Current Indar VS warpgate...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lukor, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Lukor the worst warpgate of all time. Kudos to the NC for tolerating this clusterf&ck for so long, you guys deserve the former Tr starting spot (and the mandatory 50%+ territory that comes with it) for a while.
    Also, how about we fix the warp gate locations instead of merely rotating them? Indar has become my least favorite map lol.
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  2. Bill Hicks

    welcome to 2 months
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  3. Vindrel

    Honestly they need to move the canyons more towards the center so they're not obstructing a warp gate. Personally when flying I loved the canyons and it was the most fun you can have as a pilot, however; it is a really poor strategic area. I'd like it if they kept the canyons, but if they put them in a more neutral area.
  4. exLupo

    They could also do well by either adding a deathtrap hex to the SE gate or removing Arc Bio and NS Whatever from the other two.
  5. maxkeiser

    I'm quite enjoying it. The canyons get good fighting and on Woodman VS still hold Indar despite the best efforts of NC/TR. The canyons lead to lots of last ditch battles and are easier to defend en-masse.
  6. Xasapis

    That amp station is too close to the crown, otherwise it's mostly identical to the SW side. Well, not identical, they'd need to put a tech plant in the E corner and the amp station where the tech plant is currently is
  7. Vindrel

    The amp station is just a mess and can be easily attacked from anywhere with very little effort.
    Also SW doesn't have canyons that funnel everything into death traps.
  8. Zitroxious

    i like the change of scenery, might strategically be the worst gate, but nc had it for months so dont see much wrong with it..
  9. Ryko Nailo

    I love the canyons and personally I think when our Magriders get fixed into being the mountain goats they were then more Vanu will like it too. Granted there might be a rather large number of deaths from flipped tanks as they try to magburner over the canyons.
  10. Vreki

    Good idea, let us talk about it after Barneys and Elmos have suffered there a couple of months each.
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  11. Xasapis

    Well, imagine if you'd swap that amp station with a bio lab ;)

    Tbh its a lot more fun, you don't need to chase people around for a fight, the come to your doorstep.

    Counter productive of course if you actually want to cap the continent, more fun nevertheless.
  12. KAHR-Alpha

    Fun fact, on Ceres the NC population has increased while the VS population has decreased since WP rotation.

    Anyway, I don't really see how they could "fix" the warpgate without completely changing the map.
  13. Stew360

    Enjoy your stay and say thanks to malhorn and his brillant techplant idea ;)

    you also forget that you have the worst techplant placement rigth into the ennemys path

    anyway VS magriders abusers deserves this position :D
  14. Vreki

    Actually I am fan of the idea about rotating warpgates after each continent lock, maybe even reset the map at the same.
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  15. Xasapis

    It's a rotation, don't worry, soon you'll get the former VS spot.

    The tech plant is in the same spot the Peris amp station is. Before they nerfed tech plants, it was a lot easier to defend. It's not in the way of the enemy, they need to dig rather deep into the SE to get it.

    What is badly positioned on that map is the Zurvan amp station. I don't know if they put it there as an easy stage area for attacks towards the crown, but considering how much of a joke amp stations are to cap, it works in reverse and is actually a hindrance. The mirror base SE is the Allatum bio lab. There are areas that need to be capped before reaching the bio lab (unlike the SW part) and the bio lab itself is a base that is more defensible than the Crown.

    I agree that they should reset all continents with each rotation. VS on Miller still hold Indar, but I have a feeling the map would still be contested if SOE resetted the continents.
  16. SKYHEX

    I loved our WG position in beta and I love it now as well. NC might think they have the advantage but if you see a sunderer trodding its way from the north portion while you are in a liberator >>>> proceed to teeeheee manicaly >>>> unload your sweet tankbuster into its *** and watch the 'QQ NC UP!'

    Also as I said some time before, if a Reaver follows you into the SW canyon crevices, you will hear a sweet BOOM from behind you as he does not fit into them while you DO.

    I fought at Tawrich daily, so defending that is no news to me. As for Zurvan... yeah, Zurvan is about the only **** base at the SW.

    Also, Stew, my little goblin, you think that I will not be shooting your assses with my Mag from the mesa tops once they fix the hill climbing? Think again!
  17. Linedan

    Welcome to Suck Canyon, population: you.

    If people actually defended bases and set up strong defenses in those natural chokepoints ahead of time, the fights at the canyon bases might not be that bad. (I got a lot of tank mine kills on those roads...if they had given AT mines medals, I'd at least have a silver, maybe a gold by now.) Problem is, with that high ground on the sides being accessible from the north and not so much from the south? Any attempt to stop a downhill attack, assuming the attackers have a brain cell between them, just gets chewed up by heavies and tanks up on the bluffs, snipers, and LAs who jetpack down and flank around the defensive lines. You guys might be able to push back a little better because you have more air (our Reaver numbers have only started to pick back up recently) but it's still a tough slog.

    It's not just that you're at the bottom of a hill too. Look at the way the two most popular paths out are laid out, the two northwest ones. Arroyo Torre's tower guns have a huge field of fire down the road toward Copper Ravine and can slow up an assault. Feldspar Canyon is very defensible from the southeast, and even the two bases nearest the WG (Copper Ravine and Old Auraxium Mines) are probably more defensible from the northwest than they are from the WG side. It gets easier once you push past Feldspar Canyon and Arroyo Torre, but eventually, if you're heading Crown-ward, you'll hit Crossroads Watchtower, and I probably don't need to tell any VS how defensible that place is for an attack coming up that south road, because y'all got to do it for a couple months.

    And that's not even considering the placement of Tawrich right in the path of any zerg coming to say hi. And, Zurvan being part of the Greater Crown Metropolitan Statistical Area, which means that it's almost always going to be under attack.

    It's a pretty significant disadvantage having that warpgate, especially on the only continent (on my server anyway) that ever has anywhere near full or balanced population. I find it interesting that over the past couple days, Indar VS numbers on Mattherson have dropped into the high 20s in late primetime, like 10 pm EST and beyond...that tells me there's a lot of VS that would rather cap a near-empty Amerish or Esamir than deal with banging their heads against the brick walls leading out of the southeast warpgate.
  18. phreec

    It's fun being stuck in death valley eh? Now imagine if your tanks didn't even hover in those chokepoints. :rolleyes:
  19. SolidSnake

    Lawl I can just see the Magrider zerg pouring out of that WG, then hitting the narrow roads... haha. "Hey move it up there! keep moving forward!"
  20. Xasapis

    You don't need to imagine, they don't (still waiting for the bug fix) (or maybe it's a data collection time masked as a search for the bug time).

    The SW is certainly fun to play, but that's on a server where Indar VS was and still is maxed out (despite losing a % of population overall). In contrast NC had abandoned Indar for a long time and preferred Esamir. Amerish seem relatively easy to cap with this warpgate rotation.

    They annihilator spam killed vehicle combat pretty much. Less and less people bother pulling vehicles when they know they will never engage in vehicle combat and just die from beyond the visible range.