Crosshair Overlay allowed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DangerMeat, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. DangerMeat

    Yes, that ringing endorsement which I'm sure a lot of thought and consideration went to...
    "Overlays which do not modify the client should be fine."

    Again, I presented more information and am awaiting a reply.
  2. Shanther

    You have a dev telling you, twice no less, that crosshair overlays are expressly allowed. You just refuse to accept that fact. I am done with you. Time to wait for this thread to get closed.
  3. JohnGalt36

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  4. PetriLaiho

    Now that this has all been settled, don't touch me with your danger meat again.

    Bad touch.
  5. 0fly0

    I hope they are going to add it to the game for everyone, it's sad if we have the right to have it and some people don't use it.
    I clearly give you a nice advantage in cqc, it's like playing counter strike.
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  6. DangerMeat

    That would be nice. If they're going to condone it, might as well include it to level playing field.
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  7. Alan Kalane

    You could easily make one yourself, such a simple thing doesn't even require any coding at all. All you need is Microsoft Visual Studio(you can get a 30 days trial version) and paint and basic knowledge of both programs. Then after you finished creating your overlay you have to download AlwaysOnTop script from the internet and run your PS2 in fullscreen windowed mode. Voila! You've got your screen overlay.

    Alternatively I'm pretty sure you can find tons of different overlays on the internet
  8. DangerMeat

    Oh I know that I *CAN* add them easily enough. I can also add a netlimiter like I'm sure many do.

    My principles of play dictate that I DON't because that is not how the game was meant to be played and it would give me what I consider to be an advantage over others. Every kill I got thenceforward would lack any satisfaction because inside I would know that it could be due to this thing I did outside the scope of intended gameplay. Whatever I do in game must be within the scope of my personal skill and the intended gameplay. Anything outside of that makes playing the game pointless.
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  9. Shanther

    Next you are going to tell me I am cheating because I use .ini tweaks to change the color of my reticule to purple instead of yellow.
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  10. Archiadus

    Switched to pink a few days ago, it´s awesome. :)

    Also hated myself for not realizing that I could´ve done that a looooooooong time ago.
  11. Taemien

    This is how I want you to play because it is only fair, due to quite a decent number of players lacking access:

    1. 15' Monitor played at 800x600. Can't have you seeing more than the lowest PC spec capable of running the game.
    2. 2 button mouse without a scrollwheel. Not everyone has access to a fully functional mouse. Such as laptop users missing a mouse.
    3. Play at the lowest settings with all advanced features turned off. Can't have you seeing more than the people listed in point #1.
    4. Keyboard must be a standard QWERTY keyboard with no advanced features, not even volume control. Can't have you using on the fly volume control.
    5. No mic and no headset. Not everyone has this. Use standard stereo speakers. Can't use 5.1 as not everyone has that.
    6. Your computer chair needs to be a stool that is roughly between 18" to 24" tall. No back, and no wheels.

    Sound ridiculous? Of course it does. Because it is. Just like you telling others not to use overlays.

    Because lets face it. Volume controls, Sitting Posture, Multi-Button Mice, Scrolling Mice, Advanced Keyboard, Headsets with Mics, 5.1 Surround Sound, Larger Monitors, Better Resolutions, and a Myriad of other things confer advantages over those who lack them. And this is before we start getting into physical disabilities that players might have such as color blindness, missing limbs, psychosis, and so on, versus those who don't.

    Where do you draw the line? The answer is, -You- DON'T. Daybreak does, with their standards and their rules.

    And you want to know something Ironic? I don't even use Crosshair Overlays myself. I personally don't see the use in them myself. But I don't judge other's on what tools they wish to use as long as the tool is fair play. Which in this case, it is.
  12. customer548

    Game has been designed in a way where hipfiring and Emps nades nullify players' crosshair.

    Loosing his crosshair is a Debuff. Debuffs are in all games. Debuffs makes the player WEACKER than his opponents who do not have to deal with any Debuff.

    Using any overlay providing a constant crosshair is a way to BYPASS this kind of Debuffs. A way to BYPASS some of the game rules.

    There's no need to even discuss about it.

    I don't even know why some people started to argue about Mumble, TS, mouses with 150 buttons, and even damn stools. Do any of those make a user able to ignore this game's rules ? Not at all.

    Players base use the game as it is. No addon, no overlay providing any statistics or any kind of additional informations. Of course that a guy using a crosshair overlay will benefit from an unfair advantage.

    Some people enjoy the fact of using unfair advantages while playing games. Those often have hard times when having to face it. They'll argue to death that everything is allright.Then they'll even argue like "it's not even a thing", as we could see it in this thread. If it's not even a thing, why do you use it and argue to death since days ?

    Overwolf reticule makes your crosshair way more visible than the game ones. You keep it even if the game made disappear the original one. It helps you to kill the opponents. It will not make a bad player becoming a pro gamer. But it'll help people in some cases. You'll get more kills than if you had not using it. Not a lot, but a small amount of kills. Aren't competition related activities based on quantity, even small ones ? They do. You know it and that's why you spent time to download, install, customize your overlay and spent hours on this thread.

    Devs seemed to say OK to overlays. As far as i remember, Devs took several other decisions then changed their mind after several days or longer times. If crosshair overlays were so "OK", i don't really understand why they would have bothered with developping hipfiring and EMP nades crosshair Debuff.

    I'll end with a quote from a Recursion Stat Tracker Dev Team guy. In a thread requesting crosshair overlay for Recusion, the guy answered: "Our response has always been, that if DGC had wanted something so trivial added to the game, they would have done so."
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  13. Taemien

    You need a crosshair to hipfire? I don't even need one in RL. With rifle, machine gun, pistol.. hell even archery I can hit a man sized target out to 25m with both eyes open and not having to bring the string to my face. Pointing and clicking with a mouse is way way easier.

    Lets see you prove it. Dangermeat was unable to do it. I'll wager he didn't even make the reports he claimed he did. And you know what? You won't either. Which means you don't even believe the text you just typed.

    So why not scoot along now. Unless you have the gall to back up your argument with action. Hit report on those who claim to use them. See if they get warned, suspended, or banned. I'll wager they won't. Its been a week since my challenge went out.

    Sorry to say, but I think that's proof enough that Daybreak feels that its fine.
  14. customer548

    Darth Vader destroyed Alderaan while using Death Star's laser at longer range than your bow's range. You're just a noob lol.

    See, i can also produce dumb and unrelated comments as you do. It's an easy and fast way to distract your contradictor, but it's also badly obvious and a stupid way of acting.

    Proving what ? I proved all that I had to prove in my previous comment. You should read.
    If you did, trying to ask for answers than has been given previously and asking for the same question again and again is just pointless.

    Reporting people...Did I pretend that I would ? I didn't. If people like you cannot be competitive enough when using the game's default settings, that's not my own problem. It's yours.
    If you need to BYPASS some of the game's occurences in order to be competitive, that's your problem and choice. Not mine.
    If you need an extra help provided by a third party program in order to be competitive, that's your own problem and choices. Not mine. I never had to use one of them.
    If you never used any Overlay crosshair as you pretend ( I don't trust that ), you're just clueless about what you're debating. And you're making people loose their time.

    My previous post wasn't related with the fact of reporting players using overlay crosshairs or contesting any Dev decision.
    The goal of my previous post was to clarify the fact that some of you pretend that overlay crosshairs are "Not even a thing", that they don't help in any case. That just a wrong information, lies, whatever you may choose to call it. Just face it.
    Those forums are up in order to help people to find real informations about the game.

    And please don't bring me your wood stuff questions again. Stools, bows and archery are useful in some cases for sure ( Oh, wait... ), but are totally unrelated to the subject of this thread. :)
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  15. breeje

    i have been reading up on this tread skipping large parts cause it's so big
    so forgive me if i type something that was already posted

    if it's allowed why don't DBG makes a formal post about it
    or even better make an ingame crosshair overlay to equal gameplay
    maybe posting the allowed overlay software?

    i could not help myself to try out an overlay and it definitely improves my gameplay
    it would only be fair if everybody could access this software/crosshair
    DBG better makes a formal stand on this
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  16. Taemien

    That you have conviction and believe in what you say. You see when someone doesn't even believe in their own argument, it means that argument holds no wait.

    Here's my argument since you have an issue understanding it:

    Daybreak makes the rules. Overlays are within the rules. Overlays are legit.

    No one, not you, and not Dangermeat have been able to prove otherwise. And being that the title of the thread is "Crosshair Overlay Allowed" that is the only point anyone should be concerned with.

    However I've given both of you a means of proving the point. Report those that use it in this thread. If they get warned, suspended, or banned. Your points are proven, you will be right. No not do this, or if the powers that be take no action, then you are wrong.

    Its really simple. No need to twist words, no need to try and convince others to your cause. No need to use venomous language and tone with those who disagree. Either prove yourself right, or don't.

    And here's my stance. I don't use Overlays at all. I use the Recursion Stat tracker on occassion. But I don't use things for a Crosshair. I don't need them. But what I use or don't use isn't on trial here. Its the discussion about whether they are legit or not. Having no stake, other than wishing for the truth to be evident, I suggest a means of a test to see if the Overlay is against the rules.

    Instead I get personal attacks, venomous language, and a run around of excuses. Either give me the proof I requested, or don't and let everyone see where the argument really lies. This has been what everyone has waited for, for over a week now. So if you don't wish for the side using these to come out of this argument as the 'victor' I suggest you take some sort of action. Otherwise all will see that your side is wrong.

    The time of talk ended a week ago. Its time for action.
  17. DangerMeat

    Although the thread topic is "are they allowed?", another topic has been spawned while we wait for an answer from a dev that may or may not be forthcoming:
    Do they give advantage?

    The answer is yes.

    Therefore I have two lines of communication that I opened with DEVs on the matter. Not sure what else I can do.
  18. Skooma Lord

    I would prefer that they banned the use of cross-hair overlays, but as people stated before it would be impossible to detect them and people could just put something on the screen itself.
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  19. Shanther

    The Devs have given you an answer, twice actually. The difference here is you want them to give you a different answer.
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  20. customer548

    Again, you should read. You didn't understand my previous posts. If you did, you oviously didn't quote the right people.
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