current range of strikers is simply not enough

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VeryCoolMiller, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. Skraggz

    Not to mention the damage fall off lancer has, while striker was doing 1000m+ full damage.
  2. strikearrow

    The VS lancer has been capped at 450m for years (a very accurate, but not lock-on launcher). Essentially the striker was the only AA launcher that could hit past 450m for years - and even w/o the 800m+ range it is still the best AA launcher in the game. Combined with the best ESF in the game; the TR has a massive air power edge.

    The reason it's stupid to have 800m+ range is because ESFs in a 600m high hover duel (essentially both are almost stationary) can be effected by only the TRs nanite free AA launcher. Additionally, cheesing at altitude is not cheese it's a tactic and a tactic that only the TR can prevent w/o spending nanites. Tanks also sit at 600m+ from a fight and lob in shells - and again only the TR had a chance to stop them with the striker because of its lock-on capability at range.

    The Lancer is effective anti-armor and against close-range nearly stationary air, but so is the striker and the striker gives the HA a dumbfire and hide option that other AA launchers lack. Even with the 450m range, a good striker HA can hit with 2 salvoes, maybe 3 depending on the terrain before an ESF can escape. Worse yet a striker can fire and hide before an ESF can attempt to shoot the HA whereas a normal lock-on launcher gives the ESF a warning and a long warning if the ESF has stealth. Even a great normal AA launcher AA is not going to hit an ESF more than once before the ESF can escape.
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  3. Luicanus

    That's true, although they could have solved the problem by simply having the lock on effect cut off after 400m ish.
  4. LordKrelas

    Then it's still able to hit aircraft at absurd range.. like always the Sky-limit, unlike any other AA on that scale..
    Which would give TR, still, the only Infantry able to scratch Sky-Limit Galaxies or other aircraft.
    Not to mention, Having the ability to take pot-shots past render range, is a bit absurd.

    The same logic could be given the Lancer; As there's no magnifier, so good luck aiming at absurd ranges.
    Which isn't followed, as it's not got the multi-hex range, that isn't all that practical.
    For NC: Well, we lack anything with range like that, that could even use it.

    IE, why does TR need the ability to hit things past 400 bloody meters, with their AA Launcher, unlike everyone else?
  5. Sneakles

    They could just make the Anomaly bobble a shield against G2A all done.

    As it is now its rather bad the range and velocity is too low for its use, its also very slow on rate of fire (You never hit with all 6 hots at range with a flying vehicle is moving and turning etc, and you never did, I can hit 3 or 4 if a pilot fly in a slight curved line at medium range, but a small turn decent etc and its a miss, the velocity is way too slow atm when the range is gone) Yes, the first Striker was OP, it changed, and yes 8 seconds lifespan of the rockets was too far. 5 seconds with the slow velocity was balanced. But I never was killing alot, actually only very little because a pilot can turn and do other things, yes its crazy :p But the striker for me at 5 seconds lifespan was an annoyance to help Air a bit to stay away or to stop auto repair for a longer time. TR also has pounders which are good but with the other crap MAX g2g TR need it

    What most in this thread doesnt seem to talk about is the difference in factions where each faction has it perks. NC can hide safely and spam the Phoenix and its extremely powerfull in teams against the same targets. The NC max is devastating in close to medium range aganist infantry and the slugs can be insanely damaging and NC max guided g2g is also very powerfull, and the riot shield is good for alot if you know how to use it, it keeps you in the fight alot longer than the other 2 maxes. Not going to talk about tanks here. This is the flavor of NC. TR has better AA due to lockdown MAX and the Striker (well before this odd change). VS has the Lancers for MAX and HA and in teams its very good as it hit both air and ground and infantry if they dont want to be that effecient, VS MAX infrantry weapons are quite good. TR MAX can spit out more bullets but then you are a sitting target with lockdown.

    Fine, some are stronger than others in some areas, but not overpowered. 3 MAXes from what ever factions will be good at AA. 3 HA from what ever faction will be good at AA.

    So when you play against TR as VS what should you do more or less with? You knew AA was a bit stronger than NC air, so dont get that close and you would be fine. NC against TR then what should you do? TR against VS what should they do etc?

    That is the game its not just "they can do that I cant so please nerf it"
  6. Skraggz

    Why...? Why do you HAVE to hit air 1000m+. Why must you hit vehicles that can't see you? You didn't once provide a reason to justify needing that range other than excuses and one's self issues with missing shots. Even with 450 The striker is the MOST effective AA RL in the game. You are not gonna change my mind, the only thing that outperforms it is landing a Deci.
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  7. LordKrelas

    Then Air could just hide in that, attack, and return to it.
    TR also had the only AA that could reach several hexes... where the Infantry didn't render to the aircraft... and it's the only Free AA, that even could even do anything like this.
    So TR had basically invisible AA Launchers spamming shots hexes away, onto NC & VS Aircraft.
    VS doesn't have weapons that can fire without rendering, nor are they packing the best AV weapons on their basic infantry.
    NC... Phoenix is entirely reliant on spawn-room invulnerability, and is 270 meters, with a missile you can shoot down.
    Max units: NC's is always able to be shot at, if it can fire.

    The Range is similar to every other weapon in it's class.
    The weapon has every perk still over all other AA Launchers, besides the massive range advantage.
    If Aircraft went near TR, TR had basically tons of AA. Galaxies above TR would die to ground fire, unlike above NC & VS.
    Aircraft can determine whom can use vehicles pretty easily - It has murderous firepower.
    VS can't wave away nearly all vehicles, let alone several hexes, for under a squad of Launchers.
    NC isn't warding away ****, let alone over several hexes.

    NC's perk: Reliance on Invulnerability for a Phoenix. In squads, can threaten idle vehicles inside 270 meters.
    VS's perk; Hitscan laser. In entire squads, was formally, a severe danger to vehicles -- was always rendered.
    TR's perk: Best Anti-air launcher, with formally the furthest AA range, and least reaction-time to it. While needing less users. TR also did not render their striker-users at the range they could fire, which was beyond any aircraft's firing-range.

    Engineer AV turrets, had a similar "attack from outside rendering range of themselves"
    They lost this, as being able to attack while literally invisible & invulnerable, by Render distance alone, seemed pretty ****.
    Why does TR need the ability to ward off aircraft for hexes away, when NC & VS can't do this to their 'appropriate Target types'
    TR is AA, NC AI, VS AV -- With only TR able to entirely ward-off their target? For not even a single nanite.

    When you can get a Striker Valk, able to melt tanks, Strikers on the ground able to melt ESF's cheaply..
    And then Lock-down Maxes, firing off a hail of burster rounds.
    You basically eliminate air, with 1 system & then extra AA firepower from Max units
    Mean while, TR Mossies can engage any infantry squad of VS & NC, and wipe them out without the risk of Strikers.
    NC & VS ESFs? They get to engage the longest ranged most effective AA Launcher...
    TR gets to face... Nothing of that severity in the AV or AI department, let alone when out-ranging them hard.
  8. VeryCoolMiller

    liberator weapons hits infatry from more than 400 meters... i don't see why my freaking ****** rocket launcher should not be able to return fire to the freaking liberator...
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  9. strikearrow

    Because you didn't spend nanites. It's pretty simple. Further, a Liberator can't even see infantry at 400m - they are just hitting you based on tracers, spotting by somebody closer to you, or blind luck.

    But the real point is that only 1 faction gets strikers and unless everybody gets it, it's unbalanced.
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  10. adamts01

    Have you actually killed targets you haven't rendered? I often spray known lock-on nests with my Banshee from 300-400 meters and get no hits and no kills, even though I see the shots/missiles coming from that exact area. Sure enough, the get a lock and fire before they even render.

    From my experience, you can't kill what doesn't render.
  11. strikearrow

    Not with a nosegun, but I have with rocket pods.