[BUG] Current population on Connery (so much for forced pop queues)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpeedFreakPS1, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. SpeedFreakPS1

    TR: 41%
    NC: 29%
    VS: 28%
  2. SpeedFreakPS1

    Yeah so as usual I guess the Point and Click Republic's high pop is attributed to cool camos and only want to play TR because my friends play them excuses?
  3. FateJH

    Are the population queues per continent and not server-wide?
  4. Daigons

    Who needs balance? What's wrong with multiple TR zergs, absolute air superiority many ESFs armed with lockons, dozens of locked down Gatekeeper Prowlers pounding of bases from all directions, and a dedicated TR Outfit spam building of unbeatable bases? Your best bet is to just not play during these DBG approved TR zerg fests. But I'm sure there are plenty who jump to their TR alt to ride the easy cert train.
  5. UberNoob1337101

    There are probably 150 or less people on continent, and the queue only kicks in after that. You're completely ignoring that or not showing it for a reason.

    And FFS stop spamming pointless and completely biased threads. Your VS victim complex has reached such a high point where almost everyone is either comparing you to FriendlyPS4 or would highly recommend seeing a doctor.
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  6. Insignus

    At this point, I'm reasonably sure this is FriendlyPS4 having made a new account after getting locked out for such behavior previously. Nothing to do other than report.
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  7. JKomm

    It's not FriendlyPS4, unfortunately SpeedFreakPS1 here is a veteran player, about BR110 on PC... which makes this situation all the more sad, I've faced against him before, he pretty much only plays Heavy Assault or Magrider... the two things he complains about the most on VS, he just wants things buffed so he can feel like he's doing better than average.
  8. Scr1nRusher

    Enough with the ****** threads please.
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  9. ridicOne

    Nothing to say about the LMG's except for what's Anchor's equivalent for Vanu weapons? The BG? So the gun you have to obtain?

    Maggie it Fly's, it climbs, it dodges and to be useful you have to be flanking...
    Or you can snipe or be a brawler. If those where your options what would you use?
  10. Scr1nRusher

    They are more then likely the same person its very possible.
  11. Beerbeerbeer

    Dumbrusher, there's a lot of irony in you telling anyone else "enough with these threads."
  12. JKomm

    Magrider, when paired with Saron, has the HIGHEST DPS on a mobile platform, pair that with the fact it can negate terrain and it's possibly the most powerful tank, it doesn't need a buff, Vanu need to stop being idiots and use it correctly. As for LMGs, Orion doesn't need a buff, it's already the most powerful starter LMG in the game.
  13. SpeedFreakPS1

  14. ridicOne

    The most powerful tank? Really? Wow. They have a super situational tank, that can't do heads up. The Anchor question you didn't even answer. Cuz the Orion doesn't even compete with the Anchor stats.
  15. Scr1nRusher

    The insult level is the same as your intelligence level.

  16. Nogrim313

    this is easily the most ridiculous thing i have heard from some one on these forums to date.
  17. Beerbeerbeer

    Thanks Dumbrusher. Appreciate those kind words.
  18. JKomm

    The fact people think the Magrider is terrible just blows my mind, any competent user of the vehicle knows it's strengths and knows it has many of them. It may not have the highest top speed but it is the fastest because it glides over terrain... where a Prowler and Vanguard have great difficulty moving... in fact our tanks are extremely nerfed in comparison to reality so that the Magrider can have it's purpose in the game. Vanu have no definitive traits to their faction and so they feel entitled to the most unique and versatile arsenal in the game, to which the other factions cannot replicate the mechanics of. They also claim these mechanics serve no real purpose but if you tried to take them away they will retaliate in force.

    It boggles my mind that people think Vanu is underpowered in this game when they have quite possibly the best arsenal in it... what do they have? The lowest recoil, the best accuracy, no bullet drop, heat mechanics, the shortest reloads, the highest velocity AV, and the greatest mobility on vehicles... what is their downside? Lower velocity on weapons, which arguably doesn't matter in the game at most engagement ranges. For some reason Vanu want MORE unique traits, and MORE powerful weapons. NC and TR don't get no bullet drop, we don't get instant travel AV, we don't get heat mechanics, we don't get short reloads, or low recoil. Vanu is the EASIEST faction in the game and somehow it's still too hard for some players, these threads are absurd and they ARE spam at this point and need to be reported regardless.
  19. SwornJupiter

  20. Scr1nRusher