best. Shouldn't be hard, we have some good folks playin for us. :)
  19. 5ou1

    Was invited into a platoon with a few of you guys tonight. So nice seeing our Air Support tossing out some *** whoopins', after not seeing much at all my first few days playing. They gentlemen and ladies (possibly :D) are a good group and I look forward to hopefully getting a chance to play with you again and give 'em a Deadly Dose of some Soul :D
  20. ZSlot13

    I am interested in join.