Current Indar VS warpgate...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lukor, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. LoveJuices

    I like it.

    Easy to dodge lock-on monkeys and fly through the rocks is like being in the trench run to destroy the Death Star constantly.
  2. JudgeDeath

    The key feature of around current VS gate is the canyons forming attack pipes that eat up alot of manpower very effectively as you dont have the easy movement option. Its very linear in offense and defence.

    Only problem idd is the zurvan being right on the border of Crown instead of having a buffer zone like on the westside biolab. If there was a buffer zone in between, there wouldnt be much to complain.

    Terrain is different around the continent and thats a plus not a negative.
  3. pucwyczes

    hahah vanu cry about warpgate, epic!
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  4. JudgeDeath

    Now imagine having the worst face to face corridor fighting tanks ^^

    ... Oh wait :D
  5. VSMars

    Actually ... So far, every single time we attacked Crossroads on Miller while I was there, it was like "What the ... That was it? Were are the defenders? Guys, guys ... stop the Mags, we need to wait a few minutes for the territory to cap before you roll on to TI Alloys/Snake Ravine/Xeno Tech Labs."

    I also rather like the canyons. Too bad I don't see much of it, unless NC takes Zurvan and Rashnu and we need to push them out again.
  6. maxkeiser

    Have you even read the thread? Most vanu are enjoying the change!
  7. Linedan

    You live in a different world, my friend. On Mattherson we NC usually had a devil of a time trying to take Crossroads. I've lost count of how many times massive armor zergs would roll in up the hill from the south and get completely stalled at that left-hand bend in the road just south of the facility. The tower guns and tanks would stop the assault, heavies would be up on the hills on the right, and infantry and armor (mainly VS Magriders) would come down that little notch behind the hill to the left and flank that area, which is where the Sunderers usually set up to be covered from the tower's fire.

    The VS in particular would defend Crossroads ferociously every time and held it very well, sometimes even against the TR and NC hitting it full force simultaneously (no truce, we'd be shooting each other out of the way to try and get to the points). That place was a meatgrinder for us unless we could flank it somehow, and getting a zerg to flank something implies that the zerg has a brain.
  8. NickelToe

    Thanks for acknowledging the crap location op. I hope they do something about warpgates too.
  9. Agent 47

    I like it too. To be honest, we don't get to rocket-spam on the crown anymore but hey, we are still covering a good ratio of indar despite our population.
  10. NDroid

    It's what happens after Crossroads that's the hard part- a few deployed AP-AP Prowlers in Snake Ravine make everything past in a no go zone for any ground vehicle. The TR sure are enjoying it while it lasts ;)
    Personally, I never liked that WG in beta. It's not bad for flying but not very suitable for MAGs, even less so now that we can't even climb the moderate inclines. Once that fix comes out it should get better.
  11. RF404

    One of the changes I'd like to see to the SE warpgate is that the entire floor of that basin that it is situated in gets raised up, so that it is level with the ridges that are surrounding it. That way it would get harder to lock down the warpgate since the attackers, instead of the defenders, would be the ones who were fighting an uphill battle.
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  12. Azzer

    How much all the maps CLEARLY changed in terms of faction ownership/domination, from the simple act of warpgate rotation, on the majority of servers, just shows how dramatically imbalanced the warpgate locations are.

    TR had a huge advantage on Indar. VS had a huge advantage on Esamir. I can't work out if TR or VS had more of an advantage on Amerish. NC had the worse locations on all three continents. The rotation has changed this completely.

    Sony probably never even gave it a thought at first - but clearly, starting locations in each continent really *DO* have an impact, and I think this warpgate rotation should be considered nothing more than an experiment to discover this fact "for sure", and a temporary stop-gap measure while they actually balance things.

    I would much rather have STATIC - permanent warpgate locations (so each faction actually gets a sense of "home turf" permanently), but have the maps balanced... than keep warpgate rotation (which removes that sense of faction homeland).
  13. TintaBux

    Preferred the old warpgate for NC on indar as do most of outfit on there, it's easier to access stuff in planes/tanks etc, plenty of cover to move out. It's not that bad, NC just learned how to use it. I still when playing VS have a success going out from the warpgate, but allot of VS seem a bit lost and confused with the change so makes it harder.
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  14. Backf1re

    NC had to put up with that warp gate for 2 months, now all of a sudden because Vanu are there is everyone talking about how rubbish it is. Get a grip guys... learn to play and adapt!
  15. maxkeiser

    READ THE THREAD. Majority of Vanu on this thread have stated they like and enjoy the new WG. I do, for one. It's great fun.
  16. TeknoBug

    How is it the worst, VS on Matherson still manages to control most of the continent, meanwhile at the NC gate they have LOTS of open flat land to leave the WG yet gets pushed back constantly.
  17. TintaBux

    Because it all depends on team work and amount of good players for each empire working together, that vaeries from server to server, the old NC warp-gate is a great place for easy access with allot of cover. It's not as bad as people make out.
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  18. D-Spirith

    Yeah... Thats going to b a bit messy for Vanu with their Mags in canyons, there are just a few small spots to roll the Mag on the top.
    Cant wait to play the game with the new changes.
  19. TheEvilBlight

    I think we need to work on using the southern outposts as an avenue of direct attack towards Regent Rock and Peris. North is still the most open and will give whoever has the manpower to control it the most bases.
  20. Piepants

    I don't know when you play but I haven't seen anything like that on Matherson, and I play both VS and NC there. Heck yesterday VS was warpgated on Indar for a lot of the night by TR loading up anti-air on top of the canyons around the WG.

    No, the truth is that warpgate sucks and the NC on Matherson have been doing very well on Indar now that they don't have it (I think VS will do better with the north WG, but we'll see). Yes it is fun to pilot there, but every ground assault has to slog through all kinds of irritating uphill defensible territory. Even without resistance it's a pain to drive planetside tanks up those hills since they have the torque of a fat kid pedaling the highest gear on a 10 speed bicycle.